Chapter 21

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Decided to give you Mal's point of view and just maybe just maybe someone else point of view might come in as well

A/n at the end ! Please read




I looked around the hall I was up at the earliest time possible. I held my bag and made my way out the hall towards the door. I look back one last time and sighed my lip tremble slightly and I went out the door just as one of the security or whatever he suppose to be bump into me .

" Where you heading this time of night?" He asked eying my bag . I eased my way over to the car " Why does it matter?" I asks unlocking the door and getting in . He gets in the window " Because just as you leave I will tell him and don't think you would get far "

I look at him as he said that . I looked away and at the darkness . " he wouldn't care so why should I? If you're going to tell make it later in the day and if he ask say you didn't know" I tell him as I start up and started driven out the gates . Once I was out I started driving more to get away . I didn't know where to go but I needed to go somewhere.

I saw myself leaving the state . Goodbye Atlanta I thought as I drove . I didn't have a plan I was lost within myself. I didn't even say goodbye and that gutted me deep . If I did they would have made some way for me to stay .

Would he care if he find out that I'm gone? I asked my self . Deep down I know he would but the other half is telling me he wouldn't. Sadly I agreed with the other half . I didn't sign up for the pain I'm enduring now .

Goodbye Tyler


I woke up and made my way out of Ashton arms which pulled me back . " I'm going to see my sister before she leaves " I tell him and he lets go and gets up . I hope she waited to leave I wanted to see her before she leaves . That thought sent a pain in my chest .

I put on shorts and a shirt and made my way out as Ashton followed me . I seen Tyler and I rolled my eyes at him to which he give me a blank look . Bastard . I knock on her door for a few minutes but I didn't get no reply or anything. " She probably still sleep " Ashton spoke but I shook my head opening the door and confirmed the pain in my chest .

She was gone .

I did the only thing that bubble out my mouth and just screamed . I screamed from the pain . Ashton grabbed me as I started crying in his chest . My scream attracted attention and Roselyn made her way through and saw what I did . I saw sadness come in her eyes .

" What's with the screaming?" I heard and look to see Roselyn husband, Tommy, ask and looked around. " She left " Roselyn told him as I saw tears pour down her face . The only person who wasn't here was Tyler . " I tried and I should've tried harder to see if she was okay ! Tommy we have to find her !?" Roselyn screamed at him and he shook his head in disbelief and I watch him look at us .

"What's going on?" Tyler asked as he came in . I felt anger bubble up in me . " it's your fault! She wouldn't have left ! " I screamed at him as Ashton pulled me out the room . " You bastard! I hope she doesn't come back to you ! You don't deserve-" I screamed but Ashton covered my mouth pushing me in the room .

Ashton looked at me hard as if he was mad . "Where do you think she went?" He asked I shrugged. I didn't know where she might go but I know she would be far from here and I mean far . Ashton poked his head out the door and I sat here on the bed unlocking my phone and texting Mal. I sent numerous and even called to see if she'll answer .

A guy came in and Ashton looked at him . " she left early this morning but she didn't say very much . The only thing she said that I tell him that she left , which is irrelevant now , but in the matter that he wouldn't care she doesn't care . With that she left " He spoke

" What car she took ? " Ashton asked and the guy scrunched his face up . " She took the Mercedes " with that he left and I look to Ashton .

" we are not going after her I don't care how he feel . Let her have some peace " I tell him . Mal was hurting and I didn't want to intrude on her pain . If I went after her most likely Tyler would be right behind me following.

" Are you sure ? I mean with this threat still on alert , he's going to go after her"

I nodded after Ashton said that . He was right , Tyler was going to go after her. A knock at the door interrupt us and the door opened . Gwen looked at us " They calling everyone to the office so let's go" she spoke and we got up and headed out .

Ashton held my hand as we walked . The closer we got to the office I could hear conversations in full effect. " Do we got a track in the car ?" Tyler ask looking at every man in here . One boy leaned up with his computer . " Yes but the rate of which she is taking turns in wherever she's going it's difficult" the boy spoke

" get me a exact location and Callie you are to keep calling her till she picks up" Tyler spoke looking at me . If looks could kill I already be dead . I nodded and watch as he paces the room as s screen pop up . I seen pictures and locations my eyes widen at it .

"I've got eyes on her !" One exclaims and the screen pops up and it was a video of the black Mercedes . " Location ?" Tyler asked and I watch the boy type around. It was like a room full of FBI agents . " The edge of Louisiana at a motel . They will follow her if you need it " with that Tyler nodded I look to Ashton who was frowning.

" You will only scare her " I tell him and he looked at me . His once happy eyes were now dull and cold . " I am trying to watch her and make sure she's okay ! Do not tell me what to do" he roared at me and I step back fear rising at me .

" That's my sister ! I know you are hurting but think about your actions ! You caused this !" I yell at him and Ashton got in front of me . Tyler only stared me down breathing hard .


Y'all have y'all picks and chooses on the stories . That's not right .

Y'all vote for this but leave my other stories dry as a desert .

Go vote on everything please ! I will be updating all weekend since I just feel as if y'all deserve it . I have some new ideas in the work but I won't be telling nothing .

Voteeeeeee ! Somebody comment ! Make me happy ! ❤️

Thanks 💜

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