•Chapter 26•

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I enter the front door and slam it, marching myself to the living room and plopping beside a shocked Sam. "Amelia what the hell are you doing here? And why are your pants wet?" She asked. I thought my pants would dry on the walk home but I guess not. "Where's Aliza?" I simply ask "I just put her down for her nap" she tells me. I nodded and let out a deep sigh "Lia...what happened?" She asked her voice more serious.

I explained everything that happened and talking about it made it worse. The more I told Sam the angrier she got "I'm going to kill him" she growled and I only chuckled. "Look it's kind of my fault...I should have never agreed to date. I've got Aliza and I'm trying to focus on us I don't need a boyfriend right now" I sigh. "Amelia you really gotta stop taking the blame for everyone. I pressured you into it, Harry is the one who's a complete asshole and you did nothing wrong!" She tells me.

I sigh and stand up "I'm going to take a nap, is that okay with you?" I ask and she chuckled "yes, you need it". I smile "thanks Sam, wake me if Aliza wakes up" I tell her and she scoffs "yeah right, take a nap Amelia".

I watched my best friend trudge upstairs and I couldn't help but sigh. How dare Harry! I really thought he was a different person. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through my contacts and cringed at the sight of his name. "Do it for Amelia" I whispered to myself and clicked the call button.

After a few rings he picked up "well someone must be dying or you've got the wrong number! Because Samantha Young is calling my phone". I pinched the bridge of my nose at the sound of his voice "shut up! Look, Amelia's date with Harry ended really bad and we need to do something for her" I grumble. "I'm going to kill him" he growled "yeah yeah, get over here now" I roll my eyes.

"Only if you say 'Josh is the greatest person alive' in a British accent" he bargains. I scoff "you're going to come either way because it's Amelia. bye asshole" I grumble and hang up. I stand up and start cleaning up the house.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "That was quick" I mumble and head over to the front door, opening it to reveal a sad looking curly haired boy. I roll my eyes and swing the door close, only to have his foot step between "what do want?" I sigh. "Sam, please let me talk to her" he begged "why should i?! She walked home, she told me you were flirting with that slutty waitress and her pants were wet because she spilled her drink on her!" I shout.

"So give me one good reason on why I should let you in and talk to her Harry" I glare and he looks down. "I really do like her Sam...I don't know what came over me at the diner" he whispered and pushed his hair back. "I know what happened, you're a pig! I thought you were different Harry" I shake my head. "Plea-" "give her some time, for now you need to figure out your feelings for her" I interrupt and he sighs. "Goodbye Harry" I mumble and shut the door.


"Amelia....I'm so sorry" his voice sounded desperate and he stepped closer to me. "Please forgive me" he whispered and I realized how close we really were. "I don't know Harry..." I whispered and looked down at my feet. His fingers went under my chin and lifted my head, our eyes meeting. "Please" his voice was barely audible and his lips were barely touching my own "I-".

"Wake up!" A voice yelled and they jumped on my bed causing me to groan. It was a dream. "Go away!" I grumble and pull the covers over my head "Amelia! Wake your ass up!" They shout and I knew it was Josh. "Go home" I mumble and soon the covers were ripped off of me. "Come on! We have a surprise for you!" He grinned and I sighed, lifting myself up to see him smirking at me.

I swing my feet over the bed and stand up "how long have I been asleep?" I ask and rub my eyes. "You got a good three hours, let's go!" He cheers and drags me down stairs. That dream still lingering in my head...his voice echoing in my ears.

I tried to shake it away as much as I could. "What is going o- what the hell?" I gasp and see that snacks and cooked food was set up in the living room. There were blankets and pillows piled up and movies scattered in front of the TV.

"Surprise!" Josh exclaimed and Sam and Jack appeared from the kitchen with more bowls of food. "Welcome to your 'Harry's a jerk so spend the night with your best friends and get fat' night off" Jack grinned and I couldn't help but laugh. "Aliza is sleeping at Lilly's and you are going to enjoy this night with us, Harry free!" Sam smirked and set the bowls down.

"Thank you guys" I smile and I plop on the pile of pillows, grabbing a slice of pizza. "Sam told us what happened and I'm personally going to give Harry a special visit" Josh grumbled. "Alright let's stop saying his name and actually get this party started!" Sam grinned and pulled out a bottle of whine. "Oh I love you guys" I smirked and snatched the bottle with a glass causing them to laugh.

A/N: I don't really like how I wrote this chapter but it's whatever for now -.- love ya! BYEE!!

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