New book

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So I want to start writing a new book called Safe House but I don't know how well it's gonna go and I don't want to publish it until I'm a good portion of the way into it so I figured I could post the first few chapters on here and see how you guys like it so here are the first four chapters of Safe House.

The first 5 chapters are up!!

Chapter 1

Every girl wants that fairytale relationship. The one where the guy is a perfect gentleman and always knows what your thinking and takes you on cute dates.

I thought I had that. I mean at the beginning I did. He was everything I could've asked for and more.

"Jasey what the hell happened?"

"Nothing, I just slipped and fell it's no big deal I promise." I pulled her hands off my face.

"Don't pull the Its nothing card because this is definitely not nothing." She threw her hands up in the air and began pacing back and forth in the kitchen we sat in. "What'd you fall into, huh? A doorknob? You can't get a fucking black eye from falling Jasey I'm not stupid."

"Quinn, I promise you, I'm perfectly fine. It's just a little black eye, it happens to everyone at some point." I grabbed her shoulders to freeze her pacing.

"I swear to God if you don't tell me what the hell happened, I'm gonna go right over to his house and ask him myself, and when he lies straight to my face I'm gonna beat the shit out of him." Her pacing started again, and she started pulling at her hair.

"Quinn, you are my best friend, and roommate. I tell you everything. Can you please just let this go?" I rubbed my temples, attempting to ease the pain from my evergrowing headache.

"Jasey, I don't think you realize how serious this is. He hit you. What don't you find serious about this? Because I know this isn't the first time you've come home with a bruise from him." She stopped and crossed her arms. "You need to break up with him or I'm going to get the police involved."

Tears brimmed my eyes,"If you call the police, this will just get worse, and if I break up with him, it'll get worse. My best option right now is to stick it out and hope he can come to his senses." I sat on the couch, hoping this was al just a dream turned bad. Arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into a chest.

"I can't let you do that. We will figure this out, I promise. You can't go back there though. I need you to promise me you won't go back there."

"I promise" I said holding my pinkie out. She locked hers with mine and we sat in comfortable silence until there was a knock at the door.

Quinn released me and stood up, slowly walking towards the door. I stayed put, lacking any energy to stand, but just enough to listen.

"Where is she?"

My heart dropped. He's here.

"Ian you can't be here. I don't want you here and Jasey is asleep so leave." I can imagine the short blonde crossing her arms the way she always does.

"Does it look like I care? She's probably sleeping with some guy she met at a bar, huh? 'Cause that's who she is, a whore. But you're never one to admit it so I'll go find her myself." I heard footsteps coming closer to the couch I was laying on.

"Ian if you don't leave right now I'm calling the cops!"

The footsteps ceased, and made there way in the other direction.

"You wouldn't dare." His voice laced with a venomous anger, that I had heard too many times before.

"Watch me." A loud crash was heard, and suddenly I had all the energy in the world. I made it to the kitchen to see him with his hands around her throat, holding her in the air. I made a rash decision to grab a kitchen knife, and plunged it into his lower back, his grip immediately released on Quinn's neck.

"Run!" I yelled at her.

She was still choking, attempting to catch her breath as we both booked it out the front door. I called the police, grabbing a stumbling Quinn in the process. A loud scream was heard behind us, signaling to run faster.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Um my boyfriend- ex boyfriend, wouldn't leave my house and then he choked my roommate and he wouldn't let her go and I didn't know what to do so I stabbed him with a kitchen knife and we ran. I don't know where we are but I know he's following us please help." I was holding back tears, knowing I should've done this a long time ago.

"Okay what's your name sweetheart?"

"Uh Jasey, Jasey Rae Beckett"

"And, Can you tell me the cross streets you're at?"

"Umm it looks like Butterfield and Holland? Please hurry!"

"Dispatch is on the way. Please stay on the phone so we can make sure this man doesn't get to you before we do. Help should be there soon."

"Thank you so much."

I sat Quinn on the grass patch under the streetlight we were under, providing the only source of light in the dark neighborhood. I couldn't hear footsteps or see anyone near. I was relieved but at the same time near a panic attack at the thought of him being near.

"Jasey" I looked to see Quinn coughing and rubbing her neck.

"Quinn, I'm so sorry. I should've done something months ago I'm so so sorry." I held her close to me, careful of her neck and prayed we would both be okay.

The sound of sirens lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I turned to see a cop car parked right in front of us, a police officer stepping out.

"Are you Jasey Rae Beckett?" The police officer asked, waving his flashlight at us.

"Yes sir, that's me. My friend, she's really hurt she needs to see a doctor, it's all my fault- I" the tears fell from my eyes, blurring what little I could see.

"Okay we can go there right now, and then we can take you to the police station for some questioning okay?" He asked helping me up, and then Quinn.

I nodded slowly, and he opened the door for us to get in. Once we were all in he turned on the siren and sped to the hospital.

"Quinn, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. You'll be okay I promise. I'll be back as soon as possible okay?" She nodded slowly as they put her on a gurney and attached an oxygen mask. A hand was put in my shoulder, causing me to jump.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but we need to go down to the station." I nodded slowly and got in the car once again, hoping that there was someone out there making sure Quinn was okay.

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