•Chapter 53•

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Aliza and I had just left the airport, wiping our tears of course. "Ice cream mommy?" She asks and I chuckle "of course!" I tell her with a sniffle. We just said goodbye to the family and I couldn't help it! I'm homesick! I couldn't even say goodbye to Cooper with out blubbering like a child.

Entering the ice cream shop we ordered and smiled at a few fans that seemed to recognize us. They squealed and gave me notes to give to the boys while others kept to themselves. I guess some haven't gotten over the fact that I have a daughter. "Mommy! They take pictures!" Aliza giggled causing the crowd of girls to awe towards her. "She is so cute" a girl grinned "thank you!" Aliza smiled. "And polite, mum taught her well huh?" A girl laughed causing me to shrug "I guess so" I chuckled. Another girl scoffed and we only waved goodbye, ignoring the snobby girl before heading off.

While we headed home we started laughing and dancing when one of the boys song came on the radio. Aliza seemed to know every single word while I could only sing the chorus. "You spend to much time with the boys" I laugh causing her to grin.


"Mommy I watch peter?" Aliza asked once we pulled into the driveway. "Yeah, why not?" I laugh and get out the car, heading towards the back to unbuckle her. "Oh man...you've got ice cream all over your face" I tell her and she giggles "yummy!" She squeals. She says that when she knows she's made a mess "mmhmm, you need a bath" I laugh.

I lock the car and head inside the house...finding it extremely quiet. "This isn't normal!" I call and take Aliza upstairs.

I set her down and scrunch my eyebrows "go get ready for your bath babes" I tell her and she scurries off. "Sam?" I call and enter her room to see her crying into Niall's chest. "Oh my gosh! What's wrong?" I ask and rush over to my best friend.

"Amelia...I think it's best if-" "no, I wanna know what happened to her" I cut Niall off. I couldn't help but notice his puffy eyes as well "Niall....what's going on?" He opened his mouth to speak before he was cut off.

"I CAN'T TELL HER LOUIS" Harry's voice screams, causing me to stand up and leave the room. "Mommy" Aliza's voice mumbles and I crouch down "hey...everything's okay, stay in your room" I whisper and she runs to her bed before I shut the door.

I head to my room and peek in to see Harry with his head in his hands and the boys with sorrow looks. "I-i just cant" Harry says, his voice cracking "it'll crush her" he whispers. They don't even notice I'm here...

What is going on?

"Well then what are you going to do Harry? Because if you think telling her is going to crush her then what's going to happen when she wakes up tomorrow and you're gone..." Zayn explains.

That's when it hit me...my heart shattered and the bile in throat began to rise.

"You're leaving?" I managed to squeak, causing all of their heads to snap. "Amelia" Liam whispered and Harry stood to his feet, rushing over to me. "T-thats why you were so mad last night" I concluded "because you're leaving..." I finish.

"Amelia..." Harry mumbled and caressed my cheek "I...I do- please" he begged. His eyes filling with tears. I'm not sure what he's begging for but I grabbed his face with both hands. "Shhh...it's okay" I whispered, managing the smallest smile while the tears spilled silently.

"I-its not" he stutters and I nod my head "it is...it is perfectly okay..." I tell him again and he breaks. He sobs and pulls me into his embrace "I can't leave you" he cries while I run my hands through his hair, smiling a small smile...hoping it'll make it seem like it was okay when in reality...

My entire world just fell apart.

"Don't go...we fly together" a little voice calls and we all turn to see aliza, holding the necklace around her neck in her hand. "No..." Harry whispered as he clenched his fist. "I didn't want her to find out...she's one of the last people I wanted to find out" Harry whispered and ran a hand through his hair.

"Don't leave us Harry...mommy loves you and..." she paused and Harry shook his head, as if he knew what she was going to say next. "I love you too" Aliza sniffled, causing Harry to drop to his knees, right in front of her.

"I'll give you your plane back if you stay" Aliza told him and looked down at the necklace. "No...I want you to keep this...and never, ever let go of it" he tells her. "Will you still stay if hold it really tight?" She asks him and I couldn't even watch...I ran out the room.

Leaving the love of my life with my daughter so they wouldn't see me break.

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