Chapter 18

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Once I got home the door was beaten down . My fear level was over the roof at the moment . We all entered guns raised as I flicked the lights on . Couches were turned over , glass was everywhere . " Honey !" Red went passed me yelling .

" Check the kids room and upstairs " I ordered and they waisted no time in going separate ways . I went down the hall and seen Mal phone . I picked it up and stuffed it in my pocket . " Everything's clean upstairs " I heard and nodded .

" the guns were took from the kids room is it a escape in this house ?" Charles questioned I frowned at that . The only safe place was the basement so where could they be ? I look to my father who looked over a sheet of paper . " I know this house like the back of my hand and its saying that there is a tunnel " he spoke  and we immediately started knocking around

I went into the kids room picturing everything . I pictured all the women in this room with the kids huddled together . I let my instinct take over and I went into the closet . I got down and started knocking around the floor . Did Mal do this ? I thought .

" what you doing ?" I heard Ashton say getting beside me I raise a finger as my knock got shallow . Bingo I thought . I pulled my knife out and started cutting and lifted the latch . " bingo" Ashton whispered the light was already on . " Yo we found the escape hole !" He yells going out the closet as I started going down .

" is this what they took ? " my father asked I nodded sure of myself . I don't know where this shit might end at but if it get me where Mal is then I'm good . " I know Mal would take this the light was already on " I tell him as he came down . We started walking down , who knows how long this tunnel is ?

" Hell nah y'all just gone walk off leaving me and shit " Ashton spoke I sigh shushing him . " always in yo damn feelings " I heard my father spoke and I snorted . I could hear cars above us and everything .

" James " my father radio clocked in . " what you got red ? " he asked as we moved down some more . " That tunnel leads to one of the warehouses . I already called and they said Roselyn and the rest were there but they didn't say if they left or not " Red spoke on the radio . Hearing that I started running like hell

" Slow up bust threw there easy now you know they won't hesitate to blow a head " my father spoke as I slowed up sighing . He pushed pass me and went into some steps . He knocked twice before we heard unlatching .

"Where my damn wife at ?" He spoke and they look surprised at us . " Ms. Roselyn and the rest left moments ago with the guards sir " the dude spoke standing proud I nodded as we look them over .

" We also handle that problem that they had . Nothing bad happen we keep them safe and provided food for them and the kids . Casper I must say your girl is definitely a leader " Josh spoke with amusement which soon followed throughout the room and I wanted to know .

" Soon she came in she started spitting orders out which Roselyn already went over with us as well . I never seen two women take control of everything so quick " they spoke and I was amused . My baby giving orders like a boss .

I look to my father who was already on the phone . I look to the tunnel but josh beat me to it  " We thought that sealing it up might be better in case of another hit at the house " I nodded at that . What might be in best store might be good for us . " keep the tunnel unless you think otherwise josh keep eyes open" I tell him and he nodded sending two guys to cover the hole up .

" This threat is big and when I mean by big I mean fucking big !" I started speaking all the workers stood at attention . " They said they will take us down and they meant every last one of us ! We have to be on our A game , don't let your guard down at all "

" you all should be receiving all the information on who is the threat is . Your families will be moved into the main house with the rest of women " Ashton spoke loudly and clear . I looked around and all I seen were mad faces . Some were already on the phone speaking .

" We will come by tomorrow and discuss things and all of your training will be for the real world " my father spoke and with one clap they all disperse.

I walked out the door just as my jeep pull up . My favorite all time short haired baby jumped out and ran towards me . I had my arms out as she jumped in them . " I miss you " she spoke I gripped her tight . " I missed you more "


Ashton is a load of junk😭 ( Ashton and Callie in the multimedia ! Has nothing to do with the chapter but just wanted to show you😊)

They back together again but who knows for how long though ? 😱😁

Tyler daddy is messy lol

They got through one threat to only jump back into another one ! All these threats when is there going to be peace?

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