•Chapter 22•

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Amelia has a daughter?!

One direction and Amelia! More than friends?

Woah there! Amelia and her adorable little family spotted!

"Well isn't this great?! Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse!" I groan and March myself upstairs. This is too much.

We all glanced at each other and I couldn't help but ball my fists when Josh was the one to run after her. I tried to shake the thought away when Aliza climbed up onto my lap. "My mommy sad?" She asked and I sighed "she's a bit upset but she will be okay" I smile.

She climbed down and waddled her way back to Lilly to play with their toys. "What are we gonna do?" Niall asked causing us all to shrug "we can't lie...it'll be to obvious" Liam explained. "Well then we'll leave the fact that she has a daughter, the whole family thing just needs to go because we've brought enough attention onto enough people" I explain. Louis smirked "are you sure that's it or you just want Josh out of the picture?" I rolled my eyes "I'm sure".

No I wasn't.

"Sure mate. But yeah, we'll clear the news on the radio interview because we all know for sure that's going to be the first question" he chuckled. We all nodded and ignored the millions of texts we were receiving from management. It was our day off, they can wait another day or two.

My door creaked open and although I love Josh to death, I was really hoping to see those wonderful green eyes. "Oh don't look too happy to see me" he playfully rolls his eyes "you know I love you" I chuckle. "Yeah but I wasn't who you were expecting" he smirks and I look down in my lap "I can go get him! I think he hates me enough".

"What? No you're awesome how can he hate you?" I ask "ha! I knew you were expecting him! And because we're close, he thinks we have a thing. Trust me, I'm a guy, he's jealous". I couldn't help but laugh "he is not" "yes he is! You should probably mention my girlfriend sometime soon so he doesn't try to kill me". I roll my eyes "ugh I don't like your girlfriend, which is why I never bring her up!" I state like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Because it was.

"Yeah I've heard it a million times Mel" he sighs "but! I tolerate her because of you so feel special" I smile and pinch his cheek. "Whatever, let's go before Harry really plots his murder" he jokes and I roll my eyes before following my best friend downstairs.

I return to my seat beside Harry and let out a huff "sorry...it's all just new to me and overwhelming" I tell them. "Don't worry, we're going to clear it up on our radio interview this Saturday" Zayn smiled. "You aren't going to say Aliza is my sister or anything right? I mean I would never un-claim her for publicity" I asked.

Harry chuckled and shook his head "course not love, we're going to clear up the whole family thing and all that". I nod my head with a laugh "yeah because who wants to repopulate with that" I joke and point to Josh. "I'll have you know that Cass and I a-" "I would like my virgin ears to stay virgin and not talk about yours and the Devils spawns sex life please".

I felt Harry's muscles beside me relax and Josh sent me a hidden smirk before glaring at me. "Don't talk about her like that Mel!" He whined and I shrugged "well don't talk about her at all Josh!" He sent me one last glare before the boys started laughing. "Mommy what's sex?" Aliza piped causing the boys laughter to grow and Josh to smirk.

"Yeah mommy what is sex?" He mocked and crossed his arms. "Sex is a word you're never going to repeat until you are a grown up" I explain and she nods. "Promise?" I ask and she nods "I promise!" With that she was focused on her best friend and toys.

"Nice save" Niall laughed and I shrug "thanks, been prepared for that question since she could talk". Just then the girls walked through the front door with bags in their hands. "Paps everywhere!" Kat whined and dropped her bags to the ground. "We drove the car around for two hours trying to lose some! They will literally do anything!" Sam explained. "Yeah, wait until you see the recent news" I chuckled and leaned against Harry.

"Oh great what's happened now?" She groaned and pulled her phone out. Her and Kat carried the things upstairs and never came back down. I'm pretty sure they're gossiping about everything while fan girling each other's clothes. "Why didn't you go with them?" Harry asked me "because I don't like attention, I don't like shopping, I don't like people and I don't like walking". They all burst into laughter "how are you even friends with Sam?" Josh chuckled "I have no idea".

"What should I make for dinner tonight?" I asked as I checked the time. I just remembered that Josh's parents are coming over and I need to cook for more people. "Gumbo!" Josh immediately answered and I gasped "yeah! I haven't made that in a while". I looked at the boys "you guys are staying for dinner" I laughed and they shook their heads "no, that's a lot of people a-".

"It wasn't a question. I want you guys here and you guys can even help me! Please? I need the help" I beg. They all glance at each other before looking at me and I shoot them the puppy eyes. "Alright fine!" Liam huffed and I cheered "yes!" "You just always have your way" Niall sighed. "Sometimes" I shrug and smirk at Harry who chuckles to himself. It soon got quiet and the boys were drawn into their own conversations while I took a look at Harry's hands. I pulled one hand into my lap and studied it. His rings and his cross tattoo were traced by my fingers and I couldn't help but laugh at the size difference.

"Your hands are ginormous!"

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