Chapter 25

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~Authors Notes~

hey guys i have to say a massive thank you to Gleek1596 for making the cover for the story its fantastic....thanks sooo much its amazing.


“What are you thinking about?” I asked.

Here we lay on a flannel blanket in the sand, gentle ripples of water colliding with the pebbles on the shore. Above us was a myriad amount of stars, shining like spotlights.

Ryan lay still on his back, eyes closed, and our hands together.

“Love is crazy,” he smiled, eyelids still shut. Minutes passed with no words spoken, the only sounds were our breathing and the nature around us.

Suddenly he broke the silence.

“I never thought I’d meet a girl, and fall for her so fast, so hard. I know you think I’m stupid for loving you, because of all hardships you have to go through, but I think that makes me love you even more. I want to help you, and hold you, and make you smile so I can hear you’re cute laugh. I love the little dimples you get when you smile, I love how you always smell like vanilla and lilacs, I love your style and your interests and your dreams. I love how you have never given up, you’re so strong. I know you think you don’t deserve me, but I often think I don’t deserve you. I never thought that I would find a girl so perfect like you.”

I opened my eyes and saw he was looking at me, longingly, face serious yet calm.

“Thank you,” I simply said, placing my hand on his warm cheek. “I never thought I would find someone like you, who wears sexy suspenders and can make me go from crying to smiling in a second. I don’t know what I would do without you now.”

I snuggled closer to him, he wrapped me in his arms tights.

He sighed, “Ahh, fate.”

“Destiny,” I added.

I rolled on top of him, “Crazy love,” I breathed. We looked into each other’s eyes, I saw nothing but honesty and passion.

“I love your eyes,” he smiled.

“I love… your nose,” I giggled, kissing it.

“I love, your lips,” he smirked.

“I love your lips. He laughed a bit before crushing his lips to mine, like he’s wanted to all night. He kissed me like it was the last time he could, like time wasn’t waiting for him. I felt down his chest, stopping at his belt, and then quickly ran my fingers back up to his face.

“You’re such… a tease!” he laughed between kisses. “But I guess I still love you!”

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