Chapter 7

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Cato POV:

"So we have your results. Pretty good news. There isn't anything major wrong. The bone alignment in your cervical lumbar and your upper back, more in your shoulders, is slightly off, but nothing major at all. There really isn't much we can do to fix that. There shouldn't really be much pain; there will be now though. If there is any pain after two weeks. Come back in and let me know. I want you to come in once a week so I can check out your head. I think you're ok to go home either today or tomorrow. It's up to your parents when you go home. I wrote you a note to get you out of your classes. But if your teachers want to assign you homework, they are allowed to. For football, definitely is a no for now. Maybe towards the end of your season. I don't know though. I'll leave you guys to talk. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley, you two can pay at the front desk and schedule an appointment for next week. It was great meeting you all," Dr. Snider says leaving the room.

"That's great news, huh?" My mom says. I nod. "We'll go make your appointment for next week. Actually your dad will go look for Cali. You can just wait here for a few minutes." My mom and dad both leave the room.

Someone knocks on the door. I look and see it's Clove. What the hell is she doing here? "It's good to see you too."

"Did I say that out loud?" she nods. "Sorry. But I honestly didn't expect you to come back. Why are here?"

"I needed someone to rant to," she says. "I can't rant to Glimmer because she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now and same for Marvel. And before you ask what about, it's about our friends. Katniss and Peeta are having a baby, Finnick and Annie are getting married, and Marvel is blaming me for him and Glimmer breaking up! All of our friends seem to hate me! Everyone else's lives are moving so much faster and in love. I can't even get a boyfriend." She sits down on my bed.

"Wait, what? Everlark's having a baby and Fannie's getting married?" I ask. She looks at me confused. "Ship names." She looks less confused. "And you can get a boyfriend. I'm single, you're single."

"Sure. We get back together, nothing changes. None of our friends like me anymore, I don't think any of them like you anymore. So what are we gonna do? It's gonna be kinda hard to make new friends right now. We f**king live with them and they come over all the time," she says.

"Clove, I think you're just really upset right now because you're jealous and-" I say before I'm interrupted.

"Jealous? I'm not jealous. I'm f**king pissed. Johanna attacked me this morning and now I have to live with her for the rest of the year," Clove says. "I can't do that. This school year has sucked almost as much as last year!" Tears fill her eyes. Dear God, why is she so emotional? All she seems to do now is cry.

"Don't cry," I say. I'm not sure if I mean it in a nice way or a stern way.

"I don't want to cry!" she says. "I used to never cry. Now it's all that I seem to do!"

"Come here," I say. She comes over to me and cries in my arms. "How did we manage do this?"

"Do what?" she asks.

"Go from the top to the bottom," I say. Clove, Glimmer, and I used to be the center of our group. Then something changed and Finnick, Annie, and Johanna were the center of the group. That's why before Marvel came my closest friend was Gale. Even then we weren't that close. Now he won't even talk to me. "This just sucks."

Someone knocks on the door. I see it's my mom. "Hey, so I made your appointment. Hey, Clove." My mom looks at Clove. "Sweetheart, why are you crying?"

"Oh, nothing," Clove says wiping her eyes. "I'll leave you two to talk."

"Oh, no. It's fine, you can stay. I'm gonna go see if your father and Cali have left the cafeteria," my mom says.

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