•Chapter 5•

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"You guys wanna exchange numbers?" I ask while I get mine and Aliza's things ready to go. They all grin happily "we've been waiting for that question for two days now!" Louis scolded. I held my hands in defense "sheesh mom" I laughed and I handed them my phone before they slid theirs towards me.

I typed my number in each of their phones and smirked as I titled my name as 'Amelia' with about every emoji on the keyboard. Or at least as many as I could fit. When I got my phone back I smiled "talk to you guys soon yeah?" I asked and they all nodded with cheeky grins.

I carried Aliza out the door as she waved goodbye to them. I buckled her in the car before heading down the road. We sang out songs we knew and I couldn't help but laugh when the radio played a song by One Direction.

"Of course" I mumbled with a little laugh.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me"

I found myself smiling through the whole song as I could slightly recognize their voices and I admit that it's a really good song. They're voices were smooth and not to mention I bet this song has girls going wild!

When I parked into the lot my phone buzzed about five or six times. I looked to see it was the boys and one from Sam causing me to laugh.
I decided I'd read them when I got inside so I unstrapped Aliza and we headed in.

I slid on my soft pajama pants and one of my brothers sweaters I stole last time I went to visit them. I changed Aliza into her panda pajamas and we both slid into my bed. "Mermaid mommy?" She asked and I smiled before switching on The Little Mermaid for her.

While Aliza's fascinated gaze was focused on the tv I took this time to check my phone.

From Sexy Styles:
It was either this name or Master Styles, whichever you prefer ;)

I bursted into laughter before replying

To Sexy Styles:
It's been two days -.- stop being creepy (insert about a billion laughing emojis)

From Nialler:
Do you know how to cook?

From Liam:
Am I the only normal name? Bet I am huh?

From The Tommo:
I felt left out so I decided to text you too! Hi Liaaaaaaaaaa!

From Zaynie poo:
What's my name? -.- Louis took your phone and typed it for me

From The Bestest Friend In The Whole Wide World:
Wait up for me, this whole becoming buddy buddy with my future husbands needs to be discussed!!

I couldn't help but clutch my stomach from so much laughing. "Mommy your face red!" Aliza giggled and I calmed down a bit, some chuckles slipping here and there "yeah well, people are weird" I tell her and she only giggles some more. I decided to put us all in a group message.

Group Message:

Me: Gosh it's literally been half an hour since we've all seen each other and I feel more famous then you boys.

The Tommo: Did you tell Zayn his name yet?

Nialler: still didn't answer me question

Liam: I am the only normal name!

Sexy Styles: Did you change my name?!

Zaynie poo: WHATS MY NAME?!

The Bestest Friend In The Whole Wide World: why TF am I in this Amelia?

Me: don't you want your future husbands numbers?

The Tommo: your name is Zayn silly goose!

Me: Niall I can cook, no I didn't change your name Harry, yes your name is normal Liam and its Zaynie Poo

Sam: I'll kill you.

Me: this was a bad idea....

Liam: ya think?


I shut my phone off and couldn't help but laugh as it continued to buzz. It stopped at one point and I saw Aliza had fallen asleep. I carried her to her crib after kissing her cheek.

I went back to my room and shut the tv off before flopping onto my bed and letting sleep takeover.


"Wake up!" A voice yelled and I soon felt a pillow hit me in the face. "Ouch! Sam what the hell?" I grumble "I asked for you to wait up for me and the hit was because of the billion times you've embarrassed me in front of the boys!". I sighed "sorry I was honestly tired and I thought it was funny" I laughed and she rolled her eyes "let's hang out today".

Bipolar much?

"Work and the new kid" I reminded "you have the day off and Jack can do it!" She explained. I blew out a breathe "alright, where are we going?" I asked and she shrugged "an adventure! Been a while since we've hung out!". I nodded with a smile "Aliza can still go to Janie's and then us three can do something tonight?".

She nodded happily "yes!" She squealed and I stood up to get Aliza ready. She was already awake so I just lifted her up to dress her in her pink dress with patterns all over it and added a matching headband and shoes. She grabbed her doll and smiled up at me "Lilly and me play Dollies!" She squealed excitedly. "Sounds fun!" I grin and she nods as we walk outside.

I knocked and Janie answers with that well known smile of hers and I grin "hello Amelia!" She greets warmly and I wave "hi Janie!". "Hello Liza's mommy!" I hear a voice call and I grin towards Lilly "hey babe!" I crouched down to give her a hug.

"Well I'll see you at four love!" Janie smiles and I nod "thanks again so much!" I tell her and she waves to me while I head back to the house. Once I walked in Sam handed me a bagel with a cup of coffee "thanks" I smile and she nods before we both walk into the kitchen.

"Let's dress up today, not like casual but you know show off our curves and look like hipsters" she tells me and I laugh. "Sure why not?" I shrug causing her to squeal "okay so I was thinking the mall, lunch and then pick up Aliza for a movie?". I nod "sounds fun!" I cheer and when our small breakfast was finished, we headed upstairs to get dressed.

I took a quick shower and did all that stuff that makes your body clean before heading back to my room to find an outfit. I smiled when I had found a cute outfit and started getting dressed.

I grabbed my phone and shoulder bag before sliding my sunglasses on and heading downstairs. Sam came down only a few minutes after me and we grinned at each other. "Damn we look good!" I exclaimed and she flipped her hair playfully before we both headed out the door, me locking the door.

"So Harry seems to have a small crush on you" she winks and I only scoff before sliding into the passenger seat. "Sam it's been two and a half days" I explained "yeah...ever heard of love at first sight?" She asks "yeah, have you ever heard of bullshit?". She rolls her eyes but kept her focus on the road "oh come on don't play that oblivious card with me! You and Harry have a thing going on!".

"Oh please! The only thing we've got going on is which one of us can use the most emojis in a text message" I explain and she scoffs "yeah right, he looks at you like a kid in a candy store and you're obviously playing hard to get". I laugh and she joins me "like I said! It's literally been two and half days! And I don't play hard to get, I am hard to get" I joke and flip my hair.

"The only thing hard to get about you is your balance, you're clumsier then the scare crow from wizard of oz" she tells me. I huff like a kid "shut up" I grumble and she only smirks.

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