•Chapter 3•

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I uncovered my ears and watched Jack fall into Sam "woah!" I shout and run over to him. "Hey! Jack!" I snapped and he then came back from where ever his brain went. "Sorry I...had a-" he cut himself off before glancing at the boys and shaking his head "am I dreaming? Amelia tell me I'm not dreaming".

"It's real Jackie boy" I chuckled and he stood up straight before fixing his posture. "I don't know whether or not I want this to be a dream because One freaking Direction is literally five feet away from me and I just fainted in front of them" he admitted before slowly walking to the bathroom. "Jack whe-" "I'm going to splash my face with water and if this is real, possibly flush myself down the toilets" he interrupted and I snorted into my hand as he disappeared behind the door.

My attention was now on my other best friend "Sam? You okay?" I asked and she looked at me while nodding slowly "I think so" she whispered and I turned to the boys. "Would it be okay if she just had her moment? Otherwise she'll lose it later" I asked and the boys nodded "yeah go ahead" the blonde assured.

"Alright go on Sam" I told her and she took in a deep breath "ONE FREAKING DIRECTION IS IN MY COFFEE SHOP!" She squealed and it represented an 11 year old girl. She then ranted for about two minutes before cutting herself off "I thi- think I'm done" she smiled and walked over to hide behind me, her face bright red.

I laughed and stared at the boys who took it really well "we've met worse" the curly haired boy admitted. "Well I feel like an idiot now, your that group that's probably popular in space!" I told them and they shrugged. "Don't worry love it was quite nice, to feel normal and such" the brown eyed boy smiled.

I stuck my hand out and grinned "Amelia Hart" I introduced and they all grinned widely.
"Niall Horan"
"Liam Payne"
"Zayn Malik"
"Louis Tomlinson"
"Harry Styles"
Harry seemed to be gentle with his touch and he made sure our handshake was longer than I expected. He held a smirk on his face causing me to smile "ahh, you're the flirty one" I told him and he shrugged "possibly guilty your honor".

"Well it's lovely to meet you boys, still wanting to order?" I asked and they nodded happily. I finished up their drinks and watched as they all took a booth in the back.

As I slid into the booth, I watched Amelia wiped the counters down, not even glancing at us, treating us like normal customers. "That was strange" Liam spoke up and we all smiled "but nice" Louis admitted and we all nodded in agreement. "When was the last time we actually had to introduce our selves to someone who really needed it?" Zayn asked and we all chuckled.

Something about this girl kept pulling my attention because I caught myself staring every two minutes. "I say we come back, yeah?" Louis asked and we all grinned and nodded in agreement. "She's a lovely girl and not to mention she makes amazing coffee" he says and we all laugh.

Amelia then walked over here with a small laugh "so my boss, who's also my best friend told me your drinks are on the house because you guys are 'special guests'. But it's really because she's in love with you". "AMELIA!" The blonde girl shouted from the back of the shop causing us to all laugh.

"Wait I've got a question" Liam called before she could walk away.

"Yep" she spoke with a smile "I don't see a lot of Americans making a living here, so what brought you to? Not to be personal o- I mea- you don't have to answer nevermind" he stuttered and looked down. She chuckled and looked around "um I came here for college and then ran into that chick back there before we became best friends and moved in together and I guess I just couldn't leave you know?". We all nodded and she smiled before pulling a chair beside our table.

"Alright your turn, I've got time" she smirked and we all glanced at each other. "What do you want to know?" I asked as I leaned over a bit.


"Lia, it's 4:30" Sam called and I groaned "shoot I forgot!" I mumbled and started untying my apron while walking to the back to clock out. I grabbed my things and right before I could exit the boys all stopped me "why in a hurry?" Niall asked as they all held bummed out looks. "I have to pick someone up" I told them with an apologetic smile "but it was really great meeting you all! Maybe you guys can come by again, yeah?" I asked and with that I was out and on the road.

I finally pulled into the driveway and raced over to Janie's house and knocked. She opened and laughed at me as she saw I was out of breath "I'm so sorry I was late! I got caught up with something" I apologized and she chuckled "oh you're fine love, I'll go get Aliza". I smiled and nodded as I watched her walk towards the kitchen.

"Mama!" I heard that little voice squeal as her little feet wobbled over to me. I grinned "come here babes" I called and soon she was in my arms "ready to go home?" I asked as I picked her up and she nodded. "Thanks so much Janie!" I told her and she smiled "oh! I forgot to tell you! Lilly and I won't be here tomorrow! I'm sorry love but you think you'll find another sitter? Only for tomorrow I promise". I smiled "I'll figure it out" I told her and she nodded "alright I'll see you soon, bye Aliza!".

"Say bye bye" I told her and headed out towards our front door "you hungry?" I asked and she only shot me a cheeky grin. "Cookie!" She shouted and I laughed "alright you can have a cookie after you eat dinner". I set her in her play area and headed towards the kitchen to heat up some of that soft spaghetti stuff, you know the ones shaped like O's.

Once it was warm enough for Aliza I went to get her and set her in her chair. "Yummy!" She squealed when I sat in front of her with her food causing me to laugh. I scooped a bit and fed it to her which she chewed happily. For someone as small as she is she sure can eat.

After dinner and her cookie I took her upstairs to give her a bath and slid her pajamas on. "Mama I sleep wit you" she mumbles sleepily and I smile "of course baby" I whisper and carried her into my room and setting her down. I slipped out of my clothes and changed into a t-shirt and sweat pants before sliding in next to my daughter.

So besides big time celebrities coming into the shop, this was my almost everyday routine. And I wouldn't change it for the world because I've got my best friends, I've got a steady job with those idiots and I've got this beautiful daughter in my arms.

This is my life and before I could even realize....it's all about to change.

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