•Chapter 38•

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After I smacked Sam a bunch of times I finally calmed down, sitting back out of breath. "When were you going to tell me this?!" I whisper yelled, it's really hard to stay quiet in a situation like this. "I'm sorry but your information seemed much more important" she sheepishly shrugged. "YOU'RE DATING NIALL!" I screeched, not being able to hold it in anymore.

This time it was my turn to have a pillow in my face "shut up!" She groaned. I grinned like an idiot "I so called it! Louis owes me five bucks" I smirked and she raised her eyebrows. "You bet on my relationship?" She asked and I scoffed "I bet on your whole life" I waved my hand. She rolls her eyes and couldn't fight the smile rising on her face "he's the sweetest thing..." She gushed. "Who would've thought Sam Young would be love struck?" I smirked and she glared at me causing me to chuckle.

"Well what about you and Harry?! That incident this morning and with Alex the other night!" She smirked. "What?" I asked and she scoffs "it took you two way to long to come down and not to mention Harry was jealous with you and Alex talking" she grinned. "Well he kind of implied on us dating this morning" I blushed and looked down.

"That's so cute!" She squealed "what goes on with you two? When you're up late or in your own world together I wanna know it all!" she smiles. I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers "we just talk and get to know each other...sometimes we help each other out and just listen to one another. Sometimes we goof off and other times we get personal, he makes me feel...safe? Like no one else can get me" I smiled as I spoke about the curly haired boy.

Sam's look turned more serious then before but I kept going "we take care of each other and no matter what seems to happen between us, good or bad, we can always count on each other. But there's something else too...something that over powers everything about him that just pulls me towards him even stronger then before." I explained, my voice dropped to a whisper. "Amelia..." Sam mumbled and I looked up at her to see her grinning "you're in love with him".

I chuckle and nod "yeah...I am".


After Sam and i's talk last night we decided to call it a night and get to bed. I couldn't even sleep because it was the first time admitting my feelings for Harry out loud. I was up until at least 4 am and I was still wide awake when I woke up at 9 am. Sam was never going to let this go because even now as I make breakfast for us, she still had that same grin on her face.

"Stop looking at me like that! It's creepy!" I groaned and set our plates of food on the table. I had just dropped Aliza off and let Janie know about our decision on the move. She was happy for us as long as we kept in touch and brought Aliza over. "Sorry! I just can't believe you're in l-" "please don't say it again" I mumbled and she laughed "sorry".

"Are you going to tell him?" She asked and I scoffed "are you crazy? He'll probably think I'm one of those crazy chicks that take things to fast!" I grumbled. "He's just as in love with you as you are with him" she smirked and I looked up at her "what?!" I asked and she nodded. "I told you from the beginning it was love at first sight" she sing songed and shoved eggs in her mouth.

I shook my head "can we just not talk about it" I mumbled and she only smirked "you have your date tonight!" She squealed. I groaned and chucked a piece of bacon at her forehead. "That was rude" she glared and I shrugged "yeah, well, you don't shut up" I told her with a smile.

She then started grumbling under her breath as she finished up her breakfast.

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