•Chapter 15•

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I shot out of bed when I heard my phone ringing and I fumbled tiredly to answer it. "H-hello?" I answer groggily "Amelia where the hell are you?!" Jack asked and I could hear multiple voices in the back. "What?" I asked and he groans "you're late to work! Get here fast!" And with that he hung up.

I groaned and as I tried to untangle myself from my blanket I managed to fall out of bed. This day only gets better.

I stand up and quickly rush to brush my teeth and get dressed, throwing my hair into a simple ponytail. I slip my shoes on before grabbing my bag and keys, rushing out the door. I tried to get to the shop as fast as I could because Jack sounded genuinely worried. That's very rare.

Now that I've pulled into the parking lot I knew exactly why.

Right in front of my eyes were paps surrounding the entire front of the shop. "What the hell?" I mumble and get out of my car, not trying to catch their attention. I decided to go around back and once I entered the kitchen, Alex's eyes widened. "She's here!" He shouted and I was soon being yanked to the front of the shop.

That really set the paps off. They grew crazier and were shouting my name, asking questions, their voices muffled since they were locked out.

"Amelia! Amelia! How long have you've been friends with the boys?"

"Where's Sam?!"

"Are you dating Harry!?"

I held my hand up to shield the flashes and couldn't help but feel extremely uncomfortable. "You better leave or I'll call the cops!" Jack yelled but that did nothing at all. "How did this happen?" I asked and Jack whipped around to glare at me "I don't know! Maybe the billion of pictures and tweets going around everywhere!".

Soon a phone was being shoved in my face with headlines, tweets, pictures and more. I scrunched my eyebrows "these are pictures from dinner last night" I mumble.

'Harry and Niall's possible new gals?'

'Just friends? Doubt it!'

'One Direction catches up with old friends'

That one threw me off.

Old friends? We've only been seen with each other twice! I groan and head to the back, hiding myself in Sam's empty office. Just as I was about to call her, her name popped up on my screen. "Hello?" I answer "so...I'm trapped inside of IHOP" she tells me. "Okay you got IHOP with out me?" I ask "not the point! Paps are everywhere Lia! I don't even understand how they know our names".

"Yeah! Have you seen the headlines?" I ask "yeah I did. They threw me way off" she explained. "Well sneak out the back and meet me in the lobby of the boys hotel" with that I hung up. "Alex! Tell Jack that I'm leaving and that I owe him my life" I smile and he nods rapidly. Just as I was about to leave I let out a cackle when I heard Jack screech "YOU OWE ME MORE THAN JUST YOUR LIFE!".

Oh boy.


I was in the lobby for about five minutes before Sam rushed in out of breath. "Why are we here?" She asked in between breaths and I sighed "to ask the boys about all of this". She nodded and led the way since she's been here before.

The elevator stopped on the fourth floor and we were in front of a fancy hotel door. We knocked at the same time and while we heard shuffling and talking, the door swung open to reveal a shocked Zayn. "H-hey girls...what..what are you doing here?" He stuttered and we smiled "can we come in? Please?" I asked.

He nodded stepping back, letting us in to see the boys lounged around in this mess of a hotel room. Once they saw we were here, they all stumbled to fix their posture and appearances. "Am-Amelia? Sam? What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked and we couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry to barge in on you guys like this, we really need to talk to you guys" Sam explained with a long sigh.

"It's fine! You should have warned us...so we could have at least cleaned" Niall chuckled with the rub of his neck. Harry smiled at me and I returned before I finally brought up why we came here. "Have you guys seen what's happened?" I asked and they nervously glanced at one another. "Yeah...we were gonna call you guys" Liam explained with a frown and I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Well is there any way you guys could help with some of this? Jack had to lock the shop because it was mobbed by paps and Sam couldn't even escape IHOP" I tell them with a light laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "Paps got to you guys already?" Harry asked worried and I nodded "yeah, it was pretty crazy but I'm sure you guys can fix it" I smile. "We can't" Louis squeaked and Sam and I looked at each other with confused looks.

"What do you mean you can't?" Sam asked and we watched them all go from sad to guilty within seconds. "I mean we can't because this is what was supposed to happen..." Louis elaborated a bit more and I couldn't help but get a bit angry. "What the hell does that mean?" I ask with a cross of my arms.

"We got a call from management the other day...the day we said we'd let the attention on you guys die down. They said it'd be better to be seen with you guys more often so it wouldn't look like you guys were girls we had one night and tossed the next. They made it seem like we were old friends, catching up now that we're here in England." Liam explained. My anger only rose and I was so close to exploding.

"When were you planning on filling us in?" Sam asked, her tone a bit more calm then mine. When they all looked at each other I finally lost it. "You weren't going to tell us! How dare you! You have no idea what you've done!" I screeched and Sam attempted to calm me down but I wasn't having it.

"Amelia, you don't understand-" "don't even give me that load of shit. I have a daughter who can barely walk straight! Did you ever think about that?! I went to work to see an entire crowd of men with cameras filling the entire parking lot. Do you know how much that scared me? Now imagine my daughter!". The guilt on their faces only grew but I didn't care "you may have gotten use to this but that doesn't mean you can pile it on other peoples lives!".

"Amelia calm down" Sam tried again and I shook my head "they get aggressive and that's not good for Aliza! All because you guys had to protect your innocent boyband image." They all looked at me with sadness and guilt causing me to feel so many things. This is just to much.

"Aren't you making to it to big of a deal?" Sam asked and I shook my head "maybe...but the least you guys could have done was warn us about it, then we'd be prepared for things like this" I tell them, my voice becoming raspy. "How? You were doing so many things for us that we didn't want to throw another thing on you! So how could we have warned you or have you pretend to be our friend that we've known for us?!" Harry asked as he seemed to grow desperate.

"With someone like me? A normal person, you just ask" I tell him and with that I walked out, not even giving either of them a second glance.

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