•Chapter 33•

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I woke up to that annoying alarm as usual and got up to get dressed for work. "You aren't going to work" Sam told me once she walked past my room "what?" I called and she walked back. "I gave you today off, Josh is hanging out with you" she shrugs "since when do you let Josh do anything?" I laugh. "Since I found out he was leaving today" she smirks and walks away.

I roll my eyes and decided to slide on an outfit to just hang today. I headed downstairs to see the boys still here, just hanging out. Sometimes I forget they don't live here "morning!" I grin and they all smile at me "morning". Sam came downstairs ready to leave "alright I gotta go before Jack rips my head off" she laughs.

"Bye Sam!" They all chorused "adios!" She called before heading out the door. "Mommy see Lilly?" Aliza asked and I chuckled "yeah we'll leave in a sec" I told her and she cheered. "She loves her some Lilly" I laughed and the boys nodded "everyone needs a best friend" they shrugged. "You guys have your interview today right?" I asked and they all nod "yeah, we'll be leaving around noon maybe" Liam shrugged.

"You guys should just move here already" I chuckled and took the seat beside Harry. "Was that serious or a joke because we never know with you Lia" Louis laughed and Josh shook his head. "Don't laugh she could be serious" he warned and all five boys looked at me "I mean..."

"No!" They all exclaimed and I shrugged "I'm just saying! You guys basically live here already and you're wasting money on a hotel room that hasn't been used!" I tell them. "You give to much Lia" Louis told me and I lifted my hands in defense "okay fine, just a suggestion". I crossed my arms and watched them all glare at me "what?" I asked. "You were seriously telling us to move in with you?!" Niall asked and I groaned "yes!"

They all shook their heads and Josh only laughed "she's always been that way" he shrugged. "How long is 'always'?" Harry chuckled and Josh smirked "since we were like six! She found two homeless dogs and a cat and hid them in our tree house for like two months" he laughed. "At six?!" Liam asked and I rolled my eyes "what did you feed them?!" Zayn asked and I chuckled "I always ate half of my dinner and took the other half to them and then I got caught and had to give them up" I sighed.

"You need to work on that" Harry chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "You guys are rude" I sigh and stand up, getting ready to take Aliza over to Janie's. "I'll be back" I mumbled and we were out, walking over to the cute little house next door.

I knock on the door and as always that warm smile is greeting me. "Hello dear" she grins and I hug her "hey Janie" I mumble and Aliza runs past us, yelling goodbye. "I'll come by much earlier today because we have plans later" I let her know and she nods "well I'll see you then! But dear I've seen you with that boy and you sure did good" she winks. I blush and laugh "thank you but he isn't my boyfriend" I explain and she looked surprised. "Really!? Well I can tell he fancies you a lot, you'd better catch him now!" She chuckles.

I shook my head with a laugh "I'll try" I winked and she nodded "we'll have tea okay!" I told her and she nodded. "Okay I'll see you later dear" she smiles and I wave goodbye, walking back over to the house. Her words made me smile and even blush.

I entered to see the boys had spiffed up the house making me grin "awe! I've taught you all so well!" I gush and pinch Harry's cheeks. "Well we didn't want to leave and have the house look a mess" Liam shrugs with a chuckle. I checked the time to see it was only 9 am. "Well we've got a couple hours...what now?" I asked and they all shrugged "what do you usually do?" They asked. "Watch movies...clean...sleep" I laughed and Josh rolled his eyes "what a bore you are!" I flipped him off.

"Well, you could check your Twitter" Josh grumbled causing the boys to throw pillows at him. "What? I'm not a sugar coater! She needs to see what's happening!" He glared and the boys just let out sighs. "What?" I asked and Louis handed me his phone to scroll through what has happened.

She has a baby?! Isn't she like 19?!

What a whore! She probably lost it at like 14!

She seriously looks like she's five and has a child

Hmmm who must the father be? *cough* slut *cough*

For some reason I bursted out laughing and the boys were officially scared. "Okay I don't even know" Josh whispered which only made me laugh some more. I calmed down and tossed Louis his phone "oh people are so creative" I chuckled and stood up to grab some Oreos.

Once I returned to the living room the boys were staring at me "what?" I asked and took a cookie. "Amelia you don't have to pretend! We can tell them the truth about Aliza" Zayn frowned and I raised my eyebrows "pretend about what?" I asked. "You don't have to pretend it doesn't hurt" Niall elaborated and I scoffed "it doesn't!" I exclaimed. "Lia it's okay, we'll tell them that Aliza isn't your daughter an-" "I said I'm not pretending!" I laughed. They all gawked at me while I only shoved another cookie in my mouth. "What?" Harry asked and I rolled my eyes with a sigh and a light smile.

"People are always going to talk about me and about everyone, I know I haven't lost my virginity and I know that I'm not a slut or a whore and sometimes that's all you need. Those people don't know me and some of them barely even know my name so it doesn't really matter to me what they think because I know me" I shrug. They all stared at me with their mouths dropped to the floor. Me being me I placed a cookie inside Zayn's mouth and grinned like an idiot. "Where the hell did that come from?!" Josh exclaimed and I chuckled "my inner hippie" I told him and held up a peace sign.

"I'm supposed to be the wise one!" He whine and I held up and Oreo "want a cookie?" I smirked and he snatched it away. "I guess we never really thought about it that way" Liam mumbled and I nodded "not everyone can like you and that's okay because there are still people out there who do". A pillow was then chucked at me and Josh was glaring at me "stop sounding wise!" He screeched. "Sorry!" I grumbled and the boys grew smiles "I am now seeing everything in a whole new perspective!" Harry exclaimed.

"But why don't you want them to know about Aliza?" Zayn asked and I sighed "because I don't want anyone to think she isn't mine or anything like that. I didn't have her but she's still my daughter and I don't care who thinks otherwise" I shrug. "Besides, I'd rather have people talk more about me then her" I explained and they all nodded "God you sound like our moms" Josh groaned and I chucked the pillow back at him.

"That really helped us...thank you Amelia" Liam smiled and I nodded "of course" I chuckled. "I suddenly don't feel like having panic attacks anymore" Niall chuckled and I pouted "poor Nialler" I frowned and pulled him in a hug. "People are cruel" Louis stated and I nodded "that they are" I agreed. "Which is why people like you will change the world" Harry grinned and I shook my head "no...you guys will though" I smiled.

"Alright I'm not gonna cry right now! Let's party!" Josh sniffled and I only laughed "poor Joshy!" I smirked and he glared at me.

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