•Chapter 14•

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"That was delicious" I laugh as I lean back due to my full stomach. "Yeah...if I weren't so full I'd get desert" Sam whines and everyone nods in agreement. "You still can! Just give it to me..." Niall grins and I couldn't help but laugh when Liam smacked his head. "Ow what was that for?" He groaned and rubbed his head "get your own desert mate!".

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh "thank you boys, this was amazing and delicious" I grinned. They all smiled and nodded "of course, like Harry said, it's the least we could do" Louis smiled. I chuckled and checked my phone for the time and I saw I missed a call from my mom. I'll call her when I get home.

We all slid out of the booth and when they all were ahead of me I slipped a large tip under my empty glass and quickly tried to catch up. "I saw that" Harry glared and I scoffed "I don't know what you're talking about". He crossed his arms "how much did you leave?" He asked sternly. "Enough" I simply answered "how much is enough?" He asked and I shrugged "honestly I don't know, I just know it was a lot..." I mumbled.

"Amelia!" He exclaimed causing me to jump and laugh while everyone stopped to look at me. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked and Harry sighed "she left a fat tip at the table" he explained and they all glared. "That defeats the entire purpose of repaying you Amelia!" Liam exclaimed. Sam started to laugh "she also paid our driver" I punched her arm while their glares hardened.

I couldn't help but laugh as their stern faces represented ever angry parent ever. I huffed "don't be such babies! I can't help it!" I sheepishly admitted and looked down at my feet. "I'm going to go get it" Harry stated and I grabbed his hand "no!" He looked at our hands and then at me. "Why not?!" He whined like a child and I rolled "can we just go? It was just a tip" I explained and dragged his hand out, the others following.

Soon flashes went off in every direction and I was probably blind within seconds.

"Harry! Over here!"

"Is that your girlfriend Niall!?"

"Harry is she another one night stand?!"

The questions just came flying. I couldn't believe the things they asked! Not only were they rude but they were completely desperate. I felt an arm snake around my waist as Harry tucked me under his body, trying to shield me from them. I couldn't even hide the smile but I tried. "Would it be alright if you girls rode with us?" Harry asked as we tried to walk towards their van. I nodded my head and we were soon pushed inside the vehicle.

Due to the small space, I was stuck on Harry's lap...why do I feel like I'm in some chick flick.

Sam had to sit on Niall's lap and I was completely convinced that these aren't coincidences. I shook the thoughts away and sighed in relief when the doors closed. "That was insane!" Sam mumbled a little out of breath while I nodded in agreement. "You guys go through that all the time?" I ask as I watched all of them nod as if it were nothing. "You get used to it sometimes" Louis shrugged and I frowned "they were absolutely horrible! Not to mention how desperate they were".

They all chuckled and I shook my head "the things people will do for money" I sigh. "Aww! You're such a mother!" Louis squeaked as he pinched my cheeks. They all coo and I felt Harry's arms wrap themselves around me and hug me. "Oh shut up" I roll my eyes and cross my arms while they all just laugh.

"Well we don't want them to know where you guys live so we'll be driving for a while" Zayn explains and I nod. "So what are you boys doing tomorrow?" I ask curiously and they all sigh "I think we have a signing and then we'll probably go back to the hotel and nap or something". I smile "just boys chillin?" I ask and they all laugh with a nod "yeah of course".

"What about you girls?" Niall asked and I sighed "well I work in the morning and then I have to pick up Aliza and maybe do something with her" I shrug. Sam smiled "I'll probably hang with Jack" I saw Niall's entire expression saddened and I couldn't help but feel bad. He probably thinks Jack is her boyfriend! I'll help!

"Speaking of Jack! I think he has a crush on Alex!" I lie and Sam bursts into fits of laughter "well luck to him because Alex is crushing on you big time". I think Niall got my hint because his face grew a smile and once his eyes met mine, I shot him a sly wink. My attention was back on Sam "oh please, he's not my type" I playfully flip my hair.

"What is your type?" Harry asked cooly and I could see Sam smirking at me. I roll my eyes and chuckle "um...someone who's relaxed and can still have a good time you know? I also like a bit of a cheeky side but not extremely cocky because that's my job" I explain with another flip of my hair. They all laugh and I join them.

The van went over a bump and Harry's hands gripped my waist firmly "this is why you wear seat lets children!" Louis screeched. I burst into fits of laughter and they all just look at me in amusement "you represent a small child...it's quite hilarious" Zayn chuckled.

We finally pulled into our driveway and we slid out of the van, the boys joining so they walk us to our door. "Oh thank goodness I was getting claustrophobic" I tell them with a laugh. "Hm...I liked it" Harry smirked cheekily and I playfully glared "of course you did".

We walked to our door and I playfully gasped "oh my gosh, one direction just walked us to our door!" I squeal. "Sam we went on a date with them!" I tell her and they all roll their eyes "that was my impression of Sam when we go inside". That earned a smack from my best friend and a laugh from the boys.

"Well tonight was absolutely amazing thanks to you guys!" I tell them and they all smile. Sam hugged them all goodbye early because she was tired. Niall kissed her cheek and although she was tired, she was redder than a tomato. She headed inside and I faced them with a grin "thank you boys, get home safely" I tell them and kiss each of their cheeks.

"Night" I smile one last time and head inside, shutting the door softly.

We all stood there in front of her door smiling like idiots before we actually walked back to the van. "Okay I think I've developed a crush on her" Louis smiled and Zayn chuckled "Careful Lou before Harry gets jealous". I rolled my eyes and slid in the van "shut up Zayn" I mumble and he only laughs.

"Better ask her out Harry before I do" Louis smirked and shot me a wink. "I think we've all developed a liking towards her" Liam nodded and I couldn't help but feel that pang of jealousy in my stomach. "Except for Niall" Louis laughed and Niall smiled sheepishly "I think Sam likes me".

Well lucky you...

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