•Chapter 35•

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It's been a really long day and I decided it was time for me to call it for the day. After dinner I was ready to fall onto my bed and snore the night away.

But we had guest so me being the polite person I am, decided to stay in the living room with them until they either left or decided to sleepover. Sam put Aliza to bed and came back down, taking a seat beside Niall and I suddenly remembered I have to interrogate her about their date. Yes, he finally did it and they're going out tomorrow. She's interrogated me about my date with Harry on Sunday so I feel like it's only fair I get my turn.

I'll do it later though, I'm absolutely beat now.

"Lia, you should head upstairs, you look exhausted" Louis chuckled and I leaned my head against Harry's upper arm. "I will in a sec" I yawned and shut my eyes slowly, hearing their soft chuckles. "She's not moving" Sam laughed and I felt Harry stand from his seat. I frowned at the loss of his support before I felt his arms slide under me and lift me up bridal style. "Say night Amelia" he chuckled and I attempted but it came out as a weird mumble.

"Goodnight Amelia" the boys chorused and I cuddled into Harry's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. "Harry put me down" I whispered and he only scoffed "you took care of me, it's my turn. Besides, if I do you'll be even more clumsy then you already are" he tells me and I could hear the smirk in his voice. He set me down in my bed, taking my shoes off and laying the covers over my body.

"Will you lay with me?" I asked, my eyes still shut and although I was absolutely tired I still felt the heat rise to my cheeks. "We're about to leave Lia" he chuckled and I smiled "just until I fall asleep" I mutter, mocking him from when I brought him home. He laughed softly before sighing "fine, but only because you're cute when you're tired" he spoke and I finally peeled my eyes open, to see a fat smirk plastered on his face.

"You cheeky bastard" I grumbled and shut my eyes again, hearing his laughter bounce off the walls. I then felt the spot behind me sink in and an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me in Harry's chest. I snuggled into his hold and felt him nuzzle his face into my neck. "Night" I whisper "goodnight" he mumbles.


"Amelia! Harry! Wake your asses up!" A voice screamed and I groaned "Watch your mouth!" I yell back groggily. "Sorry!" They replied and I sighed, trying to get up. A voice behind me groaned and only pulled me closer and I realized Harry was still here. Which meant they slept here. I chuckled "Harry I need to get up" I mumbled and he groaned against my back "noooo" he whined. "Please?" I ask with a laugh and he sighs "turn and look at me" he orders and I do so, smiling at the sight of him.

"Are you excited for our date tomorrow?" He winks and I only roll my eyes "no, can I go now?" I smirk. He playfully glared at me and pretended to think about it "can I get a kiss?" He asks and I scoff "nope!" I smirk. He pouts "why?"  "two reasons, you aren't my boyfriend and I haven't brushed my teeth" I state.

"Okay I'm not your boyfriend yet, and when I am I'd kiss you after you eat a raw onion so..." I blushed at his statement and hid my face in his chest. "Can you please let me go?" I mumble, letting his words sink in, not believing he just said that. "Can I at least get a kiss to the cheek?" He whined and I popped my head up, quickly kissing his cheek. His eyes went wide and while he tried to process what happened I broke away from his grip with a victory grin. "Now if you would get out, I need to change" I tell him and his face grows a cheeky smirk. "I don't mind the show" I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at his face "Harry!" I glared. I guess I walked straight into that one. "I'm kidding love, I'll see you downstairs" he smiles and pecks my forehead.

What is he doing to me?

Once he was out the room and the door was shut, it finally hit me like a train. He just implied that he's going to be my boyfriend...he asked me for a kiss...we just flirted! "Oh my god" I whispered to myself and ran a hand through my messy hair. I sat down, smiling like an idiot and feeling that same fluttery feeling multiplying by a hundred.

I got dressed in my leggings and lion king shirt, fixing my hair into its natural waved. After I brushed my teeth I grabbed my phone and skipped downstairs, seeing the boys clean up and making breakfast. "What's going on?" I chuckled and they turned to grin at me "well you've waken up at the crack of dawn to cook for a billion people and still maintain the house so we're giving it a shot" Niall grinned. Sam came down with Aliza dressed for the day and grinned "I was on Aliza duty!" She exclaimed.

"Good morning" they all smiled and kissed my cheek causing me to laugh "it is definitely a good morning" I mumbled and looked around. Liam and Zayn were cleaning up the living room, Niall and Sam prepared Aliza's things and Aliza for breakfast, Louis was setting the table and Harry was cooking. Hm...is this what I look like? The smell of pancakes and bacon filled my nose and I hummed in satisfaction.

I smiled and went around the house, hugging and kissing each of them on the cheek. "Thank you guys" I smiled and Louis scoffed "no, thank you" he rolled his eyes and finished up the table.

"Mommy!" Aliza grinned and I bent down to kiss her cheek "morning munchkin". She giggled and then ran off over to Niall who was making Sam blush like a tomato.

I would not have this any other way...

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