•Chapter 42•

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As I flipped the eggs and hummed a random tune I jumped when two arms wrapped around my waist. "Hello there" I giggled and felt his lips meet my cheek "hi" he grinned and laid his chin on my shoulder. "Smells good, as usual" he mumbles and I laugh softly "well thank you, I try" I playfully shrug.

After I finished up the rest of the eggs, Harry spun me around to face him with a smirk on his lips. "You owe me something" he playfully glared and I playfully gasped "is it a dollar?" I ask. He pouts and I start laughing "you're a tease" he glares and I smirk "it's fun to see you squirm" I wink and break from his grip. "Amelia" he whined and I chuckled, leaning up to kiss his lips, feeling him smile in satisfaction.

"My virgin eyes!" A voice screeched and we pulled away to see Louis covering his eyes. I snorted into my hand while Harry sighed in slight frustration. "How could you do that to me?! Check my eyes! Are they still blue!?" He cried as he shoved his face in front of me. I rolled my eyes and shoved his head away "shut up!" I mumble and call everyone to come and eat.

"What's with all the yelling?" Niall laughed as they all entered "Amelia and Harry ruined my virgin eyes" Louis fake cried. "Sam and Niall did the same to me!" Zayn exclaimed and they both fake cried with each other. Sam and I looked at each other before we picked up some eggs and chucked it at them.

"What a waste!" Niall cried and we rolled our eyes "oh shut up" Sam grumbles. I lifted up Aliza, setting her in her chair. "Thank you mommy" she smiled once her food was in front of her. "Welcome baby" I tell her and take the seat beside her.

Everyone else thanked me, Harry pecking my cheek and I nodded with a light smile. "So our suitcases are in the closet upstairs and we've got tons of boxes in the closet over there" I explain, taking in a mouthful of eggs. "Okay, sounds good" Liam smiled and I nodded "if you guys want, we can have a storage for your guys furniture in case we drive you guys out or something" Niall chuckled. We all laughed but I nodded "that would be good, just in case" I wink and he laughs.

"I'll get on that" Harry smiles and I nod "okay!" I grin and shove some more food in my mouth.


We spent an entire 7 hours packing up everything. Yes we managed to get everything! Harry ordered a truck and him and the boys loaded our furniture. It was all happening so fast I couldn't even keep up! I looked around the empty living room and laughed to myself.

I felt like I was in some cheesy movie as scenes of different memories played through my mind. It wasn't like we lived here a lifetime but a lot has happened here in such a small amount of time. Starting from Aliza's first step to her first word. Switching over to Sam's break up with Jeremy then my attempt at a new a meal and almost blowing up the house. Sam linked her arm with mine and shot me a smile "memories?" She asked and I nodded.

"Remember when Jack was dancing on the table and nearly fell into the TV?" I asked and she bursted out laughing with a nod. "How about the time Aliza called the cops and they thought we were a lesbian couple when they showed up?" She smirked and it was my turn to laugh. "He was all like 'now this isn't for the reason you think it is'" I mocked in a horrible British accent. She laughed and nodded "then we played along, pretending to be offended!" She exclaimed and we were both laughing.

"Don't worry, those boys will drive us crazy and we'll have to come back" she laughed and I nodded "probably" I shrugged. "Hey!" Two voice whined and we turned around to see Niall and Harry crossing their arms. They were both shirtless and sweaty due to the heavy lifting they did.

"It's rude to eavesdrop!" Sam smirked and they chuckled "it's also rude to not tell us you're lesbians" Harry smirked back. We both bursted into fits of laughter before shrugging "sorry we didn't know how to tell you". Niall snapped his fingers "oh darn!" He playfully pouted and we rolled our eyes.

Sam chuckled and hopped on his back before they both disappeared. "You know it takes normal people about a week or two to move out of their homes" I crossed my arms and Harry laughed. "Who said we were normal?" he shrugged and walked over to me. My eyes met his toned chest and made their way down to his abs.

"Enjoying the view?" He winked and I sighed "yeah I am, can you do a twirl?" I smirked and he rolled his eyes, his hands meeting my waist. He connected our lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled away, foreheads against each other and I laughed "you're all sweaty" I grumble and pulled from his grip. He laughed and sighed "yeah...I'll work on that" he rolled his eyes.

"Come on love birds!" Zayn called and we both laughed. I pecked his lips one last time before we headed out "I don't think I've ever packed everything in one day" I laughed. "We're excited" Louis shrugged and threw an arm around me. "I can see that" I smirk and watched Liam shut the back of the truck. "Well! Let's get going!" Niall cheered while everyone climbed into their cars ready to leave.

Aliza wanted to ride with Sam and Niall so she went with them. "We'll meet you guys there" I smile and take Harry's hand "what are we-" "come on" I laugh. I looked over at Janie's to see her light was still on so I led Harry over to her front door. I knocked with a grin on my face while Harry looked confused. "Lia what are we doing h-" the door swung open and Janie grinned "Amelia!" She greeted and pulled me into a hug.

She pulled away and her eyes landed on Harry who had a polite smile on his face. "Is this him?" She asked and I nodded "this is him" I grin and she stuck her hand out "Janie Peterson" she introduced. Harry lightly shook her hand and nodded "Harry Styles" he smiled. "Well come on in! The tea was starting to get cold" she winked and I laughed, dragging Harry inside.

I sat down beside Amelia who was smiling like a little kid with the woman as they exchanged small whispers. I think they thought I wouldn't notice but I did and I kept that to myself. Soon Aliza's friend Lilly scurried in and squealed "hi Lia!" She greeted.

Amelia lit up brighter then before like she does when she sees Aliza and squatted down. "Lilly!" She grinned and pulled the little blonde into her arms. "I show you something!" Lilly smiled and led Amelia out of the kitchen, not really giving her a choice.

"Amelia is a good person" Janie told me and handed me a cup of tea. I nodded "I know" I agreed and she set another cup down for Amelia "she has the biggest heart...I recommend you don't hurt her". I nod "I don't plan to" I explain and she nods "do you love her?" She asked with a smile playing on her lips. I let out a deep breath "yeah...I do" I answered and with that, she didn't say another word until Amelia was in the room again.

"Sorry, I can never say no to Lilly" she apologized and I chuckled "you can't really say no to anyone love". She playfully glared at me while Janie shrugged "he's right dear". Amelia pouted and sipped her tea "rude" she grumbled causing us to laugh.

I love Amelia Hart...

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