•Chapter 52•

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Pacing back and forth, Sam laughed at me while Lou worked on her hair. "You better not be this jittery when I do your makeup, I've already got to deal with those five" Lou complains.

"Sorry.." I mutter and attempt to sit still until my turn. My family and I have spent this entire week together and I couldn't even ask for anything else. They leave tomorrow and decided to give me this day to hang out with my friends while they spent time with Aliza.

I have never been this nervous in my life! Celebrities everywhere, talking like nothing while I, the awkward newbie, stands there and freezes up or worse!

"Amelia!" Lou snapped and I jump "sorry! What?" "It's your turn love" she laughs. I nod and when Sam finally comes into view I gasp. "You look gorgeous!" I squeal and she blushes "Niall is not going to keep his hands off ya!" I squeal again. She blushes "hush!" She laughs and Lou begins working on me. "What are you nervous about?" She asks when she powders my face.

I sigh "I don't know...Harry's the first person I've dated in a really long time...I guess the insecurities are just worming there way in" I slouch. "You? Insecure? Oh honey" she scoffs "what?" I pout "you're beautiful! And don't wear makeup on a daily basis like most girls do. You have nothing to worry about" she tells me. "But Harr-" "Harry absolutely adores you! Never shut ups about you really. You'll be fine tonight" she promises. My nerves slowly ease and I thank her with a smile.


"Wow...I'm pretty damn good" Lou smirks as she eyes Sam and I up and down. She steps away and l
We both gasp at our own reflections. We looked stunning! I couldn't even explain it.

"Hurry up would you!" Louis screeches and we all laugh before grabbing our bags and headed out. "Louis, you take like five years to get ready, we took an hour and a half" Sam yelled back. "Well I actu- woah..." He cuts himself off.

We both look at the boys to see them staring at us with mouths dropped. "Boys, close your mouths...you'll catch flies" Lou chuckled and they cleared their throats. Harry walked towards me and planted a kiss on my forehead. "You are...breath taking" he whispers with a smile. I blushed and looked at our laced hands "thank you" I whisper back.

"We should go" Liam clears his throat and we nod.

I say by to my family and kiss Aliza goodnight before heading out. Here we go.


"I think I just saw J-Lo" Sam squealed as we entered the giant hall. "Oh my god! Ni! Let's go meets Ryan Gosling!" Sam exclaimed and dragged the blonde away. "I wanna meet Ry-" "no you dont" Harry interrupted and grabbed my waist, pulling me in a different direction. "And I'm the jealous one" I smirk causing him to glare at me. I giggle and peck his cheek, earning that childish grin of his.

"Harry! Hey man!" A voice greeted, we turned to see Ed Sheeran making his way over. "What's up man" Harry laughed and pulled him into a hug. "This is your gal?" He asked with a grin and Harry happily nodded "yes sir" He answered. "She's a real beaut, hi love, Ed" he introduced and I shook his hand "hi, Amelia, I love your music" I smiled. "Thanks, real pleasure meeting you" he smiles and walks away, waving to Harry one last time.

"You know Ed but didn't know us at all?" Harry asks. "Sorry" I shrug and he only chuckles. I gasp "is that Justin timberlake?!" I freak and drag Harry over.

"This is gonna be a long night" Harry whined.


After meeting Anna Kendrick and relating to how awkward we both are, I kinda lost Harry. I was trying to search for him but ended up bumping into somebody. "I'm sorry! I'm such a clutz" I apologize and the person turns around. "It's okay, kinda my fault for standing here like an idiot" he grins and my mouth drops. Dylan freaking O'Brien.

He is so gorgeous...even in person. "Hello..." He waves is hand in front of my face. "Sorry! I just- im a huge fan" I laugh and he nods "glad to know I attract beautiful girls like you" he smiles. "Hm...was that a pick up line?" I laugh and cross my arms. "Um...if you weren't with Harry Styles, it would've been" he laughs and I join him. "Well have you seen him?" I ask and he shakes his head "no, I'll help you look" he smiles.

I nod and we both start squeezing through the crowd of celebrities. "Oh! I see him" I smile and make my way over to the curly haired boy. He looked angry...oh no.

"Harry?" I asked once I reach him. "I need a drink" he huffs but I grab his wrist before he could stomp away. My hands take his face and line our eyes together. "What's wrong?" I ask and he sighs before grabbing my waist. "Do you love me?" He asks and my heart pounds. "I know we haven't been together that long but i-" "yes" I cut him off. "What?" He asks and I nod my head "yes...I love you" I tell him. He grins and kisses my forehead "I love you" he mumbles. "Now what's wrong?" I ask him and he shakes his head.


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