•Chapter 44•

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After breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen, Sam and I helped the boys get dressed for their signing today. They were buzzing with excitement since they get to see fans today. I was in Harry's room, helping him pick out an outfit and make his hair look decent because it was just a mop of a mess. "Wear your black skinny jeans and your plaid shirt" I smile and he looks at me with eyebrows raised "okay stylist" he sarcastically remarks.

"I like when you wear plaid" I shrug sheepishly and he shoots me a wink "good to know". I rolled my eyes and let him get dressed while I laid on his bed. "When are we going public?" I asked ran my hand over the soft blanket he had. "I was thinking tomorrow? We have another interview" he groaned and I laughed "that sounds cool". He hummed and I let a smile grow at the thought of him telling the world I'm his. I blushed and sat up to see him pulling his shirt over his arms so I stood up to help him button it up.

"You're so beautiful" he smiles and caresses my cheek causing me to blush deeper than before. "I'm trying to focus" I playfully glare and he chuckled and kissed my forehead once I finished his last button. "Thanks babe" he smiled and I nodded, blushing at the pet name "welcome!" I grinned and pecked his lips.

"Amelia!" Sam's voice screeched and I groaned, leaning my forehead against Harry's chest. "What did I do now?" I mumble causing him to laugh "Amelia!" She yelled again and walked into the room with her phone in her hand. "Yes Samantha?" I sighed and faced her "do you know what tomorrow is?!" She asked and I tried to think.

I glanced up Harry who shrugged "Monday?" He laughed and she rolls her eyes. "No! It's Amelia's birthday!" She exclaimed and I face palmed "damn it" I whispered. Harry's eyes widened and he turned to look at me "Amelia!" He yelled. I groaned "what?" I whined and crossed my arms "why didn't you say anything?!" He asked. "I don't like making a big deal out of it!" He crossed his arms "you're one of those people Amelia? Really?" He glared. "Please don't say anything! It's not that big of a deal" I begged and they sighed. "Okay fine" Harry sighed but he exchanged a glance with Sam who nodded. "No do-" it was too late, they both dashed out of the room causing me to groan and chase them.

"AMELIA'S BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!" They yelled throughout the house and I glared at them. Everyone was soon in front of me with confused looks "what's going on?" Zayn asked and I sighed. "Amelia's birthday is tomorrow" Sam exclaimed and everyone faced me "really!?" They all asked in unison. I nodded slowly "but I don't want you guys to make a big deal out of it! I'll enjoy eating cake and that's it" I smile. "Ew you're a birthday grinch" Louis cringed and I flipped him off, making sure Aliza wouldn't see.

"No, I'll celebrate others but I don't want a big deal made out of mine" I explain and Louis nods. "Oh so you're a hypocritical birthday grinch" he smirks and I punched his chest. "Shut up Louis!" I glare while everyone else chuckles "well we don't promise you anything so expect something" Niall smirked. "No" I whined and crossed my arms "end of story! Expect something!" Liam smirked and they all scurried off leaving me with Harry and Aliza.

"I hate all of you" I glared and he shook his head "nope you love us" he grins and pecks my cheek. I ruffled his hair and smirked "oops your hairs messy again!" I shrugged and lifted Aliza, taking her upstairs. "How rude!" He calls causing me to laugh "let's give you a bath" I smiled.

As I walked passed Sam's room it got dead silent which meant they were already discussing birthday plans. "I'll kill all of you" I glared and they only shot me cheeky grins "love you too" Sam cooed. "Mommy I like here" she grins and I smiled "me too" I kissed her cheek.

*******(Sorry for so many time skips)*******

"So you've finally got him?" My moms voice laughed through the phone while I chuckled "yes I do" I told her. "I can't wait to meet him! He seems so sweet!" She gushes and I couldn't help but laugh "he is and I'm sure he'd love to meet you too mom" I told her and handed Aliza an orange slice. I then heard barking in the background and gasped "is that Cooper?" I asked and she laughed "yep, this old dog misses you more then anything".

I gasped "I miss him too!" "You're on speaker, it's probably why he's barking" she explained. "Hey Coop! How ya doing buddy!" I cooed and could hear him barking louder. My home sickness grew stronger "I can't wait to come visit" I frowned and I could hear my mom sigh "we can't wait either! Come soon!" She called. I chuckled "I will mom, I'll call you later gotta get this house clean" I told her.

"Okay babes, I love you" "I love you too" I smiled and hung up with a sigh. I miss home. "Wanna help mommy clean?" I asked Aliza and she nodded happily "alright! You can start with your toys munchkin" I winked. She giggled and scurried off to pick up her toys scattered everywhere.

This is going to be a challenge.

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