Chapter 24

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" I love you bunny "

I started smiling at that . Deep down inside many questions arose in me . I stared at her and I saw how I look like her . Brown hair , curved body , doe eyes . She was my mama but who was the woman I called my mama ?

" Why didn't I grow up with you?" I asked softly as she sat down. We were in the living room after I woke up . I collapse once I saw her and I slept for a week straight. " bunny your father took you away from me. The bastard never told me where you were or sent me anything! I looked , track but he knew and he always hid you .

One day I came to his house. I saw you running round with another little girl, you look happy. I called your name and I saw the look you gave me and I wanted to cry . You cried once that bitch grabbed you . I tried to fight for you and each time he found a way to lie and say I was unfit to raise you "

The memories flew back in my mind . I look to the floor at this new found information. He kept me from my mama ! I realize why I didn't fit into the family.

~~ Flash back ~~~

I was chasing Callie playing tag . I giggle as she tried to hide and run faster . I felt eyes on me but I never looked so I focused on Callie dark hair bouncing.

" bunny !" I heard and I look and saw mama . I grinned and ran towards her , it's been so long . She ran to me but I saw daddy grab her pulling her away . My 'mommy' grabbed me and I started screaming for my mama .

" Mama ! Mama! " I screamed and I saw her trying to get to me but my view was blocked as I was in the house. I ran to the window seeing mama yelling and I opened the door running to her " Mama !" I yell and she picked me up . I clutched her tightly " I miss you mama can I go with you?" I asked her

" I will bring you wit-" before she could finish I was snatched away from her . " Mama !" I cried as she reached for me , tears pouring down her face . A big man held her back from me .

" I love you bunny! I will be with you again don't forget me baby !" Was the last thing she told me and that was the last time I saw her .

------flash back over ---

I sat there crying as she hugged me crying as well . I clutched her tightly like I was going to lose her again . " Who's the man that picked me up?" I asked and her eyes sparkle. " your uncle Sabino" she spoke I nodded laying on her .

" He told me what you told him and who is this guy ?" She asked as I saw motherly instincts run in her . I smiled at that . " His name is Tyler and I love him but he gutted me deep " I tell her and she wiped my face . " relationships are hard but I want you to talk to him and I have a surprise for you "

I frown at this . Sooner than later a older guy came in and it wasn't no denying he was my brother. I looked him over but he beat me to it " buggy?" He spoke and my eyes widen . He use to call me buggy since I bugged him a lot . I ran to him " Mar!" I squeal tackling him in the process. He held me and swung me around .

"Damn buggy what you do to your hair?" He asked and I rubbed my hair which was growing back . " it's a long story actually " I spoke and mama eyed me . " we got time " they both said .

I told them the whole story and both wanted to meet Tyler. I even told them about the threat but I didn't know much about it. " Babe I looked-" the guy spoke walking in and looked at us . " I'll just be out here " he spoke looking at us . I raised a eyebrow at her and she winked .

" that's my fiancé Victor do you like him ?" She asked curiously I nodded . I haven't met him but I know he's just right . " let me go introduce myself properly and see if he up for it " I teased getting up she smiled at me.

" Victor ?" I asked and he looked up from the cup . He smile lowly like he was nervous . " Maliki it's nice to meet you " he spoke and hugged me out the blue. I already like him ! So nice .

"so you're marrying my mom?" I asked smiling and he grinned . " I am and I hope you are okay with it " he tells me and I nod cheerfully. " I can tell that she loves you " I tell him smiling.

" and I'm happy that she is " Victor spoke looking down at me. He looked at me like I was his daughter and I rather have him as my father honestly. "You put more happiness in her by coming here " he tells me and I grinned. I got that positive attitude.

" Do I have to spoil you like I do your mother?" He questioned as mama watched us . I smiled " Unless you want to but I'm not spoiled "

"Lies" Mar spoke I scoff pouting at Victor and he immediately looked at Mar with a look . " Oooh she got Victor falling for that face mama" Mar spoke teasingly and mama chuckled . " Thats the face you can't say no to " mama told Victor and I smiled as he was amused by this.

I got a family, a real family that I actually feel wanted in .


Mama fiancé Victor in the multimedia. Yeaaah that's Dwayne Wade ..

Both were reminiscing to each other. I was heartbroken writing this.

Mar called her 'buggy ' lol and You will expect more from him . New characters are coming in as well !

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