•Chapter 4•

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    The sound of my alarm made me want to chuck it out the window. But I restrained myself and decided to get up anyway. I took a quick shower before sliding into my required uniform. Then I braided my hair to the side, strands sticking out, making it look cute. I smiled in satisfaction before finding an outfit for Aliza.

I settled on her white capri pants and yellow top with matching sandals. "Liza! Wake up babe" I called before walking over to her and shaking her. She started groaning and I laughed when she pulled the covers over her head. "You wanna go to work with Aunty Sam and mommy?" I ask and she peeks over the covers with a nod.

"Come on!"

"What time should we go?" I asked as I checked the time "it's to early mate, we'll go later on" Zayn answered and I sighed. "Ah Harry's got a little crush" Louis teased and I scrunched my face up "I do not! Harry Styles doesn't get crushes". They all chuckled "whatever you say" Liam laughed and I rolled my eyes before plopping on the couch.


  "It's empty again!" I groaned and sat in a booth where I can keep an eye on Aliza and still talk to Jack. Aliza was walking around and making airplane noises as she held up the paper airplane Jack had made. "Ew you actually want to work?" he asked in disgust while I laughed. I shrugged "girls gotta eat" causing him to shake his head with a laugh.

"Here Liza, let me show you" Jack told her before hopping off the counter and crouching down to her level. He took the plane and aimed it before shooting it through the air. Aliza cheered as she watched it glide through the shop and land in front of the entrance. She giggled and her feet ran over to it to pick it up.

"Well hello there" a familiar voice cooed and I looked up to see the five figures that were here yesterday. I smiled and walked over to them "I knew you guys couldn't stay away" I playfully flipped my hair and they laughed. I picked up Aliza and she stared at them with her big brown eyes and waved.

"Hi!" They all smiled at her "hello" they all chorused and she grinned before turning her focus back to the plane. "So, coffee?" I asked and they all nodded happily. "So is that your little sister or?" Zayn asked as he waved towards Aliza and I laughed.

"No she-" "Mama I go down?" Aliza interrupted and I smiled before kissing her head and letting her run off. "She's my daughter" I told them as I faced their shocked expression.

I smile and head behind the counter to make their drinks as they slowly ordered. "She- your daughter?" Liam squeaked and I laughed "yep, that little energy ball is all mine" I say as I see Aliza so entertained with that paper airplane.

I slid their drinks towards them and walked with them to the booth we sat at yesterday. "B-but you're so young and...huh?!" Louis stuttered and I chuckled. I took a seat from another table and sat by them "she isn't my biological daughter, she was left at my door a year ago and I adopted her" they all let out what seems a sigh of relief.

"How low do you guys think of me?" I playfully gasped and they laughed "no it's just that...like...why?" Niall asked and I bit my lip. "That's a story for another time" I smiled and they all nodded in agreement. "What's her name?" Zayn asked as he smiled at the little girl attempting to throw the paper plane. "Aliza" I answered and they all smiled at the name. Jack then picked her up and took her behind the counter.

I stand up "Jack if you two are eating the whip cream again I'm go-" I stop when I see Aliza laughing with whip cream was all over her face and Jack was frozen with the bottle in his hand. "Y-you think that's funny?" I ask as I tried to keep in my laughter because she just looked so funny. "Yummy mommy!" She squealed and attempted to lick the sides of her mouth.

"Come here you munchkin" I laugh and pick her up to clean her face.

Amelia and Aliza disappear into the bathroom, giggling like crazy and I couldn't help but find it extremely cute. The boys all had smiles "she's good" Zayn admits "she's amazing" I tell them as I run a hand through my hair.

"Aw Harry!" They all cooed and I only roll my eyes and groaned. Before I could shout protests, Amelia's blonde friend came from her office I'm guessing.  "Hey Amelia can I- why does this always happen to me" the blonde friend groans as she sees us sitting. "Hi there" she waves awkwardly and we all laugh before waving back. "I guess I haven't properly introduced my self huh?" She asked and we all shook our heads "Afraid not love" Louis laughed.

"Samantha Young, but I go by Sam" she smiles and we individually shake her hand. "Lovely to meet you Sam, properly at least" Niall chuckled and she smiles.

Amelia comes back out with a clean Aliza and they both just laugh again.

"Hey Sam, whatcha need?" I smile and she waves "tomorrow I need you to train the new kid" she tells me and I salut her "sir yes sir!". She flips me off and I gasp "rude!" Aliza then gasps "Aunty Sam did bad finger!" "Yeah go yell at her!".

Aliza ran towards Sam and I started laughing when she attempted to sound grown up, when really she was just speaking words she didn't even know.

I sat down with the boys again and they just stared at me in fascination. "What?" I asked and they shook their heads "nothing you just...you're something else and I feel like we'll become great friends" Niall stated with a smile.

"Aren't we already?" I asked with scrunched eyebrows and they all grinned in my direction. "I mean I don't know about you guys but I don't usually spill like... a piece of my life and have people meet my kid after two days" I shrug and they all chuckle.

Aliza came running towards me and I pulled her into my lap. "Hi! I'm Aliza!" She squealed. They all waved at her, the fond vibe over her lingering in their eyes. I told her all of their names and she smiled, trying to repeat them.
"Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Harry!" She cheered and they all clapped and cheered her on. "Mommy!" She called and I looked down at her "yeah?" She motioned me to lean forward so she could whisper.

"They're cute!" She whispered and I couldn't help but laugh "they are aren't they?". "What'd she say?" Harry asked and I smirked "that you're all reaaallly ugly" I spoke, dragging out 'really' and Aliza burst into fits of giggles. "How rude!" Louis screeched and I laughed behind my daughter.

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