chapter 14~ video games and making bets

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"so what do you want to do? my dad won't be home for another-" I checked the time on my phone 10:18 "hour and 10 minutes" I asked.

"Depends. what did you have in mind?" he asked smirking.

"Well Disney movies sound fun but I think it'd also be fun to beat your ass at Halo 4" I smirked back crossing my arms.

"is that a challenge?" he asked taking a step towards me and looking down to where I was. if he bends down even a little bit, we would be kissing.

"that's exactly what I'm saying" I said wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him into me.

"Let's make this more interesting" he said smirking at me. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser"

"okay that sounded really dirty but I'm going to beat you either way so it doesn't matter" I said flipping my hair and walking away to my room where I had an Xbox.

when I got upstairs i fixed my bed so I had a pillow chair thing on it so I was comfortable, then turned the controllers on and put the game in. I saw Calum standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets just staring at me.

"what are you staring at?" I asked.

"Just the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he said walking towards the bed. I felt my cheeks heat up. I still wasn't used to compliments.

"I hate it when you compliment me, because first it's not true and second I don't know how to respond" I said looking at my hands.

he tilted my chin up with his fingers. "It is true and you don't have to say anything back. just smile and nod" he giggled. HE GIGGLED. that was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"you just giggled" I said before laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

"why are you laughing? guys giggle too you know"

"I just found it funny because I've never heard you giggle. it was cute though" I smiled. He started to blush so I kissed his cheek and sat back down in my makeshift chair.

"Ready to get your ass kicked mr. Hood?" I smirked.

"you're on" he challenged.

a few hours later

"FUCK YOU ALIEN SHIT" I yelled at the screen.

"did I ever tell you you're really hot when you get worked up over video games?" he smirked at me.

"NO TIME TO BE CUTE RIGHT NOW, CALUM YOU NEED TO LOSE" I yelled at the screen shooting more aliens.

"FUCK YEAH I WIN BITCH" I yelled throwing my controller on the bed and making funny arm movements at Calum who had his head in his hands.

"okay yeah you won but you need to be a little quieter because it is.... 3 o'clock in the morning" he said laughing.

"oops. it didn't feel like 4 hours of gaming" I said laughing suddenly feeling very tired.

"yeah I know. so you won what are you claiming as your prize?" he asked.

"you know I don't really know. what were you going to have me
do if you won?" I asked. I saw his eyes move down to my lips and back to my eyes.

"you really want to know?" he asked leaning in.

"yeah" I whispered as he kept leaning in.

And it happened. he kissed me. again. but this one seemed different. it was gentle but at the same time passionate and rough. it was definitely one of the best kisses he and I have ever shared.

"That's it?" I asked smirking.

"not quite" he said leaning in again. but just before he got to my lips he stopped.

"Will you go on a date with me?" he whispered. instead of responding, I attached my lips to his again as he hummed in response.

"so I'll take that as a yes" he asked pulling away.

"that's a yes" I said biting my lip.

"thank god I was afraid you were going to say no" he said wiping fake sweat off of his forehead.

"What why would I have said no?" I asked completely confused. he really thought I would've said no?

"I don't know I just didn't think you liked me like that and I know you didn't want to break our friendship because you've become my best friend and I wouldn't want it any other way but I just want us to be something more eventually even if you aren't ready for this I will wait if you need me to I just-"

I kissed him again.

"you ramble too much. Im going on a date with you. just tell me when and where and I'll be there" I laughed.

"I should ramble more often if it means you shut me up like that" he smirked.

"or you could just kiss me. 'cause I'd be okay with that too" I smiled at him.

"do I need to ask for permission Orr?"

"just kiss me" I rolled my eyes.

he locked his lips with mine once again, being so gentle as if I were porcelain and I would break if he made one wrong move. I moved my hands up around his neck to his hair and tugged gently causing him to let out a throaty moan making me smirk. he slid his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance which I denied at first. until he layed me down on the bed, slowly running his hands down my sides to the waist band of my leggings, squeezing my hips causing me to moan softly. he took this opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth so we were full on making out. his hands started to run up my sides to right under my bra.

"Hey guys did I- OH MY GOD"

Calum and I pulled away from each other turning towards the door to see Mikey with now red hair standing in the doorway smirking at us.

"hey Mikey " I said awkwardly.

"hey so umm I was looking for my phone-by the way your front door is unlocked- and I figured I left it here and I was looking for you guys but it looks like you guys were a little busy" he chuckled.

I looked at Calum. his lips were swollen and his hair was disheveled, I couldn't imagine what I looked like.

"first of all we weren't doing anything extremely inappropriate and your phone is on my desk. wait what time is it?" I asked looking at my clock. 4:03.

"Mikey did you even go to sleep?" I asked confused.

"no I've been playing video games and then I couldn't find my phone so I came over here" he said.

"okay well there's your phone you can leave now" I said yawning.

"okay thanks. HAVE FUN!USE PROTECTION!" he yelled running down the stairs.

"well that was awkward" Calum said.

"yeah.. well I'm tired now so you can either stay here or go home it doesn't matter to me, but I would prefer you stayed here to cuddle with me" I said the end quietly.

"well then I guess I'll have to stay here and make sure my girl is happy" he smiled removing his shirt and getting into bed with me with his sweatpants on.


"goodnight Calum"

"night babe" he said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into him.

I could get used to this.

He's Kinda Hot// Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now