•Chapter 43•

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"Wake up! Wake up! First breakfast in the new house together!" A voice yelled and everyone can already tell it was Louis. He even had a spoon and pan to bang on just to make sure we all woke up. "Louis! Get a life!" I groaned and he popped his head in "don't be rude Amelia!" He glared. He continued banging on the pan and yelling for everyone to get up.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and looking around my new bedroom that was much bigger then my old one. Boxes scattered around that I'll definitely unpack soon and suitcases opened due to my search for pajamas last night.

I smiled, remembering Harry and I's visit with Janie. He was so sweet to her, even when she teased him on being 'Harry from One Direction'. She would always whisper things like "don't lose him" or "he's a keeper" which only made me giggle like a child.

I sighed and climbed out of my bed and heading to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and tried to make myself look a lot more decent then I did. After looking okay-ish I headed down the stairs to smell something burning which made me run to the kitchen. Louis and Sam stood over the stove, fanning the smoke away from the alarm. "What is going on?" I coughed and started cracking windows open "we wanted to try being good people" Louis coughed.

I took the pan off of the stove and put it under cold water, turning everything off. I faced the two worst cooks in the house. "Okay stick to being bad people and out of the kitchen" I laughed and shoved them out. They sighed "stick to being sassy" I smiled and re-entered the kitchen.

"Amelia you're right...we're going to go sass everyone awake!" Sam grinned and they raced up the stairs. This is what I'll be dealing with? "Yay" I muttered sarcastically. I washed the burnt pan and dumped the food that looked like it was just thrown on the stove and stirred until 'cooked'. "Okay first rule! Louis and Sam aren't aloud to cook!" I shout and could hear everyone's chuckles as they walked down the stairs.

"How rude" they spoke in unison and crossed their arms "well you almost killed us!" I exclaim and clean up the rest of their mess. Everyone laughs and shakes their heads while I tried I think of what to make. "How does French toast sprinkled with powdered sugar and a yogurt parfait on the side sound?" I ask and look up at them. "You know how to make that?!" Niall exclaimed and Sam scoffed "she knows how to make baked Alaska".

I shrugged "first breakfast together! Gotta make it special" I smiled and they all nodded "that sounds delicious" Liam smiled. "Okay, now that it's official! Is there anything at all that we need to know?" Zayn asked. I nodded "Aliza is severely allergic to strawberries" I explain "strawberries?!" Louis exclaimed and Sam nodded. "Yes and we learned that the hard way" she explained with a frown.

"Okay no strawberries, anything else?" Harry asked as he wrapped an arm around me. "Nope that's it" Sam checked and I nodded in agreement "okay!" Niall cheered. The boys asked if I needed any help and when I assured them I didn't, they all thanked me again, kissing my cheeks and heading out. Harry stayed with me with his arms wrapped around me as I watched the bread and he hummed soft tunes in my ear.

I smiled and laid my arms on top of his, enjoying the wonderful feeling and his soothing voice. "I could get used to this" he whispered causing me to laugh softly "we'll see about that" I smirked. "I'm gonna take a quick shower" he tells me and kisses my shoulder before heading out.

Living with four guys who are like my brothers, a crazy blonde chick who is my sister, a precious daughter I can call mine and the boy I'm completely in love with could possibly be the best thing ever. At the thought of it all I sprinkled the powdered sugar with a grin plastered on my face. I definitely wouldn't change this for the world.

I finished up the parfait's and scooped them in fancy little glass things for each of us. It was like the movies! I even added cherries on top of each of them. I set the table and poured everyone glasses of orange juice, placing them next to everyone's plates. Once the table was set, it really looked like it was pulled out of a movie and I was quite proud of myself.

"Breakfast!" I screeched and heard the pounding of feet rushing from different directions. It literally sounded like a stampede. "Oh my god!" Liam gasped and I smirked at them as they gawked at the table. "I love you..." Niall sighed in delight, dashing to a seat before everyone else.

"Enjoy" I smirked and watched everyone slowly sit down, still gawking at the food in front of them. "Yummy yogurt!" Aliza squealed and managed to get yogurt all around her mouth already. "Thank you mommy" she giggled as she shoved some more yogurt in her mouth. "Thank you Amelia" everyone chorused with mouthfuls of French toast causing me to cringe. "Don't talk with your mouths full!" I glare and scoop yogurt into my mouth.

Harry looked at me and I couldn't help but find how adorable it was that he had powdered sugar on his cheeks and yogurt on his nose. "Who are you? Aliza?" I asked and he crossed his eyes in attempt to look at his nose. It only made him look even more adorable so I pulled my phone out and grinned "I have to" I chuckled.

"Ooh wait!" He laughed and grabbed Aliza "say parfait!" He cheesed along with Aliza and it was just the cutest thing. "Alright, enough with cutesy stuff I'm trying to eat and I'd like to keep it in my stomach" Louis sasses. I put a hand over my heart and smiled "there's the Louis I know and love!" I cheered and he rolled his eyes.

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