•Chapter 54•

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Lia has been in her room all day. Aliza thinks she's asleep but we heard her crying for two hours straight. Sam wasn't doing so well either but Niall was there to comfort her of course. I tried with Amelia but...she wouldn't even unlock the door for me...and it shattered what was left of my heart.

Aliza was falling asleep in my lap so I decided to take her to her room, tucking her in with the smallest smile on my face. "I'll miss you babygirl" I whisper and kiss her forehead.

Looking at this little girl made my entire day...not just because she was cared for by the love of my life but...because something else connects us. Something strong.

I swallowed the tears that threatened to spill before exiting the room and coming face to face with the door that holds her.

My love...

I know it's a long shot but my hand rested on the knob for the hundredth time today. I took a deep breath and slowly twisted it...opening the door.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and walked in. She was sitting on her bed, criss crossed with puffy eyes and a red nose. She sniffled and looked up at me with dull eyes. It was as if all of the happiness was sucked out of her and...it's all my fault. I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked...even after all of that.

"Took you long enough" her hoarse voice rang through my ears "w-what?" I asked. "I unlocked the door an hour ago...waiting for you" she whispered and I didn't hesitate to climb in with her and pull her into my lap. "You could've called me up here love" I told her as she nuzzled her head into my neck. "I didn't want Aliza or the boys to see me..." she admitted with a sniffle. "Well, we definitely heard you" I told her "I'm sorry" she mumbled.

"What are you sorry for? Are you absolutely nuts?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No...I just...I am being dramatic...I'll miss you guys like crazy...I mean look at me. But it's your job! I can't keep you guys from your job right? You guys are famous and it was bound to happen sooner or later" she explains. As true as it all was... I didn't like hearing it.

"Just promise you'll come back" she tells me, a light chuckle following. "Are you kidding? I'll make sure we come back!" I tell her and kiss the top of her head. "I love you..." she whispers and my heart leaps at those words "I love you too" I smile.

"We love you guys too!" A voice screeches and we were soon being piled on by our idiot friends. Amelia giggles like crazy and it was the first time I've seen that smile of hers all day. My heart only aches when I know it won't last after tomorrow.


Today is the day...

I promised myself I was done crying. Everyone was moping around while we helped them grab their bags and I was trying to keep the spirits up. "I expect a T-shirt from every country" I smile softly and they all look at me with a small light in their eyes. "That or snowglobes...but you're boys so stick to T-shirts" I chuckle once I shut the trunk.

We were the ones taking them to the airport...

"I'm going to bring snowglobes just because you don't trust us" Louis sasses and I smile. "So expect a suitcase full of broken glass" Niall chuckled causing us all to laugh. It felt nice.

To the airport we go.

Aliza wouldn't stop frowning, she loved these boys more than anything and to have them taken away just saddens her. She sat on Zayn's lap and just traced his tattoos while he frowned and played with her hair.

It makes my heart ache to watch them all look at her like fathers and know that they won't be back for a while.

We reached the airport, the sound of my heart shattering becoming louder with every step we took. These boys have changed my life. They helped me realize things in life that I haven't realized before. They helped take care of my daughter who couldn't get enough of them. They took us in...while others would see me as a young mom who didn't get it right. They changed my life...and the fact that it was in such a short amount of time...blows me away.

I didn't even realize we made it to the gate until the flight was called. "Go on...say goodbye" I smiled at Aliza and she ran straight to Liam and Zayn first.

Niall walked over to me and I couldn't even fight my smile "I'll miss you...and your cooking" he told me. I let out a laugh and nodded "It'll be waiting for you when you get back" I told him. He pulled me into a hug and sighed "thank you...for everything you've done...your hard work and everything" he whispers. "Thank you...for being in my life Ni" I tell him and kiss his cheek. Liam walked over to me next and I smiled "You've done so much for us...literally like our mum" he says and I chuckle "there is nothing we can do that will ever make up for all you've done" he finishes. I sniffle and pull him into a hug "thank you Li...for being there for her when she needed you" I whisper and kiss his cheek. Zayn then walks over and I sigh "another man in my daughters life" I smirk and he smiles. "She is going to grow into a wonderful woman just like you" he tells me. "You're going to hear this until the end of time...but you've done so much for not just us, but everyone in your life" he smiles. I pull him into a hug "thank you Zayn...for taking care of her...if it weren't for you and Liam I don't know what I'd do" I smile.

Next was Louis...the one I could always go to. "Amelia Hart. One of the most kind hearted people I know. A kind woman...a strong woman. A giver. Someone who works hard for the people she cares about...do you know her?" He smirks. I roll my eyes and playfully shove him "you care to much...and if one day someone you care about is one of the wrong people to care about...call me" he tells me and I nod. I hug his torso and feel the bile in my throat rising. "T-thank you...for being another person I can lean on" I tell him. He kisses my forehead and backs away...leaving one more person.


He walks over to me, not saying a word before he just grabs my face and kisses me...as if it were his last. I kiss him back just as passionately and wrap my arms around his torso. Once he pulls away he uses his thumbs to wipe the tears I didn't know were falling. "Please...don't let me go" he whispers and I bite my lip "kiss me like that again and I probably wont" I chuckle. "Thank you Amelia...for taking care of me...for rescuing me...for being the love of my life" he tells me with a small smile. "Thank you Harry...for changing my world" I whisper and he pecks my lips once more "I love you Amelia Hart" he whispers.

"I love you Harry Styles"



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