Chapter 31

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I turned around slowly, taking my time to completely face him. He got up off the bed, just as slowly as I had turned around before walking towards me. It was as if the both of us were moving in slow motion, afraid any sudden movements would scare the other away.

"Please, don't leave me again" he whispered placing a hand on the side of my face.


"Shh. I just want to be in your arms where you hold me tight, and never let go, because Lord knows I cant go through losing you again." he hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist. Without a second thought I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him as if it were the last time I would.

Slowly he walked back towards his bed, until his knees hit. He pulled me down with him, never letting go of our embrace, and laying me down on top of him. Our legs intertwined like they had so many times before, my head resting in the crook of his neck.

"I still love you" He whispered.

"I've always loved you, and I still do. That will never change" I whispered back as rain was heard hitting the window by his bed. We laid there for what felt like hours, and let me tell you I couldn't have been happier. 

"Does that mean you forgive me?" I asked tracing outlines on his uncovered shoulder.

"I already forgave you, I told you that."

"Yeah, but you walked out after. I couldn't tell if you really forgave me or said it so I would leave you alone." He sat up, me going with him. Slowly, he faced me, putting his hand on my cheek again.

"I promise I forgive you. So much so that, if you were willing, I would like to be your boyfriend again." he whispered leaning in slowly, stopping before he reached my lips. I closed the gap between us, something I had never been willing to do before. For the first time, in over 8 days, I was genuinely happy. He pulled away soon after. I pouted looking up at him. "Don't give me that look, it makes me sad" he pouted back, pecking my lips.

"Can we go play in the rain?" I asked, looking out the window to see the rain gently falling.

"Of course we can" he smiled, turning my face towards him and pecking my lips again. "I just cant get enough of you." We ran down the stairs, passing Mali on the way. The door was quickly opened, revealing the beautiful, water covered street that I loved.

"I have a question for you" Cal said walking over to a big tree in between our front yards.

"Only if I can ask you one" i cheekily smiled back.

"Okay, so, you said no to my proposal. Would it have been different if I had waited longer to ask?" he held both of my hands in front of him, unable to look me in the eye. I turned his chin up so I could see his face.

"If i'm being honest no, but after experiencing what I went through being without you, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes. I feel like all decisions are made easier by experience." Both of us were soaked, this tree being no help in the now heavy down pour.

"That's good to know for future references." He smiled, "How would you feel if I had asked you to buy an apartment with me?"

"I would feel happy that you'd want to take that kind of step with me." I smiled realizing what he was implying.

"That not- you are unbelievable you know that" he laughed wrapping an arm around my shoulder, the temperature slowly dropping as the night approached.

"You asked how I would feel, not would I" I pleaded in defense.

"Would you get an apartment with me?" 

"Would it be just us two?" I prodded.

"Of course."

"Would it be near here?"

"Wherever you want it."

"What about paying for it? I just got back I haven't been able to find a job."

"Baby, I promise you I will get it taken care of. How about I go look for some that Id think you'd like, and you pick without seeing the price." 

"I haven't even said yes yet you dilweed" I laughed at the nickname.

"Well I just- I thought you-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his.

"Of course I will get an apartment with you, I was just trying to mess with you" I laughed.

"You are a pain in the ass sometimes you know that?" He responded, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. He pulled me out towards the street, out from the little bit of protection the tree was giving us. "Would it be completely insane if I kissed you right now?" he asked already moving in. He kissed me before I could answer, and god, was it as if I was kissing him for the first time. 

"There are no words to describe how much I love you." I smiled. "You know how insane we look right now? Standing in the rain talking?" I giggled.

"Do you know how insanely in love with you I am?" he pecked my lips again.


"Hey, how about we go take a hot shower so we don't catch a cold, I cant have my baby girl getting sick" he pouted.

"Its a good thing I love you" I smiled dragging him into my house. "I think Bailey is out with Ash and my parents are both at work" I smirked.

"You are implying something, I can sense it. You say I'm the cheeky one" He said following me upstairs to the bathroom.

"I have no idea what your are talking about" I played dumb, dropping my clothes in the middle of the hallway before entering the bathroom to turn the water on.

"You drive me crazy."

"But I love you and you love me and that's all that matters" I smiled pecking his lips, he of course was not satisfied. The innocent kiss turned not so innocent in a matter of seconds. We showered together which was, for the most part, all innocent. Walking back into my room, we put dry clothes on before cuddling up on my bed.

"I want to sing you a song" He said grabbing my acoustic guitar off of the stand.

"Give a little time to me, we'll burn this out, we'll played hide and seek, to turn this around, all I want, is the taste that your lips allow, my my, my my, give me love, my my, my my, give me love."

"You're amazing, why don't you sing for me more often?" I asked staring at him in shock.

"Well since we will be getting our own apartment, I can sing for you all the time" He smiled. This boy will be the death of me.

"Cant wait."

"Oh hey I have a knock knock joke for you, because I know how much you adore my jokes" sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Okay go for it." I laughed.

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"


"Mary who?"

"Marry me."

He's Kinda Hot// Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now