Chapter Four

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-/// Sped up to the next couple of days)


I stayed at tyler house for a while now. I  brushed my hair getting ready to leave.

i was in my bra and booty shorts. "Ashton wanted to know if your-" i widen my eyes as Tyler looked at me stopping what he was saying.  i kinda froze. i grab the towel covering myself up .

"Damn" he mumbled as his friend was noticeable he covered it "You driving?" i nodded "Nice ass " he smirked i threw a pillow at him . perv. I pulled my skirt on and white shirt, my bobs already on . i grabbed my stuff "Ashton?" he came around the corner "you ready?" i nodded

Tyler sat on the couch i grabbed his ear pulling him along "you going to school too" he groan as i pulled him to his car. "Daddy don't wanna go" i open the door pushing him in "Daddy going to go" he smirk and pulled me close "Make daddy feel better" i patted his cheek "you be fine" i got in the car Ashton  was smiling.

"Yall so cute" i giggled. we drove heading our separate ways. my phone blew up from my parents.

She Devil: Maliki come home now! after school you bring your butt home

Ashton  looked at my phone then me "parents?" He asked and I nodded. "stay with another family member" he option to me and i thought about it ... i could do that!

"I could stay with my aunt if they dont send me off" I tell him and he immediately frown as we parked "send you off?" He questions and I nodded "to my grandmothers in New York" i tell him and got out seeing Ashley. "Mal come home please" i sighed "Morgan had no business telling then mom slapped me" she gasp and looked down

"Morgan putting more lies to it" she grabbed me "do whats right" i nodded she looked at Ashton "Punk" i laughed as he just looked at her. "Yall look so innocent but mean" i shrug and headed after him.

------(after school

I dreaded having to go back but it has to be done. "if anything happen call me" Ashton tells me and I nodded.

"wish me luck" he nodded and pulled off as i walked in . Both my parents were sitting on the couch . "Sit" i immediately plopped in the chair, "im very disapointed in you Maliki" my mother spoke . they always were and will be. "i taught you better" i scoff shaking my head

"To be better than anyone else? no im tired of hearing this same speech every time i do something! look at Morgan! im going to live with aunt Melissa" i got up heading to the door. i shot Ashton a text. "if you go over there dont come back" i looked at her with a blank look "wasnt planning on it" i walked out as A audi pulled up , Tyler hopped out "where you going?" He questions and I looked down "my aunts house" i spoke wiping my face

"Come here" he spoke softly as I walked in his arms "what about your stuff?" He asks and I shrug "i can come back and get them" he put me in the car. as he started the car he spoke "Shit i thought you left me " he glanced at me "im sorry" he nodded "thought i be by myself again" he mumbled i grab his hand "you wont be alone , im here" he tenses at first but closed his hand around mine . what am i getting into?

Process of editing 😬

Revised and added more to it .

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Be patient with me please

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