•Chapter 37•

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"Bye Liza! Bye Lia!" The boys smiled and kissed our cheeks. After we helped the boys unpack and arranged things the way they wanted, we hung out for a bit until Aliza was starting to get tired. Now we were on our way out to get home and just sleep. "Remember what I said" Harry whispered to me causing me to roll my eyes and nod. "I know Haz, chill out" I chuckled and he smiles "I'll pick you up tomorrow okay? Be ready" he grins.

I nodded "bye!" I waved and hopped in my jeep after strapping Aliza in. Once we hit the road I took a deep breath "Liza?" I called "yes mommy" she answered. "So do you like the boys new house?" I asked "yeah! It's really big! And uncle Lili said I get a room there!" She squealed. I nodded "well...would you want to live there?" I asked nervously and she was silent for a mere minute. "Yeah! But I would miss Lilly and granny Janie" she sighed and I glanced at her through the mirror to see she was frowning.

I chuckled "baby it's not that far, you'd still go there" I explained and she lit up "yay! So we live wit uncle Lili and uncle Zaynie and Uncle Lou and-" "I didn't say that" I laughed. "Oh...can we go live there?" She asked causing me to smile "maybe...we have to ask Aunty Sam first and then...we just might" I mutter. I could hear her little hands clapping which only made me smile to myself.

I can't believe I'm almost agreeing to this!


"They want us to what?!" Sam screeched and I had to shove a pillow in her face to keep her quiet. "You're going to wake up Aliza!" I groaned and sat back "but yes, they want us to move in" I sighed. "Are they out of their freaking minds?!" She exclaimed and I only chuckled "I guess they are" I shrug. "I promised Harry we'd talk about it and stuff" I sighed and she scoffed "there is no way in hell we're letting them take us in" she crossed her arms.

I nodded in agreement "did you ask Liza?" She asked as she glanced at me and I nodded. "What'd she think?" She raised her eyebrows and I laughed softly "she thinks it's a grand idea". She nods "of course she does" Sam laughs and I nod.

After what seemed like a lifetime of silence, Sam bit her lip and gave me that look causing me to shake my head "Sam, no" I glared. She groaned "but...don't you think it's a lot safer?" She asked and I scrunched my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I asked and she nodded "I mean, no one can get in and there will be a lot more people there for Aliza. The paps already know where we work, if they find out where we live they won't stop to probably sneak pictures through the windows and maybe even get in" Sam shrugged.

It all made sense but I just don't know. "Sam" I mumbled and she smiled softly "come on! It could be fun, we've got to at least try it out" she laughed. I bit my lip and groaned, not even believing what I was about to do.

"Fine." I mumble and she gasps "really?!" She asked and I nodded "yeah..." I assured and she pulled me into a hug. "Oh my god! Amelia!" She grinned and I only laughed "I wonder how the boys would react". She squealed and did a little dance around the room causing me to laugh harder. "I've always wanted to live in a lake house!" She grinned and I shook my head "I can't believe I just agreed to that" I groaned. "Think of all the fun we'll have! Plus we don't have to pay rent!" She smirked and plopped beside me.

"I guess we'll let them know" I smiled. Maybe this could work out...at least for a while before I go completely insane. I laughed at my own thoughts before checking the time "we'll let them know tomorrow, but now you have to tell me about your date" I smirked. She froze in the middle of her fan girl moment before turning bright red. "Oh yeah...about that..." She chuckled nervously and I crossed my arms "what?" I asked.

"Niall asked me to be his girlfriend and....I said yes"

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