chapter 4~ change

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Monday morning.

It was 6am on the day of my first day of school at Valley View. I did end up enrolling there. Calum insisted on driving me even though I had my own car.

I rushed around my room trying to find what to wear until I finally settled on a black and white baseball tee, black shorts, and my all black converse. I quickly put on some makeup and brushed my hair leaving it straight and ran downstairs.


i had around 2 minutes to grab breakfast before Calum said he'd pick me up even though I live next door. Before I knew it there was a knock at my door.

"Hey a-are you ready for your-umm- first day?" his stuttering was cute. What no what am I saying he's Mali's brother stop.

"Umm yeah I guess as ready as I'll ever be."

The ride to school in his old blue pickup truck was pretty quiet except the music playing in the background.

We had gotten to school in less then 10 minutes. Calum wasn't kidding when he said the school was right on the beach.

He walked me up to the office to get my schedule.

"Hi I'm new here and I needed my schedule." I said rather quietly.

"okay sweetie what's your name"

"Megan Wells"

"Ok here you go. Class will start in about 10 minutes" she said looking at the clock.

"okay thanks" I practically ran out to find Calum in the hallway.

"You stayed?" I said surprised. I honestly wasn't expecting him to wait.

"Yeah I was actually gonna show you around if you don't mind" he said with that smirk that I've come to love.

"Oh umm okay"

He took my schedule and scanned it over.

"looks like we have periods 1,2,5,7 and lunch together" he said with a smile. At least I would know someone in my classes.

When we got to first period Calum walked to the back and sat down with some guys. I walked up to the teacher and showed her my schedule. She responded with a nod and announced to the class. "We have a new student named Megan. She will be sitting..." she paused eyes scanning the room "Ahh next to Mr. Clifford. Raise your hand please"

He was one of the guys Calum was talking to earlier in the class so maybe he was friends with them.

"Hi I'm Michael, you must be the new girl that Calum won't shut up about" michael said that earned him a punch in the arm by Calum.

I immediately felt a blush creep into my cheeks. "Umm yeah I guess. I'm Megan I just moved next door to Calum  on Saturday."

"You guys can do whatever you want I can't seem to find the worksheets I printed out so just chat amongst yourselves" the teacher said.

"So Megan this is Luke" michael pointed to a very attractive blonde boy with blue eyes next to Calum "You already know Calum, and that's Ashton" he said pointing to another very attractive guy with curly blondish brown hair and green eyes. I mumbled a "Hi" before michael began asking me questions.

"So your accent suggests you're from America. What part?"

"California actually. Originally Texas though." I said. Michael and I talked for the whole rest of the class until the bell rang. Michael insisted on walking me to my next class so we could talk more. I realized that back home I would never be friends with these guys. For one they all have a lot of tattoos and piercings, but also I wasn't great at talking to guys. I had a best friend who did that for me. It was a nice change to say the least.

The day went by rather quickly and before I knew it the day was over. I had at least one of the guys in all of my classes so I always had someone to talk to.

After school Michael had invited me to hang out and I asked if he wanted to just come over. I mean I know I just met the guy but it felt like I had known him my whole life.

Calum drove me home but seemed like he was pouting.

"Calum what's wrong?"


"Then why are you pouting?"

"I'm not pouting"

"yes you are. Is it because I became friends with your friends? 'Cause if you want I'll find other friends I mean I don't have to be friends with your friends they were just super nice and welcoming and-"

"No it's not that at all Megan I promise. I just don't know about you inviting michael over to your house. I mean you just met him"

"Oh I know exactly what this is about! You're mad 'cause I invited him over before you! That makes so much sense. you can come over too if you want. And you can bring Luke and Ashton if you want? I have games in the basement" I said with a cheeky smile at the end.

He looked over at me smiled and shook his head. "Okay I'll see if they want to. Around what time?"

"Well my dad leaves at like 5 to go to work so probably around then."

"Are you having boys over without permission?" he dramatically gasped.

All I could do was laugh and walk up to the steps of my house. "Bye Calum I'll see you later hopefully"

"Bye Meg I'll see you"

who knows what tonight will bring?

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