Chapter 8

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Unedited & please don't hate mistakes if you find any please🙏 give me feedback ! Enjoy !

Tyler ~

When she ran off I was calling everybody. I heard my name I saw her getting slung on on somebody back. I ran across the street."Wassup?" he turned around "What?" I pointed at Maliki "who this" he smile "my baby girl " he started walking I stood in front of him "let me carry her for you " he hesitant agreed handing her over. I followed him but ran back "Hey!"I put her in the backseat as he came

"look boy hand her back" I stood in his face "see that's my girl I ain't gone let you take her" he backed up "I will get her " he smirked I pulled my gun but he ran i didn't care I needed to maliki somewhere . I got in and started up the car driving fast back to my mama house . guilt ran in my chest and that shit hurt .

I should have watched her but that girl distract me so I didn't see her leave ...wait ... I pulled in blowing the horn I grab Maliki . "come on baby I'm sorry don't leave me just don't " I run in the house. "What happen ?!" My mama scream I laid her on the couch as everyone came out . damn who all here?

" We was out and I got distracted by something and she ran which I went to look for her and I saw her screaming and got slung on this man back but I got her back " I spoke while my father was checking out . he sorta a doctor too , my mama looked at me "what was this distraction Tyler " she said I scratched my neck looking away . "if it's what I think it is I swear to god.." she trail off threatening me I backed up a bit . one woman I am scared of that woman in front of me!

"Just let her rest I'm not even sure what type of drug he inserted her with but it's based off a sleeping pill . let her rest till she wakes up " my father said I nodded I didn't answer my mothers question but I believe she knows what my answer is . " We will talk about this later " she said pointing at me I nodded

"And after that we will talk about the kidnap after y'all oh and don't call me when she beat yo ass either " he said smiling and following after her . I sighed picking her back up and left out the room and house . I'll understand if she don't want to be with me I mean... look at me .

"Where else can I go wrong ? God Maliki forgive me and don't hate me " I spoke putting her in the backseat . I kissed her head and close the door I got in an started off towards my house .

I got to make shit right with her. I can't lose her when I just got her yanno? Pray that she don't hate . I've never been a committed man but I'm faithful.

Tyler's view of it . what y'all think ? Did he do right or wrong ?

He gotta talk with the mama😬😳 his daddy said don't call me if he getting beat up 😩😂 . His daddy a mess y'all and y'all going to expect more from him too.

Is Maliki going to hate him or why y'all think ? I hope she don't even if he got distracted . it's up to y'all . y'all I need to know who these people I got playing as the cover ! They are the characters so help me find out who they are !

Please an thank you ❤️

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