•Chapter 6•

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"Okay where to next?" Sam squealed as she carried the many bags in her hands causing me to roll my eyes. "It's been a good three hours, let's get lunch I'm starving" I groan and she sighs "fine! Let's go". "Don't you want to put those in the car?" I ask and she chuckles "oh right" she mumbles as we head the opposite way.

"I'm still trying to process how normal and cool you acted around the boys!" She whined. I laughed as we tried to find the entrance closest to our car. "They're normal boys you know, and I literally had no idea who they were!".

She laughed and I felt my phone buzz, pulling it out I see my brother texted me.

From baby brother:
Skype later? Kasey is being such baby!

I laughed and was about to reply before I crashed into somebody who caught me by the waist. "Oi! Watch where you're go-" they stopped and I had to hold in my laughter as I met those pretty green eyes. "A-Amelia?" He asked and I waved "hello Harry". I heard a bunch of clearing throats and saw that they were all here "and boys!".

She's literally everywhere I go! I can't seem to shake her off. I watched as her and Sam smiled and greeted the rest of the boys individually. "What brings you guys here?" Amelia asked "oh you know, wanting a new pair of heels that match my crop top no big deal" Louis shrugs. She couldn't help but laugh.

I scanned her outfit and saw that her and Sam had gone all out, their outfits fitting their bodies perfectly. Sam was a bit more girlier than Amelia but they both looked great. Amelia's curves were easily seen from a mile away and she just looked really...really good.

"Well we were just gonna put these in the car and go for lunch, you boys wanna join?" I ask. I crossed my arms and smirked as they tried to make it seem like they were busy and to cool for lunch. "Um sure we could do that, sounds whatever I guess" Louis shrugged and I couldn't help but giggle when Niall spoke "screw that I'm coming!".

I throw my arm around him "that's why you're my favorite!" I grin "hey!" They all protested and I only laughed some more. I took some of the bags from Sam so she didn't lose any fingers and we headed out.

"Hold on what are you doing?" Liam called and they were all in front of us, reaching for the bags. "Wh-" "hey!" Sam and I protested "you guys really believe that fine gentlemen like us are gonna let you carry all these bags by yourselves?" Zayn asked and I only rolled my eyes.

"Seriously it's fine, we were only taking them to the c-" "ah, ah, shhhh" Harry shushed me and I stopped to watch them make their way out. Sam and I looked at each other before laughing and following them out.

Once everything was set in the car we made our way back inside. I noticed security guards were all around the mall and I only laughed. "You sure smile a lot!" Louis pointed out "I see the humor in all things!" I grin. "What's for lunch?" Sam asked and I looked around the food court "we could all go to a certain place we'd like and then sit in a booth back there, yeah?" I ask.

"You're such a smart one!" Sam called and pinched my cheeks causing me to smack her hands away. "Alright meet you guys in a sec" I say and make my way towards the pizza place that sell slices bigger than my face. Just the way I like em!

I felt someone grip my sides and a voice say "boo!" Behind me causing me to jump. "Gotcha good didn't I?" He asked and I turned around with my arms crossed. "I'll get you back Styles" I warned playfully "ooh I'm scared" "you should be!" I tell him and he only chuckles. "What is your favorite pizza?" He asked as his emerald eyes scanned the menu above.

"I'm gonna go with the classic pepperoni" I admit and smile at the employee as I was next in line. "Hi can I have one slice of pepperoni pizza?" He smiles at me and nods. I hear Harry order next as I search through my bag for my wallet.

I smile when I finally pulled it out but saw that Harry had both of our orders on one tray and a smirk. "Did you jus-" I look at the employee "did he just p-" he nodded with a laugh and I give Harry a shocked look. "Come on love our friends are awaiting" he smiles and starts walking.

"Why did you do that? I brought money! It's the whole reason of the mall Harry! And you j-" "Amelia!" He cut me off and I looked up at him as he laughs. "Don't worry about it, this is me paying you back for the free coffee!" He grins and I huff "fine...but I'll pay you back!". "No you won't" he tells me and I cross my arms "yes I will and you will accept it or I'll change your name in my phone!".

He playfully gasped "how dare you?!" He cried as we slid next to each other into the booth. "Shut up and give me my pizza" I grumble and he shoots me that cheeky smile that makes his dimple pop before handing me my plate.

"So I have a question" I say as I chew my pizza and they all look at me "how come you're all here in England? Don't you have tours and like, parties to attend?" I ask as I take another bite. "Well we don't go back on tour until later on this year so we've got these couple of months to just hang out yeah?" Liam explained. "But we didn't really understand why we're staying here instead of going home to the families but we've apparently got signings, important meetings, recordings and a couple events held here so we're kind of stuck here for a while before we head down the road again" Zayn explained.

I nodded "I see" I tell them as I peel a pepperoni off of the pizza and eat it. I nudged Harry and he looked down at me with his eyebrows raised "can I have some of your soda?" He smiled "do you want me to buy you one?" He asked and I shook my head. "No! Stop paying for my things!" I pout and he only laughs before handing me his cup. I happily took some before we broke from our little conversation and faced our friends.

"So you'll be here...for a couple of months?" Sam trailed and they all nodded "aw darn! I'll have to see more of you" I playfully pout.

"You didn't really think you'd get rid of us that easily huh Amelia?" Harry asked as his head turned so he could face me. His lips held a smirk and his sparkling eyes held humor as he asked me this. I couldn't fight the feeling in my stomach so I just tried to laugh it off I guess. "Yeah! You think hanging out with us for three days straight was just for fun? You're basically our new best friend!" Niall exclaimed and Sam squealed "my new best friends are One Direction!".

"Ouch Sam!" I say as I place a hand over my heart and she only blows me a kiss from across the table. "So what's after this?" Zayn asks as he pops a French fry in his mouth. They all look at me and I only stare back with a blank look and a string of cheese hanging from my mouth.

I gulp down what's in my mouth and clear my throat "what?" I ask "what's after this? What's your plans? Can we come? Helllloooo! Get it together Amelia!" Louis sassed. I laughed for about the millionth time today and pushed some of my hair back. "I mean...we were gonna get Aliza and catch a movie...." I explained and they all nodded.

"Well...can we come?" Liam asked and I looked at Sam who basically held a look telling to say yes or she strangle me in my sleep. "Um..yeah! Why not?" They all cheered and we finished up our meals.


"Why don't we rent a couple movies and just hang out at the house?" Sam asked and I looked at the boys to see if they'd still wanna come. "Sound okay?" I ask and they all stop in the middle of the parking lot "us? Come over to your house?" Niall asked and I nodded "yes, you guys come over and we all watch movies and eat junk food and hang out" I explain with a chuckle. They all smiled and nodded "yeah of course!" They all cheered in unison and as we headed separate ways to our cars Sam and I watched as groups and groups of girls swarmed their van.

I saw Harry turn around from inside the van with a questioning look. I held out my hands to give him the idea to text me and he nodded happily before whirling toward to where I could see the back of his head.

"Ugh crazy fans" Sam playfully scoffs as she pulls out the parking lot.

I opened my mouth to say something but she held her finger up "don't even say anything". I huffed in defeat while she turned on the radio.

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