•Chapter 1•

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~Amelia, age 18~
"I'll miss you! Be careful out there okay?!" My mom blubbered and I rolled my eyes "mom I'll be perfectly fine I promise!" I told her and she sniffles. "Okay! Promise to call, video chat, and you better visit do you understand me?" She glared and I chuckled. "Yes I do!" I laughed and she pulled me into one last bone crushing hug before I moved on to my brothers and sister.

"Alright bozos, bring it in!" I spoke with a grin before spreading my arms out and having them run into me. I then took my time to say goodbye to each of them individually.

First my 14 year old brother Ashton. "Come here loser" I smiled and pulled him into my arms causing him to roll his eyes "I'll miss you Mel's" he admitted and I grinned. "I'll miss you too, make sure to punch Danny a bunch for me yeah?" He smiled and nodded happily. I kissed his cheek before walking over to my 16 year old brother Danny.

"Look at you all grown up and moving out!" He teased and I rolled my eyes before dragging him into my arms. "Take care of them Danny boy, I'll miss you" I mumbled into his shoulder. Although I'm older, he literally towers over me. "I will, I'll miss you too Amelia" he sighed and I pulled away while he kissed my cheek. I then started heading over to my 9 year old sister Kasey.

"Don't leave me Mel-Mel!" She whined and I pouted before lifting her up and kissing her cheek. "I'll visit you and you can take mamas phone any time you want to call me okay?" She nodded and shoved her head into my neck. "Love you sissy" she mumbled and I kissed her once more before smiling "I love you too". I set her down and waved them goodbye and blew one last kiss before hearing the announcement.

"Flight 234 to England is now boarding"

My new life began

~6 M O N T H S L A T E R~

I looked through my binders and folders for the essay I wrote for English as I exited the coffee shop. I rammed into someone and papers flew everywhere. "Aw man!" I groaned and looked to see a blonde staring with the look of worry in her eyes. "I am so sorry!" She apologized, hey she's American! I smiled as she squatted down to help. I smirked when I found my paper with a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I found what I was looking for" I told her with a laugh and she handed me the papers she picked up. "Please let me buy you coffee, lunch, or anything? I got coffee on your sweater and your papers are all unorganized!" She ranted and I shook my head "don't worry about it, you're fine".

"No I insist! Take my number and call me got it! I shall take you to lunch!" She screeched and I laughed before sliding her number into my pocket. She stuck her hand out "I'm Samantha" she introduced and I firmly grasped her hand "Amelia".

She grinned "well Amelia, I plan on becoming your absolute bestest friend!"

And she did.

-2 Y E A R S L A T E R-

"Lia! I'm leaving for work!" I heard that high pitched voice of a certain blonde before the door was opened and shut. I groaned and sat up, why does she always do that? It's my day off for crying out loud! Don't wake me up at 7:30 am just to say you're leaving!

Now I can't go back to sleep, thanks Sam. Great now I'm talking to myself.

Ever since that day we rammed into each other we've become inseparable and after we became best friends, we became room mates. Now we both work at a coffee shop couple blocks down the road from this lovely apartment.

I make my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth and all that bathroom stuff before walking out into the living room to switch on the TV.

"Taylor Swift disses, One Direction's Harry Sty-"

"Blah blah blah" I mumble and change the channel and smile when I see re-runs of Teen Wolf. I make my way towards the kitchen to make my morning coffee, deciding to just enjoy this wonderful day off by relaxing and maybe taking a nap later on.


Knock knock!
I shoot up and groan before taking a look around. I saw it got dark and that an old episode of Jersey Shore was on. I checked my phone to see it was now 8:12 pm and I had a message from Sam saying she's spending the night at Jeremy's.

I sighed before standing up and dragging my feet across the wooden floor and swinging the door open. I scrunched my eyebrows to see no one there before I heard gurgling noises.

I looked down and gasped when I saw a child wrapped in a blanket and laid into a basket with nothing but a folded piece of paper.

To whom it may concern:
I couldn't do it anymore, I'm too young to have a baby.
I thought I could do it and I just can't! Her name is Aliza and she's 4 months old. Birthday: February 14
I'm sorry.

And that's when my entire life journey began because as they say, life is full of surprises and mine?...well mine was just getting warmed up.

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