Chapter 25

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Now sat at the dinner table, Ashton was at the head of the table on one side, my dad at the opposite end, Calum to his right, Bailey to his left, and Genevive across from me. Ashton and Bailey were still talking about who knows what now. Calum put his hand on my leg and kept whispering cute things in my ear while I attempted to make small talk with Genevive, although Calum kept distracting me, I learned she was a very nice lady.

Everyone finished eating dinner, and then dessert was brought out. It was some kind of brownies that Bailey had made. They were amazing.

"Bailey what are these called and what is in them because they are heaven" I moaned taking another bite.

"As much as my mom hates the name, they're called slutty brownies. Its chocolate chip cookie dough, then smashed Oreos, then brownie mix on top" she said then got back to her conversation with Ashton. They would be so cute together like awwwww. But these brownies man were to die for.

"Megan can I talk to you for a quick second?" my dad asked.

"Umm yeah sure" I got up and followed him into the living room out of earshot. 

"So what do you think about Genevive and Bailey?" He asked me.

"I love Bailey, and Genevive seems like a very nice lady, I can see why she makes you happy" I said honestly.

"How would you feel if I umm proposed?" I felt the air get knocked from my body.

"Umm I mean I... I guess if she makes you happy and her daughter is awesome, I guess.... I guess I would be okay with that" I said  smiling. He pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I love you so much sweetheart" he said, tears evident as his voice cracked.

"I love you too dad just, please make sure you are 100% sure and make sure Bailey is okay with it before you ask" I said tears in my eyes too.

"Of course honey, now lets get back to dinner" he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked back to the table. Ashton looked at me confused as did Bailey and Genevive. I sat down and leaned against Calums shoulder.

"Is everything okay?"he asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Everyone seemed to be waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, I'm great. They're happy tears, I promise" I said looking at my dad. He smiled at me before looking over at Genevive to continue their conversation.

Everyone talked for a while longer before my dad asked to talk to Bailey. She nodded hesitantly. Everyone but me was clueless as to why we got asked away from the table.

"What did your dad talk to you about sweetheart?" Genevive asked, slightly concerned but mostly curious.

"It was nothing really, he was just making sure I was okay with this" I said motioning to the table. She looked at me slightly concerned.

"Don't worry, I do like you and I understand why you make my dad happy. And Bailey isn't half bad" i smiled leaning on Calums shoulder again. I heard her sigh in relief.

Minutes later Bailey and my dad entered the room again. Bailey was smiling brightly and so was my dad.

"So umm i'd like to think that this dinner went very well" my dad said looking at Genevive, me looking at Ashton and Bailey who were looking at each other. Both of them blushed before looking back to my dad. "So i'd uh like to end this dinner with a thank you first off for Genevive and Bailey for joining us, and thank you to you boys for behaving, and thank you Megan for being so open about the whole ordeal. So umm" my dad grabbed Genevive and stood her up. I quick got out my phone, I looked over to Bailey to see she had done the same thing and we both laughed. The two boys looked at us like we were crazy. "Genevive, I love you so much and I uh" he got down on one knee and I squealed "Gen will you do me the honor and marry me?" he asked. We all sat there waiting for an answer. She looked at Bailey who nodded, then me who did the same, before breaking out in a smile "Yes" she said pulling him up and kissing him. I cringed, I'd rather not see my dad make out with his new fiance. I looked at Bailey and laughed because we both had the same expression on our faces. We looked back to see them hugging.

"That's going to make this harder" Ashton said. We all looked at him confused.

"What do you mean Ash?" I asked.

"Well I figured I needed permission to take Bailey on a date tomorrow, but now I have two parents to get through" he looked at Bailey whose face was a mixture of surprise, excitement, and nervousness.

"Ashton, you're Megans best friend, and a gentleman as well. You have my blessing. It's all up to Gen" he said. We all looked at her and waited for her response.

"Well if Chris thinks you're a good man then you have my blessing as well, it's up to Bailey now" she said. All of our attention to the two.

"Well umm Bailey would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" Ashton asked, his voice shaking with nervousness.

"I'd love to" she said and we all cheered. Ashton lifted her out of her seat in a hug and spun her around. 

"Aww young love" I said leaning on Calum while watching both couples.

"You look like a proud mother" he laughed. I smacked his chest before he tilted my head up to look at him. "Go on a date with me" he said pressing his lips to mine.

"Tell me when and where and i'll be there" i said after we separated.

"How about tomorrow? I'll give you more details tomorrow" he looked at Ashton and I was officially confused.

"Okay well I have a question" I said out loud to no one in particular but everyone got quiet. "If you guys are getting married, does that mean that you guys will be moving in soon?" everyone looked at Bailey then at Gen and my dad.

"Only if you guys want to, i don't want you to feel like you have to" my dad said glaring at me.

"I mean if Bailey is okay with it, I'm okay with it." Once again the spotlight was on Bailey.

"Umm" he looked between me and Ashton. I nodded and Ashton smiled before wrapping his arms around her from behind and resting his head on her shoulder. Her face flushed, but she didn't move him and I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes at me "That sounds like fun. I wouldn't mind spending more time with Megan and her.... friends" she said blushing again when Ashton whispered something in her ear.

"Well I guess that settles it. You can move your stuff in whenever you guys are ready. We have..." I tuned out the rest of what my dad was saying before I stood up and grabbed Calums hand then Baileys who was followed by Ashton, up the stairs.

"Okay boys wait in my room while I talk to Bailey" I said.

"But-" Ashton started.

"No buts" I said pushing them in my room and shutting the door.

"Okay so I figured you would want to choose your room. You have two to choose from" I said pointing to the two doors. She ended up picking the one next to mine.

"Now before we go back in there I have a serious question for you" I said looking her in the eye.

"Anything" she said.

"Do you have any intentions of hurting my best friend?" I asked smiling at the end. She seemed slightly relieved.

"I have no intentions of doing that."

"Okay one more question."

"Lay it on me."

"On a scale from 1 to Zac Efron what do you rate Ashton?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Probably young Leonardo Decaprio" she said blushing before laughing with me.

"I feel like we'll get along great" I smiled exiting her room into mine to see my boyfriend and my best friend. 

Life is good.

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