Chapter five

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In the process of editing......


Tyler point of view 🌹

I never let anybody call me Tyler i don't care who you are. with this case i care.

"Tyler " i looked at her as she said my name . It got me feeling some type of way..

"Yes? " I asked her as she threw the bag at me , which I caught.  " Here you go " She spoke and I sat the bag in my closet and turned to look at her "Whats your name?" i asked her as her big brown eyes looked at me "Maliki " it was cute.

over the days she was here i believe she teased me . Maliki got close to me face to face. "staring contest" She spoke and stared at me. Therefore i took in her features without breaking contact.

Light freckles , baby features, nice lips. i had a urge to kiss her. i leaned foward grabbing her face her breathing slowed as i kissed her. she kissed me  back i broke away "i win" i whispered she looked at me "cheater" i pokes her stomach "Stop! I'm fat" she squeals as i looked at her like she was crazy 

"Who said you was?" I questioned feeling upset. "Morgan my other sisters peoples" she shrug as I pulled her face up .

"Don't worry what other people say, i like it " it was truthful . I don't care about we"thank you" she kissed my cheek i grin. my phone buzzed i grab it.

Pops :Come to the house

I got up and asked " You want to come with me?" she nodded i grabbed her hand heading outside. "Where are we going ?" She questions as we get in the car .

"my moms" I tell her and she fixed herself as i drove . "you fine " she looked at me and huffed i chuckle . cars lined the outside of the house. something was wrong deep down . i grabbed her hand immediately and she squeezed my hand.

"Whats wrong ? " I asked stepping through the door.

"Your uncle!" My mama shouted and I hugged her breaking away from Maliki .   " What happened? " I asked her and she sighed before talking .  "They was on shift then " she made gun motion "he's in the hospital" . Mama looked behind me "she's very pretty" i grinned everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at us , i felt her press in my back. "What?" they turned around i grabbed her heading to the office. i knocked then went in "This is it! i had -" they stopped talking once i came in .

"Who she?" i popped my lip he always had a attitude "first don't talk like that " i turned around "Shorty you gone learn what i do it might change how you see me" she looked me in the eyes "okay" . we went to the family room where everbody was. "I'm in the mafia" she stayed quiet which was good or bad.  "i kill people" she started walking . i started after her "Leave it baby" i moved my ex girlfriend off me , irritating.

"Mama go get her" and she went after her .

I sighed "I want blood and badly" I spoke as I enter the office "what's the plan?" I ask sighing "were getting back what we deserve " pops grinned "its easy as anything"

In the process of editing but I have a lot going on in my personal life as well .

I will be updating this book to be better and easier to understand.

Be patient with me..

The Mafia's New Girl (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now