chapter 18~the picture

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I heard whispering and then a camera flash. when I opened my eyes I saw kaitlyn madison Ashton and michael standing at the foot of my bed.

"heeeeeey meg how's it going?" madison said.

"can I at least see the picture before you post it anywhere?" I asked my eyes half open.

"how did she-"

"it's a girl thing" the two girls said in unison.

kaitlyn handed me the phone and I looked at the picture. I was snuggled into calums chest, his arms wrapped around me. he's in sweat pants and I'm in my Nike pros and a tshirt. my hair was all over the place but his head was rested on top of mine.

"that's actually really cute" I said handing her back the phone.

"and now it's all over Twitter" she said then ran out of my room. I tried to get up off of Calum but his arms just enclosed me tighter.

"Calum, babe, don't get me wrong I love cuddling with you, but I really need to go beat my best friends ass" I said pushing away from him.

"I'll let you go on one condition" he smirked sleepily.

"ugh what?"

"kiss me"

I pecked his lips. "k bye" I tried to get up but he wouldn't let go.

"that was not a kiss"

"yes it was. and if you want a really good one I suggest you let me go"

"and if I don't?"

"I'm not going to kiss you for a week" I smirked. he immediately let go and I ran after kaitlyn.

I heard her giggling silently and ran towards madisons bedroom. luckily the door wasn't locked.

"delete it now!!" I yelled jumping on top of them and grabbing the phone.

"NO GET THE PHONE" they yelled as I ran to my bathroom and locked the door.

"megan don't delete it! it's so cute!" kaitlyn said trying to open the door.

I went to twitter and went to her recent tweets. I saw it had only been up for 5 minutes and already had 104 retweets and 286 favorites. nonetheless I deleted it. then I went to her pictures and sent it to myself before deleting it from her camera roll, then her recently deleted.

I walked out of the bathroom and handed kaitlyn her phone before jumping on top of Calum who was laying on my bed quietly scrolling through his phone.

"hey babe" I said laying on top of him.

he looked at me then looked back at his phone, staying silent.

"hey babe" I said again.

still no response.

"you know I was thinking about giving you a bj but since you're being a dick I guess that offer is off the table" I said getting off of him.

"wait no" he said dropping his phone and grabbing my waist.

"you can't just tease me like that and expect to get away" he said turning me around and trying to kiss me. I turned my head and stayed quiet.

"oh come on" he said grabbing my face. I just put my hand over my mouth.

"babe I have a real issue and you staying quiet is not helping" he said.

I still didn't say anything.

"babe seriously" he said grinding into me with his hard on.

"sorry I can't help you with that" I said before turning away and walking down the stairs. what I was not expecting to see was Madison and michael making out on my living room couch.

"OH MY GOD" I yelled.

they both pulled away and looked at me before blushing.

"babe what happened? are you okay?" Calum asked running down the stairs.

"yes I'm fine I promise. Now how long has this been going on?" I asked them.

"how long has what been going on?" kaitlyn asked walking in from the basement with Ashton close behind.

"great now we have a whole audience" Madison groaned.

"oh my goodness just tell us. we were bound to find out eventually" I said annoyed.

"well that since after we went skinny dipping" michael said.

"that was like yesterday" I said laughing.

"wait really? it didn't feel like that shirt if time" kaitlyn said.

she had her pinky locked with Ashton's behind her, something I knew she found comforting when she was uncomfortable, scared, or in this case hiding something.

"alright shows over everyone can go back to what we were doing. Actually I take that back madison, kaitlyn, come with me really quick please. it is urgent" I said pulling them towards the stairs.

"wait why can't we come with?" Calum asked.

"because we are having a girl talk that doesn't involve you. sorry babe" I kissed his cheek before running up the stairs to where the girls were.

"okay who wants to explain first?" I asked.

"first? what do you mean first? madisons the only one who has something to say unless you do, cuz I know I don't have anything to say" kaitlyn rambled quickly.

"okay nice try kaitlyn I saw you holding pinkies with Ashton so done lie to me. now madison you will go first since I caught you first" I smirked at her. mind you I love my best friends but they can be a real pain in the but sometimes, but I don't think I would have it any other way.

"okay so it started yesterday I guess cuz that's when we went skinny dipping and all, and we walked inside just us two and he told me he had fun and I said I did too and he said would it be bad if I kissed you right now and I said well now I'd be a little offended if you didn't and he kissed me and it was great" madison said smiling the whole time.

"AAAAWWWW" kaitlyn and I yelled at the same time.

"sssshhhhh they are going to come up here if you don't shut up" she said putting her hands over our mouths. we just started laughing.

"okay kaitlyns turn ready go" madison said.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"bull shit kaitlyn just tell us"

"okay fine so it actually started....."

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