•Chapter 27•

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So I wasn't completely drunk but I could feel the buzz. "Let's invite the boys!" Sam cheered and I pouted "not Harry!" Josh warned and she rolled her eyes "no shit Sherlock". I giggled and poured myself another full glass of wine, taking a sip. "Here Lia! You call them!" Sam slurred.

She was definitely drunk, Jack might have bought a bottle of vodka but I was fine with my wine. Hey! I should get that on a mug.

I sigh and take her phone, calling Niall. "Sam!" He answered with excitement laced in his voice. "Sorry Nialler, wrong gal" I chuckled "ew where's Sam?" He playfully asked. "Fine! You aren't invited to our party! Wheres Louis?" I pout "no I'm kidding! We're coming!" He shouts. I laugh and look at my three best friends stumbling like idiots "they're coming" I shout.

A drunken Sam snatches the phone and giggles "don't bring Harry! This is a Harry free zone!" She slurs. Then she just hung up. Although the buzz was getting to my head, it didn't stop the pain in my chest when I heard his name. I'm not gonna deny that I liked him...a lot. "Come on Amelia! Dance with us!" Josh cheered and pulls me up "hey! Don't spill my wine!" I pout and tried to contain my drink.


I don't know how long we were dancing but it must have been a while since the boys were already knocking on the door. I was probably drunk now and I couldn't stop giggling. Sam ran to open the door and returned with four very confused boys. "Well what is going on here?" Zayn chuckled as him and the boys walked in and plopped on the couches.

"We are trying to help Amelia here" Jack paused to pinched my cheeks "forget about your friend Harry Styles". They all saddened "what happened?" Liam asked "yeah he seemed fine earlier" Louis stated.

Well that hurt.

"You know they had a date right? And he was an absolute dick" Jack growled. I sighed "guys..." I mumble and sit beside Liam "what?! We didn't know that" he exclaimed.

"He was staring at boobs and Amelia had to walk home with wet pants!" Sam slurred and plopped her drunken self onto Niall's lap. Niall's face went red real quick "what?!" Louis exclaimed and I nodded, gulping some more wine. "Well let's forget him for tonight!" Josh exclaimed and handed the boys glasses of wine.

I laid my head on Liam's shoulder and sighed "I thought he liked me" I mumbled. That caused everyone to calm down and look at me with pity in their eyes. "It seemed like he liked me at least..." I shrugged as his face appeared in my mind for the billionth time today. "How can I like someone this much in such little time?" I whisper and gulp my wine.

I looked up at my friends who's eyes were on me, anger starting to fill their expressions. "He does like you!" Zayn exclaimed and I shook my head "no, he likes girls...too many of them at once" I sigh. "Can I just go to bed...I think I'm all partied out" I giggle and stand up, stumbling a bit. "Alright, I'll walk you up" Louis chuckled and he helped me up the stairs.

We entered my room and I laid down "night Amelia" he smiled and was about to walk away. "Lou!" I call and he stops "I really need someone right now" I whisper and he nods. He climbs in with me "can you sing to me?" I asked and shut my eyes "sing what?" He chuckles and rubs my back. "Anything to take the pain away..." I whisper and I could feel his deep sigh.

I'm going to kill him. He just had to let her go like that? He had to hurt her that way? I don't think she noticed but she had tears falling down her cheeks and I knew right there that she really liked him. She liked him way too much. I wiped her face and started singing an Ed Sheeran song.

I could see the light smile on her face and soon her snores were filling the room. I kissed her forehead and slowly climbed out of her bed and out of her room. "Is she okay?" Niall asked and I nodded "she's really hurt..." I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "I'm gonna kill Harry" Liam sighed and we all nodded in agreement.

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