Chapter Three

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I am reupdating this chapter again because i cleaned it up a little . I am still in the process of editing .

Maliki 🌹

It was the weekend and much to my dismay iIwas grounded .

I came home around eleven something due to Ashton getting his car and playing around. While they went out of town i have to be here.....the guards put security cameras up and monitored me , i munched on my sandwich bored as just bored if that made sense . my phone buzzed as SpongeBob flipped them pattys.

Ashton: Whats the move for today?

Maliki: I'm grounded come by here..?

Ashton: Okay we on the way

I sipped my coke loudly finishing my sandwich, I'm not ladylike as you may see, my glasses were on my nose like a grandmother I pushed them back as I heard the door knocked, I got up heading to the door getting on the stool looking out the peephole, Ashton stood there with somebody else.

I opened the door an Ashton and Tyler came in. I closed the door as they went to the couch. " So you grounded huh?" Ashton said amused, I didn't see anything funny since it was his fault.  "Thanks to you" he chuckled.

Tyler was quiet, too quiet for my liking. " Why you so quiet?" I simply asked as I popped my head in between them, he looked mighty cute today. white tee and cargo shorts. he looked at me "I'm thinking" he looked at my lips I poked his head "poke" he swats my hand "Where are your parents?" I sigh falling down between them "out of town " I leaned up getting a good idea plus being dizzy "wanna go to the candy store?" Tyler thumped me in my cheek..punk "sure but how?" i grabbed his ear "This way" I grinned pulling his big self

Tyler made noises as I drug him to the garage. "for a little one you have a death grip" I grin a shrug. "now what?" I grabbed a key "this way is my escape, it comes to the 4th and 5th street completely out of sight" they looked at me amazed I did my research ."I did a lot over the years" I shrug an got in the jeep they got in as well, Tyler in the front. I sped in the dirt towards the street. I basically sped to the store "why the rush?" I looked at them

"They can be back at any moment or coming now come on"I ran in the store basically running around while they took there delicate time. "14.56," the boy said I put the twenty well Tyler did. "maybe I can see you some -" Tyler cleared his throat looking deadly. I shrug and grabbed the things. I raced back in the car getting back in a speed of lighting. "Felt like I ain't hardly go anywhere" I giggled. Ashton got out leaving me and Tyler inside.

"Thanks" he looked at me "no problem shorty" it was a moment where I wanted to kiss him because he looked kissable.  I met him halfway as soon as he brushed my lips. Internally I was excited.

"We gotta go!" I jumped back blushing Tyler chuckled. I ran in the house following them as they opened the door. "Bye sister" I hugged Ashton "Goodbye Ashton" Tyler hand me my bag "bye shorty " I blushed as he hugged me "Goodbye Tyler" as soon as they pulled off my folk's vehicle pulled up five minutes after. i jumped on the couch watching TV . "Maliki, "my mommy said looking at me "mam" she pointed at how i was laying. I straighten up "Hope you learn your lesson" I simply nodded knowing that there wasn't one lesson learned. "I did"

"I heard your hanging with a bad crowd" my father said . I stared at the snitch who smirked at me, Morgan. "this young man has a bad rep" my mommy spoke chiming in. "He's not that bad he's a good guy" I simply tell them and they weren't buying it,  I was fed up now. "This is not fair! Morgan hangs out with whores " Immediately after I said that I felt my mother slap me. This made me gasp and grabbed my face "watch your mouth about your sister" 

I grab my things walking away from them "Maliki" I ran upstairs to my room "Maliki!" I grabbed my bag, escape bag. i slid my boots on as well. fuck this and them

I waited till they left in their room, I dashed out to the jeep. I sped out passing the guard. I went downtown toward the house I knew Tyler would be at. when I got there I knocked on the door. "Wassup?" rerun said but changed "What happen!" I wiped my tears coughing my answer "Family" he ran towards the door knocking soon Tyler came out "Shorty?" I ran in Tyler's arms he rubbed my back. "Run im going home take over" Tyler picked me up bridal style wiping my face.

He sat me in the car and got in. he drove like 5 blocks away from here then 2 more. he picked me up again taking me in the house. my eyes rolled in my head and I was out like that.


I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 3! I am also redoing some parts and adding more and taking out things. I made this book in 2015-2016 and thought up until now that i should clean it up a little bit. This 1 out of 2 books that need to be worked on and did over . im coming around slowly but for sure . 

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