•Chapter 9•

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The van we were in pulled into the studio parking lot and we were rushed inside before the small crowd of girls could grow. "Those girls..." Niall trailed off with a smile once we were inside. I chuckled and nodded "those girls" I repeated while I wrapped my arm around him.

"I see you fancy Sam" I smirked and I saw the redness flow to his cheeks. "Don't start with me mate, it's clear as day that you've got a thing for Amelia" he chuckles. "I'm not gonna lie...she is something else and its quite..." I trailed off trying to look for the word "intriguing?" Zayn smirked and I nodded "exactly".

"Harry Styles doesn't get crushes" Louis mocked in an attempt of my deep voice. I rolled my eyes and shoved him causing him to laugh loudly. "Boys! C'mon we've got to do your hair!" Lou came rushing us into a room and immediately started our hair. "Woah who's done your ties because I know it wasn't yourselves" Lou asked with a smirk.

We all chuckled and Niall then explained "those two girls we talked about, they did it for us". "The ones who didn't know you?" She asked and I nodded "how sweet! So it seems you've made good friends with them?". "Some more than that" Louis smirked and winked at Niall and I "ah shut up Louis" Niall groaned.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her.

"Lia! Come on and spill already!" Sam whined for the hundredth time today as I finished up the dishes. "Sam! There's really nothing to spill! You act like I kissed him or slept with him or something!" I exclaimed and shut the dishwasher. "You kind of did..." She trailed and I rolled my eyes "we were snuggling, it was cold, don't take it that far".

She sighed "I just want to know what happened before you both ended up in each other's arms! Because I could literally feel the connection you both have" she smirked. We both headed to the living room where Aliza was focused on her toy she had. "Hell I can feel it now! That's how strong it is!" She squeals and I only laugh before plopping onto the couch.

"All we did was talk, we got to know each other and that's it" I explain with a shrug. She smiled "just a normal conversation?" She asked "just a normal conversation" I confirmed. "That's how it all starts" she whispers and I only shove her causing her to laugh. "Well I gotta go, Jeremy wants to talk" she groans as she looks up from her phone.

"Ew why?" I cringe and she shrugs "something 'important'" she explains and I roll my eyes "yeah right". She only chuckles and pulls herself off the couch "well if anything goes wrong I'll bring my brothers golf club" I tell her and she only laughs harder. "Your brother plays golf?" I nod "pretty dorky right? He doesn't know I took it but I use it as protection".

"If that doesn't help I'll just bring Niall" I wink and she only scrunched her eyebrows. "What?" She asks and I gasp "you're here interrogating me about Harry when you can't see you and Niall have something!" I screech. I heard Aliza giggle to herself and saw Sam turning pink "really?".

I nod my head "yes! All night he was holding you so tight I thought you would disappear! Not to mention everywhere you sat he was on either side!". She blushed a deep red causing me to smirk "tsk tsk!" She rolls her eyes "oh whatever I gotta go" she grumbles before stomping away.

"Don't take him back Sam! I'll kill you both!" I yell "in his damn dreams!" She screams back before I hear the front door slam. Jeremy is her ex and they were the cutest couple before he was caught cheating at some club we went to and then he attempted to date me.
What a pig right?

"Mama! Look it boys!" Aliza squealed as she pointed to the tv. I smiled and saw the boys interview was on.

"Welcome boys we're glad we could have you here today!" The interviewer smiled and they all politely grinned and thanked her. "We're glad to be here, thanks for having us" Liam smiles and I couldn't help but chuckle at how professional they looked. They all squeezed together on one couch and were a lot more quiet then usual.

Hm...I'll have to annoy them with this later.

"So! The fans are going absolutely crazy on Twitter and I am going to help them out a bit" she tells them with a smirk. The boys all chuckle at her expression and wait for whatever was coming. There was soon a picture of Harry and I standing at the pizza place at the mall and his hands on my waist from when he scared me. Next to that was another picture of Harry and I exchanging his drink when he shared it with me.

They then showed another picture of Sam and Niall laughing with each other in the booth. Then one more of Sam and Niall beside each other, Niall was carrying her shopping bags.

My jaw dropped so far I'm pretty sure it hit the ground "mama its you and Aunty Sam!" Aliza clapped. I leaned forwards, my jaw still dropped and prepared myself for what they were going to say.

"I see you two have got something to spill I believe?" She smirks and leans forward. "What a bi-" Aliza's head snapped towards me as she knew what I was gonna say. "What a bad woman..." I mumble and she slowly goes back to her toys. Harry's voice soon filled my ears and my attention was back on the TV.

"Those pictures aren't what they look like" he chuckles. "Oh really? It doesn't seem that way" she pushes and I roll my eyes "they're really good friends of ours, I had scared her in this photo and she had forgotten to buy her own drink" Harry explains. "Yeah and both of those picture are really zoomed in on just us" Niall tells her and I could tell they were all really irritated.

"We all helped them with their bags there and we all went out to grab lunch" Louis says with the tightest smile he could pull. The lady nodded with an uneasy slouch and a smirk still plastered on her face.

"Well no need to worry directioners! You heard it from them yourself, Niall and Harry are still available. We'll be right back with more one direction!". Once it cut to commercial I instantly grabbed my phone and went on Twitter.

Those same pictures and a couple more were trending, some with bad comments others with good.

'Who are they?! And who do they think they are?!'

'Clearly they don't know how crazy we are'

'@Harry_Styles you could do a lot better babe'

And so much more. Hm...I thought they were supportive fans.
Of course there were good ones and they only made me smile.

'Why are people still hating? Are you guys even watching? They're just friends!'

'Even if it wasn't a rumor, look how happy they are!'


'@Harry_Styles @NiallOffical I SHIP IT!'

I shut the TV off because I couldn't even finish, that interview lady was getting annoying.

Just great! My face is all over social media!

Just in time my phone rings and I groan because I already know it's going to be about this. "Hello?" I answer without checking caller ID "Amelia!?" I smile at the sound of my brothers voice "what's up dorkwad!". "Why is yours and Sam's face on tv with that boyband?" He asks "Okay listen I-" "no! You have a boyfriend?! I'll call Danny alright now and we will fly-" "Ashton!" I interrupt.

"Uncle Ash!" Aliza squealed and stood up to wobble her way over with a huge grin. "Ooh is that Liza?" I roll my eyes "not the point! You can talk to her in a bit but listen, I'm not dating anyone they took it all out of context!" I explain. "Okay whatever, I believe you put her on the phone now" He rushed and I rolled my eyes "seriously that's it? If she's what gets you to shut up I would have gotten a child sooner".

Before he could say anything I handed the phone to Aliza with a smirk "uncle Ash!" She squealed again and I lifted her body up to sit on the couch. "I play dollies!" She told him and I only chuckled.
I miss them, I'll have to plan a visit soon.

Now back to this whole 'my picture is on TV' thing.

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