•Chapter 2•

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~1 Year Later~

"Come on Lia! We're gonna be late to work!" That voice that is still high and pitchy shouted causing me to groan. I shoved into my pillow before I heard whining and crying. I sighed and got up to walk into her room to see her supporting herself in the crib of hers. I smiled and picked her "hello my love" I spoke softly before kissing her cheek "mama!" She giggled and I laughed before heading downstairs.

Ever since I've decided to adopt Aliza as my own, Sam and I have worked so hard to get this house. Sam owns the coffee shop and I work for her.

Shocker right?

So I guess you could say our that we're paid good money.
"Sam I don't even know why you're still here" I grumbled as she flipped me off "I'm the boss I do what I want" she sassed. I rolled my eyes with a chuckle before setting Aliza in her chair and pouring some of that baby cereal onto the little hook on table. "Shut up and watch her while I get dressed" I glared at my best friends and she sticks her tongue at me.

I showered and did all that smooth jazz before sliding on my black skinny jeans and white buttoned up shirt. I threw my hair into a cute pony tail and grabbed my phone and bag before heading back downstairs. Once Aliza was dressed in her cute lady bug dress I picked her up and sped walked towards our neighbors house.

She's literally the nicest woman you will ever meet.

I knocked on the door and the old woman opened with that kind hearted smile of hers. "Hey Janie!" I smiled and she chuckled "Hello Amelia!" I set my daughter down on her own two feet as Janie grasped her tiny hand. "Have a wonderful day at work and I'll see you at 4!" She grinned and I could see her granddaughter Lilly squeal and hug Aliza before I hopped in my jeep and followed Sam down the road.


We pulled into the parking lot and got out at the same time before shutting our doors and locking our cars in unison. "We have to stop doing that" she told me and I laughed before we walked inside the shop.

"Ladies!" The boy behind the counter shouted with glee and we both laughed "Jack!" We shouted back. Jack is basically our other best friend other than each other. He chuckled and tossed me my apron before Sam walked to the back. "I'm interviewing a few people today for the open position so if you need anything, I'll be talking to bratty teens who need a job" she groaned. I scoffed "oh please you still act 16" I told her and she looked at me "yeah and you still act 9, what's your point?".

I flipped her off and she blows me a kiss before walking into her office "sometimes I question your friendship" Jack tells me and I laugh "yeah well, that's how we roll".

He laughs and starts wiping down tables while I greet our first customers of the day. Aww they're an adorable couple! I jump out of my trance and smile "hi! Welcome to Sammy's what can I get for ya?".


"Ugh was I like that as a teenager?" Sam asked as she walked out of her office and sighed. I laughed and hopped on the counter, swinging my legs back and forth. "It's been pretty much dead today" I told her in shock. Our shop was pretty popular to teens for hanging out and studying but not so much today. There was literally no one here other than the couple that came earlier and some weird dude that kept checking Jack out.

She shrugged and decided to scan the pages of a magazine that Jack was reading. "One Direction" they squealed at the same time and I scrunched my eye brows "who?" I ask and they gasped before staring at me like I was E.T. "What?" Jack asked and Sam shook her head "I've lived with you for a like 3 years and that just told me you don't listen! One Direction Amelia! The five boys that give me chest pains and important dreams that deserve to be replayed".

I cringed "gross" I grumbled "I can't even look at you!" She screeched before marching to her office. Jack shook his head as if he were ashamed of me before heading towards the back. "Seriously?" I call and I rolled my eyes when I heard fake sobbing.

They both go from 20 to 12 years old within five seconds I swear.

Just as I hopped off the counter top, I heard the bell ring at the top of the glass door and five figures entered with hoodies and shades on. They looked around and when they saw the shop was empty they slid the hoods and shades off with cheeky smiles.

Okay weird.

"Um what can I get you gentlemen?" I asked, trying not to let their attractiveness distract me. They were quite shocked as if they heard their parents swear for the first time.

"Hello!" I waved and they all snapped out of their trance before they were all awkwardly nodding and looking at the menu behind me.

"Can I just get an ice coffee" the boy with blonde hair asked and I nodded "course" I smiled and turned around to start his order while the others just chuckled in amusement. I heard faint whispering and I turned around and slid the Irish blonde his drink.

"Thank ya darlin" he smiled and I nodded "oh! Is that separate or together?" I asked. "Together" they answered at the same time and I laughed "alright". "Next?" I asked and they were still just shocked and amused as if I were oblivious to the whole world. The one with the curly hair looked strangely familiar but I shook it off and tried not to stare at them to long.

"I'm sorry is there something wrong? I feel excluded" I pouted playfully and they laughed "no it's just-" the blue eyed brunette cut himself off with a laugh. "It's just not usual for us to meet someone like you, it's been quite a while" the brown eyed brunette announced and I grew more confused.

"Still not following" I trailed off and a boy with dark hair stepped up "we're o-" "hey Lia, do you have an ext- oh my god" Sam stopped dead in her tracks and what ever was in her hand was now on the ground.


Pretty sure Jack had a heart attack and our ear drums were officially blown out.

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