•Chapter 25•

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"I can't believe you have a date with Harry and you're telling me now!" Sam screeched before chucking a pillow at me. "Sam! Chill out! Can you watch Aliza or not?" I asked and she glared at me "only because it's Harry and not some low life like-" "Jeremy" I finished. "Exactly" she pointed and stomped away.

I laughed to myself before heading to my closet to find an outfit. I felt my phone buzz and when I checked I smiled when I saw it was Harry.

From Sexy Styles:
I'll be there in an hour! Lunch and a movie sound okay?

To Sexy Styles:
Sounds perfect! See you soon! xx

I grin to myself and get back to searching for an outfit. I haven't dated since college and I'm getting nervous. Now I'm panicking. I stopped and my eyes widened "Samantha!" I yelled and she was in my room within a second. "I knew you'd need me!" She squealed and I whipped to face her "I'm going on a date! What do I do?! I haven't been on a date since college! What if I say something stupid or I scare him away!? Sam I don't know if I can do this! What if I-" "okay stop!" She interrupted and set her hands on my shoulders.

"You are going to be fine! You just be your charming and beautiful self, you act normal okay? And don't get nervous...you ramble when you're nervous" she tells me. I took a deep breath and nodded "okay...I can do this..." I whispered and she nodded "yes you can". I nodded and she shot me one last smile before walking out the room. I let out one more deep breath before getting ready.

I slipped on my dark skinny jeans and white batman tank top. I slid on my leather jacket and studded combat boots before working on my hair.

I decided to curl my hair just to kill time and I finished off my look with some mascara and eyeliner. I smiled at my reflection and grabbed my phone, skipping out my room and down the stairs.

"You look so...decent" Sam scolded as she held Aliza in her arms "it's lunch and a movie...should I change?!" I asked as I began to panic again. "Oh! That's actually perfect! Simple but adorable" she squealed and disappeared into the living room. I let out a sigh of relief but the nerves only built up some more when I heard a knock on the door.

"Oh my god" I mumbled and Sam reappeared with a glare "answer the door!" She whisper-yelled. I couldn't even respond because she pushed me and ran away. I opened the door and Harry looked me up and down with a shocked look. "Am I too under dressed? Should I change?" I asked and he shook his head "no! You shouldn't...you look great" he smiled.

I glanced at his outfit and smiled when I saw he had on his signature skinny jeans and a simple grey hoodie. His hair was held back by a scarf and he topped it off with some black boots. I suddenly felt a lot better. He held his hand out and I happily took it, following him to his car.

"So I was thinking a burger and some fries with a milkshake before we go and catch our movie" he told me with a nervous look in his eye. "That sounds perfect, I thought you were going to plan this whole fancy dinner thing" I lightly laughed. "Why? I should have huh?" He face palmed and I shook my head "no!".

I couldn't help but laugh at how we're both nervous and acting like 15 year olds again.

I stopped and faced him "I would love to enjoy this lunch and movie Harry. Just me and you, no crowds of snobs and no food that costs more then my car". He looked at me and sighed in relief "okay...good, come on" he grinned and dragged me to the car.

Oh boy


We just pulled into the diner parking lot that Sam and I used to go to before we had our own place. "I heard the burgers here were amazing" Harry smiled as we walked in. "They are!" I exclaimed "you've been here before?" He asked. "Yeah I-" "Lia!" A voice called and I turned to see one of my college friends Jess.

"Hey!" I smiled and she pulled me into a hug "how are you?" She squealed and I laughed "I'm awesome! How are you?". She shrugged "I'm great! Working here and as a bartender down the street. You should come by sometime! We've got Karaoke Friday's" she nudged and I giggled. "I'll stop by. But can we get a table?" I asked and she glanced behind me to see Harry "oh of course I can" she smirked at me.

"You did good" she winked and sat us in a booth in the back "sadly, I was waiting those bratty kids over there so someone else will be here in a sec" she frowned. "Alright! I'll catch you later" I laughed and she nodded before walking away. "Well...that was interesting" Harry chuckled and just looked at me.

"What?" I asked "I don't know...I guess I was just hoping you didn't know this place...so I could seem like a normal guy" he admitted. My jaw dropped "I'm so sorry! We could um...we could have lunch somewhere else! Oh I'm an idiot" I face palmed. "No! Okay, can we please start over?" He asked.

I peeked from behind my hand to see him looking at me the same way I'm probably looking at him. Embarrassed and desperate. I laughed and nodded "of course" he joined me in laughter.

Soon a girl with a small and tight uniform walked over and sighed "hi my name is Piper and I'll be y-" she stopped herself when she saw Harry. "I'll be your waitress" she smirked with a bit more attitude and leaned a bit over to him. Gross. "What can I get you to drink?" She asked as she tried to do that thing where girls put the pens in their mouths and think it's cute.

"C-can I just have a water?" Harry stuttered as he stared at her and fidgeted in his seat.

I know he is not falling for this.

"Of course" she smirked and wrote it down on her notepad. "I'll have one too" I spoke so that she knew I was here too. She rolled her eyes and nodded before walking away.

I tried to ignore the fact that Harry actually turned his head to look but it bothered me way to much. "So what movie are we seeing?" I asked and tried to just drop all of it. "Well I was going to wait until we got there so that we'd both get to decide" he smiled. I nodded "that's a good idea" I smiled and he grinned "good".

The slu- I mean waitress returned with two waters and when she set mine down, she made sure to spill half of it into my lap. I gasped and grabbed napkins to quickly dab it but it was too late because it looked like I peed myself. I looked to see Harry smirking up at the waitress and glancing down...at her breasts.

"I actually thought those rumors about you were fake" I scoffed and stood up to leave. "Wait! Amelia!" He called and I ignored him, walking out of the diner, leaving that pig in there. I fought the tears as hard as I could and groaned before walking home.

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