•Chapter 20•

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I couldn't help but admire Harry focused features as he tried to think of a question to ask me. "How personal are we talking?" He finally asks and I smile "um...we'll start easy before working our way up. I wanna know you better". He nods and I run my hand through his hair again causing him to flutter his eyes close. "Okay, what was high school like for you?" He finally asked before looking up at with me with a smile.

I sigh "high school..." I mumble with a grin "I actually liked high school...I always got good grades and was well known, not like queen bee but I played sports and stuff like that". He pouted "you're boring" he grumbled and I rolled my eyes "okay my turn, what's your sister like?" I smile. He chuckled and adjusted himself to where he was looking up at the ceiling.

"Gemma and I never got along as kids and it's probably because we were so different. I was all about music and she was all about having fun because she was older. Now we can never get enough of each other and of course we bicker but other then that, we're always happy together". I couldn't help but admire the peaceful face he held as he talked about his sister. He was such a warm person and I was glad that we can be this way with each other. My feelings towards him seemed to grow...and I didn't know how I felt about that.

"Why did you move here?" He asked, interrupting my thoughts. I cleared my throat "well I told you before I came here for school and when I finished, something told me to stay...its quite cheesy but that's really all I've got" I chuckle. He smiles and nods "okay, how do you deal with all this attention? The work and the albums?" I ask.

"Oh boy" he sighs and let's a small laugh escape his lips. "Well I don't really know, there were a few times where I've snapped but then I hit the stage and it's all gone...I'm up there singing and doing what I love in front of the people who have been there for us from the start. The fans are incredible and we wouldn't be here, successful and changing lives without them" he explains with the biggest grin on his face. I smiled and ran my fingers again "they help you through it" I tell him and he nods "yes they do".

"Okay...I'm about to get personal are you ready?" He asks as his emerald eyes catch my brown ones. I nod "go ahead" I smile and he sighs "why did you adopt Aliza at a young age?" He asks. My breath hitched, I haven't told the story since Sam.

"Do you want me to ask a different question love?" He asked and I shook my head "no I can do it" I tell him with a reassuring smile. He nods and focuses on me.

"Well I wasn't going to at first until I really looked at her...her big brown eyes just stared at me and something pulled me towards her. Someone left her at my door and that was that, that feeling of abandonment is something nobody wants to feel. So when you combine the connection we have with the same feeling of being left all together, I knew I wanted her." He watched me the entire time and didn't say a word, only listened.

"Who left you?" He whispered and I looked at him with a small smile. "My dad" I answer. "I'm so sorry" he mumbled and I shook my head "don't be" I smile. He sits up and pulls me into his embrace, kissing my forehead causing me to smile and blush. "I thought we were trying to cheer you up!" I whine and pull away to look at him.

"Don't worry, that problem is solved" he grins and I roll my eyes "you're evil". He shrugs "sometimes" I couldn't help but laugh softly and cross my legs. "Listen Amelia...can I ask you something?" He asks as he rubs his hands together nervously. I smile and nod "yeah of course" he pushes his hair back. "Would you...I mean like...would you want to maybe go out with me this Friday? Like see a movie or something?" He asked and I couldn't help but blush.

I bit my lip to hide the giant grin that was fighting to grow "now would be nice to answer" he chuckled nervously. "Sorry! Yes I would love to" I laughed and his eyes widened in shock "r-really?" He asked. I playfully gasped "is The Harry Styles shocked that he landed a date?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes "you're mean" he pouted and I grinned "sometimes" I mocked his answer from earlier.

"Are you tired yet?" He asked and I shook my head "nope" he grinned "me either." I let out a breath "you want Oreos don't you?" He asked and I sighed in defeat "yeah". He laughed and took the pack of Oreos from on top of Niall's stomach. I squealed and took one, biting into it "I love Oreos" I groaned. He shook his head with laughter before taking one for himself. "Let's draw on them..." I say as I look at the bunch of people scattered around the living room and he looks at me with a smirk.

"Do you have any sharpies?"

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