The Fight

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April's POV

The others were on patrol since Heiwa was adapting to her new life just fine. That is until Shredder showed up.

"I see my plan worked, for the main part."

"Who said it worked?", I asked while stepping in front of Heiwa.

"Well, I found the lair didn't I?", he responded.


"Easy, micro chip."

" Donnie, did you know about this?"

"No, of course not.", he looked just as shocked as I did.

" Enough talk. I came to destroy you and that's what I plan to do.", Shredder said as he stepped forward and the Foot coming out of hiding from nearby.

They immediately attacked.
Donnie told me to get out with Heiwa but I didn't want to leave him. But I didn't want Heiwa to get hurt either. I turned to tell Heiwa to come and fly with me to the safehouse.

As I turned around I saw Heiwa fighting. My heart swelled with pride but my brain told me to help her. Before I could react the Foot soldiers that were surrounding her were dead.
She figured out her telekinesis and tortured them in their heads. The same thing I was trying to teach her but she found it too difficult. Apparently, for her powers to make sense to her she has to be in danger. I don't like that but at least she's safe.

Now it was us against the Shredder. The odds for us were looking really bad. He attacked Donnie first. Donnie tried to fight him but he failed. I tried to help him but then I was attacked. My instincts immediately kicked in.

Donnie's POV
I looked up to see my angel. Her eyes were white, her wings were spread out, and her hair was in flames. I looked to Heiwa to see her copying her mother. I wanted to help them but I couldn't move. I wanted to help my little princesses.

I watched as April attacked Shredder. He dodged her hits and then he slashed her arm. She gasped in pain but didn't slow down. I was furious now, I wanted so badly to get to April to help her. She looked at Heiwa and she nodded. I wish I knew why. I guess I would know soon.

Heiwa ran out the room. April continued to fight. Leo walked in and saw the Shredder and joined to help April. Soon Mikey and Raph came in and helped April.

Mikey was the first one to be knocked out and thrown across the room. The fight continued as slowly I watched my brothers and April being thrown across the room.

"I came for the rat, but your life will end soon.", Shredder stated. I hoped Splinter could stay safe.

Heiwa's POV
I flew across New York looking for the one person that could help us. I searched high and low until I found her. At none other than Coney Island.

"Karai, you have to help us. Please."

I watched as she slithered out from the shadows. "I can't. Mind slipping. Not trusted.", she said.

"Please we need you. For Splinter?"

As I said that she stopped and stared at me. I knew I had her attention.

I ran into the lair with Karai by my side. Everyone was passed out on the ground and it was all my fault because I was too slow. We ran into the dojo because we had heard a clash of metal against wood.

When we ran in we saw Master Splinter fighting Shredder. Karai hissed and Shredder looked in disbelief. In that moment of distraction Splinter used it to his advantage and hit the Shredder in the back of his head. Shredder fell to the ground.

Karai slithered to him as if to help him. I yelled out her name but she didn't listen.

She held out her hand and as soon as he took it she injected her venom into him.

His eyes widened as the pain hit. All he did was look at Karai. Her name was his last word. He died right there. Then the Foot soldiers disbanded from the lair.

That was it, the end of this evil and the beginning of a real family. My family.

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