•Chapter 16•

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It's been exactly one week since I walked out on the boys and this entire week was full of tweets, calls, and paps. I saw the boys tweeted, trying to help and get people to leave us alone but I'm still really pissed. Not about the paps or the attention but for them lying and not telling us. Sam forgave them of course and she's been hanging with them and trying to talk me into at least calling them but I'm not ready for that yet.

Right now I was sitting on my couch with Aliza beside me watching toy story. My mind always went to Harry of course, wondering what he's been doing and if he wanted to talk to me. He called a few times but then he just completely stopped after two days.

It hurt.

I shook away my usual thoughts about him and tried to focus on the movie and my daughter. Then there was a knock at the door, great. I groaned and dragged myself off of the couch to answer because I knew Sam wasn't going to. She was getting dressed to go shopping with Jack. She asked if I wanted to go but I said no because she's enjoying the attention and me? not so much.

I swing the door open and my eyes widen in shock before I let out a loud scream. Standing there was my absolute best friend from literally birth! "JOSH!" I screeched and jumped into his arms causing him to stumble but catch me anyway. "Hey there Mel's" he laughed and squeezed me tight. Sam came rushing down the stairs with half of her hair curled and a look of worry "Amelia what's w- Ew it's just Josh" she cringed and went back upstairs.

They never really liked each other...probably because they were so alike.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked once he let me go and he laughed "another family trip! I wanted to surprise you!". I squealed "well you succeeded!" I grinned and pulled him inside.

Josh's family is loaded! So every year they take these trips to some random place for no reason at all. I've gone with them a handful of times. "Uncle Josh!" Aliza screamed and slid off the couch before waddling her way over to him. "Munchkin!" He smiled and lifted her up causing her to giggle uncontrollably. We both sat on the couch and started talking right away.

"I can't believe you kept this from me!" I whined and playfully punched his shoulder. He grinned "come on! You gotta admit, it was a good surprise" he shrugged and I smiled. "Okay it was good" I sighed and he nodded "I know, I'm that good" I rolled my eyes. "Where's your family?" I asked and he adjusted Aliza in his lap "at the hotel, we'll be here for a week and three days". I clapped "perfect!" I smiled and leaned against him.

He's basically my brother, we have been friends since we were babies because our moms have been friends since middle school. I gasped and I lifted my head from his shoulder "can we go see your family? I miss them!" I whine. He groans "why?" And I laughed "because you love me so much!" He sighed "sadly I do" I punched his shoulder "shut up! Let's go".

Him and I walk upstairs with Aliza in his arms and once him and Sam see each other they both scoff causing me to laugh. I change into some skinny jeans and a cute top before straightening my hair. "Come on Aliza, let's get you dressed" I smile and Josh hugs her "no she's mine!" He whines. I roll my eyes "fine, I'll find her clothes and you can dress her" I smirked and he shook his head "no thanks!"

I grabbed Aliza and walked her across the hall to find an outfit "So how long have you known about this trip Joshua?" I ask, using his full name knowing it would make him mad. "Well Amelia, I've known for about a month now" he answered and I gasped as I slid Aliza's blue dress over her head. "Since when can you keep a secret that long?!" I asked and I heard his deep chuckle get closer as he entered the room.

"I couldn't, my mom has had to take my phone so many times" he laughs and I join him while slipping some white sandals on Aliza's feet. "Well, how's your new apartment? I heard it was huge" I ask and he nods "it is pretty big but it gets lonely, I need my best friend back" he pouts. "I was planning a visit down there soon, just don't get kicked out again" I glare and he huffs "okay that whole shoe incident was not my fault".

Josh had gotten into a fight with his buddy Conner and for some odd reason, he started to throw shoes like a crazy ex girlfriend. He ended up hitting the landlord in the face and was kicked out immediately. "Josh you threw shoes at the landlord, how is that not your fault?" I asked and he rolled his eyes "he shouldn't have been in the way". I laughed and added one of Aliza's headbands to her head. 

She has a thing for headbands.

"Let's go" I smile and walk out the room, both of them following me "See you later Sam!" I call "okay bye!". "Bye Sam!" Josh smirked "get a life" she shouted causing us to laugh. I locked the front door and went to my car to grab Aliza's car seat to put in Josh's car. Then we were down the road.

"Don't think I don't know missy" he scolded as his eyes stayed focus on the road "know what?". He scoffed "your face is everywhere I go" he tells me and I groan "don't even remind me" I grumble. "Why? What did that prick do to you? I'll go fight him right now" he ranted and I rolled my eyes. "Shut up you're not going to fight anybody" I laugh causing him to take a quick glare towards me.

"I wasn't dating any of them but they lied to me and I just can't deal with all this attention" I sigh. "But you like him, the curly guy" he states and I scoff "no I don't!" I protest. He lets out a sarcastic laugh and gives me a look when we come to a red light. "It's written all over your face and your nose does that weird scrunched thing when you lie" he tells me.

"My nose does not scrunch!" I gasp while rubbing my nose. He nods "yes it does and it's always been like that since we were 4" he laughs with a shake of his head. "That's not the point, you like him" he shrugs and I slouch "okay maybe a little" I give in. "Mommy I play game on phone!" Aliza squealed and I laughed before unlocking my phone and giving it to her. She's got a bunch of dress up games on there.

"So what happened?" He asked once the car started to move again. I sigh and gave him a summary of what went down. "I get where you're coming from but you also have to realize that this is what they're used to, and sometimes it's not like they wanted this to happen. I may not know what the fame life is like but I do know what business is like and that management will do what ever it takes to make it to the top, no matter who it affects" he tells me.

"I hate when you turn into The Man of Wise words, why can't you be one of those friends that just agrees with me all the time" I groan and cross my arms. He laughs "because I'm amazing and you love me" he grins and I sigh "alright Joshua, I'll call them later". He smirks "good girl" I glare at him and huff.

"We're gonna fight" I grumble.

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