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Donnie's POV

'What have I done? She probably hates me now.' It's been 2 hours since April ran out of the sewers. I finally walked back to the lair after waiting to see if she would come back.

"Dude, where's April?", Mikey asked.

"Gone", and that was all I said when I went to my lab. I slammed the door and locked it so my brothers couldn't get in.

"What do you mean?"

"What's going on?"

"Did you upset her?"

'I don't know.' I just listened to my brothers pestering me through the door as  I laid awake all night.

April's POV

'I don't know why I ran. Instinct, maybe. I'm not mad. Just confused.' I finally came up to my apartment and cried myself to sleep knowing that I might not ever build up the courage to tell Donnie how I feel. At least, not as well as he told me. 

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