chapter 8~ Best day ever

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The rest of the week went by rather quickly and before I knew it, it was Friday. Calum has driven me to school every day, but everyone dropped the whole "who my crush" thing which surprised me. We were in 7th period, the last period of the day which also happened to be my least favorite subject: History. I mean it's hard enough learning Americas history, now I'm confused because I have no idea what everyone else learned all the years before that relate to what's being talked about now.

"Miss Walls, would you answer this question?"

shit I have no idea what the answer could be.

"Actually it's Wells Mrs.Mcatherine" she was an old lady who looked like she lived through everything she was teaching.

"Oh I'm sorry dear" she said apologetically before telling the class what the answer was. I honestly don't know how I got out of that one.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, but decided not to turn around. Then there was another tap. I turned around to see Calum with a big goofy grin on his face. All I could do was smile, I mean what else was there to do.

"Miss Walls would you like to explain-"

"It's Wells" I interrupted. that just made her angry but everyone chuckled under their breaths.

"Sorry again but would you like to explain why you were turned around in your seat instead of listening to what was being taught?"

"Well Mrs.Mcatherine, you see I didn't grow up here, I just moved here this year, so I have no clue what you are teaching since I haven't learned any of it and you expect all of us to just 'know it'." I said.

The teacher just looked at me with wide eyes and mouth wide open, so i chose to continue.

"You see I was turned around because I was asking Calum here if he knew what you were talking about." I ended with a smile.

" Miss Wells, maybe you can go up to the principals office and she can help you find a tutor?" she said with a smirk.

I grabbed my stuff and left the room with a smile on my face. I was about to walk to my locker when the door opened with Calum exiting.

"That was probably the most badass thing that I have seen. At least in that class. No one ever sasses Mrs.Mcatherine. Like no one." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Are you actually going to the office?" He asked.

"Well yeah technically I didn't do anything wrong besides back talking the teacher but the worst they could do is give me detention" I said before walking in. What I didn't expect was Calum to follow in after me.

"Did she send you out too?" I was confused.

"No but I was involved and I figured you would need backup with Ms.Hammil. She's a little... What's the word? Untrustworthy? Basically she won't trust you unless you were a witness which I was" he said with a smile.

"oh okay"I said a little embarrassed.

We went into the office and explained to Ms.Hammil what had happened. She let us off with a warning so we left.

"Hey you wanna just ditch the rest of the day? I mean we only have one period left before going home anyway." Calum asked.

"You didn't have to try and convince me I would've just said yes" I giggled.

"Oh yeah" he was blushing and might I tell you it was one of the most adorable things I have ever seen.

We snuck to his car in the parking lot before leaving.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking we could go to my house since you know your dad works at home during the day."

"You know we live next door to each other right?"

"Umm well yeah but Mali is the only one at home right now unless she is out with her friends but I mean she wouldn't say anything seeing us home early but if you want we-"

"It's fine Calum we can go to your house" God I love it when he rambles. He just seems so nervous and I find it so cute I just ugh he's my friend, one of my only friends and I don't want to ruin it over some feelings.

"Meg are you ok? You seem out of it."

"What oh yeah I just kinda zoned out for a sec" I really need to stop over thinking things.

Before I could think any further we were at his house. We grabbed a buttload of food and some sodas before I followed him up to his room. I'd never been in his room before.

"Well you can make yourself at home umm I figured we could watch some movies or tv or talk if you wanted to" he said with a cheeky smile.

"What did you have in mind for movies?"

"Well we could do Occulous, Paranormal activity, woman in black, or some other scary movie"

"Why scary movies? I really don't like them I get nightmares" I said with a pout. He looked at my lips for a second then back up to my eyes them back to my lips before he started leaning in. I still had yet to kiss anyone for real so I was freaking out a little. okay a lot.


he quickly pulled back and yelled back to whoever yelled.


All I could hear was him run down the stairs and then run back up.

"Mali has some friends over so she told me to stay up here until they leave" he said with a smirk.

"Well at least you have something to keep you entertained" I smirked then bit my lip lightly.

"okay that's not fair" he pouted.

"What's not fair?"

"You can't say something like that then bite your lip it makes me want to take you right here on my bed" he said then bit his lip.

I was completely shocked. Maybe this was his way of saying he liked me? who knows but all I did was say "Well id rather not have sex on the bed of your childhood" I couldn't help but laugh at the end.

"okay okay but seriously don't do that again"

"Do what again?" I said biting my lip again. Maybe I'm pushing my luck but hey you'll never know until you try.

Before I could think for another second his mouth was on mine. I wasn't sure what to do so I just tried to do what he did. next thing I knew he was on top of me and running his hands up my sides. He bit my lip making me let out a small moan, him taking this time to slip his tongue into my mouth.Before it could go any further he pulled away.

"Are you sure you've never made out with anybody?" he asked.

"I am absolutely positive. I've never liked someone let alone kiss them" shit I'm pretty sure I just hinted that he was my crush maybe he caught on but hopefully he just let it slide unless he felt the same way.

"Well let me tell you that was probably one of the best make out sessions I've ever had" he smirked.

We both layed down side by side on his bed before he pulled me to rest my head in the crook of his neck with his arm wrapped around my torso. I listened to his heartbeat for a while before I realized I was slowly drifting to sleep. I felt Calum kiss the top of my head.

"Goodnight beautiful"

And let me tell you that was probably the best day I've ever had in my entire life.

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