Finding April

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Donnie's POV

The plan was to have the guys distract Shredder's henchmen and the Shredder . I would find April.

My brothers went in through the top of his lair in the hole I created in the glass. I went through the sewers to save my princess. I finally came out to find myself in the dungeon. 'Perfect, she should be down here.' I found Karai in a cell. 'Maybe Shredder's mind controlling her.'

I looked around to find April in a laboratory above the dungeon and below Shredder's throne. She was unconscious and Baxter Stockman was there. 'Hey! I got it right!' I snuck in, only to find out that he knew I was there.

"Hello, turtle."

"Shut up."

I attacked with everything I had to get to her. When he was finally down I went over to April and helped her up as she slowly gained consciousness. We went up where the others were and it was us against Shredder. I was surprised no one else was there. I made sure that April stayed on the side furthest from Shredder.

Leo's POV

We were ready to go when Shredder went after Donnie. Shredder didn't get far, before we all heard a low, loud growl. And I can tell you it wasn't Rahzar. It was something we never thought we would ever see.

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