Chapter 1: A maiden's heart part I

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I wandered around the castle observing my surroundings, when I came near Yona-chan's room. I saw King Il talking to some of the servant.

"I'm so sorry, your majesty. No matter how much I tried, Hime-sama won't wake up." The female servant apologized while bowing.

"Ah, what a shame. It looks like she won't be attending the celebration ceremony." King Il exclaimed.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Would you mind if I try, King Il?" He shook his head before saying, "Not at all."

I quickly slid the door open and stood beside a sleeping Yona. I then shouted trying to fake excitement. "Yona-chan! Soo-Won just arrived and he's waiting outside your room!"

She quickly sprung up with a priceless expression. "Soo-Won?! Where?! I need to get ready!" I kept a straight face for as long as I could before cracking up.

"Bwahahahahahhaha.. you- haha, should have-hahaha.. seen your face..." I try to say in between laughters.

She then threw a pillow at my face. "That was a cheap trick!" She yelled at me.

"Tehe, gomen, gomen." I said while sticking my tongue and tilting my head to the side.

"Well, he is arriving today. Don't you think you should dress up?" I say while winking at her and poking her arm with my elbow, she blushed and turned away.

The servants then came in and helped Yona get ready. She was determined to look her best for her beloved Soo-Won. I just sat down and stared at her yawning every couple of minutes.

King Il just walked in, 'it seems that the ceremony already ended.' I thought. I stood and bowed to him, then went to Hak's side.

"Ne.. Father, isn't my hair weird?" Yona-chan asked .

"Of course not, your beauty shines more than any gem-" "yes! And my face. I think I was born with a cute face, but why is this hair so red? It makes me look weird! " Yona kept on whining. 'Seriously?' I thought as I sweat dropped. I've always loved Yona-chan's crimson red hair and I never understood why she didn't like it.

"That's not ture. Isn't that right, Kira, Hak?" King Il spoke.

"Yona-chan's hair is beautiful, if I were her I would worry about other things~" I teased. "Yes, King Il. Who would dare to say that Hime-sama's hair looks weird? If anything was wrong, it would be her brain."

"Shut up you two!" Yona angrily yelled, while throwing everything in sight towards us. I just hid behind Hak as he stopped the hits. "Father! Do something about these annoying freaks!" She complained.

"Well, well, they're your childhood friends. And two of the generals who protect this castle-" King Il tried to calm her down but she interrupted saying, "I don't care about that. If you need guards, then pick someone more cute!" She then threw a tea cup at Hak to which he caught.

"Speaking of cute.. Don't you think you should make yourself more cute?" Hak asked Yona-chan.


"It seems that Soo-Won-sama has arrived." He replied. 'Here we go.'
I giggled.

"Y-you should've said so sooner." She then ran out of the room.

"Soo-Won? Is that why she was worried about her hair? Why now, though?" King Il asked.

"It must be what you call a 'maiden's heart'." Hak commented. I pat his back and say "Taihen soudane ~ (it must be tough)." An irk mark appeared on his face. "Die." He said while glaring at me.

"Meanie!"I stuck out my tongue at him, I then walked out the room with both my hands behind my head.


Meanwhile, Yona was conversing with Soo-Won. He patted her head like a little girl, she blushed then spoke."T-this time, you're staying longer right?"

"Of course,! I've come to celebrate your birthday that is a week from now." He replied ecstatically. "Great. You're turning 16 years old~ You've grown up." He continued while patting her head once more.

"So, where are King Il, Hak ...and Kira?" He asked , blushing slightly while mentioning her name but Yona was too dense to notice. "I must greet them." He stated as he ran off.

'He treats my like a child, like a child, like a child!' Yona thought.

As Soo-Won was running off to greet the King and his two childhood friends, he made a turn to the right and bumped into someone. Losing his balance, he fell on top of the figure. When he looked up, mesmerizing emerald green colored orbs caught his attention.

"Kira..." he muttered. Their faces were only inches apart, his heart started fluttering rapidly.

"Oisashiburi (long time no see), Soo-Won." She gave him a closed eye smile, making his his face turn red. He kept on staring at her not moving a muscle. "Ano ... shouldn't you get up?" He realized their position and immediately got up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "it's okay." She interrupted, dusting off hee clothes. "By the way, did you see Yona-chan? She was looking for you."

"Yes. I was just talking to her." He replied.

"I see."

"It's been a while, Soo-Won." King Il approached the two. "Ah. yes, It has been while." Soo-Won said.

"How have you been?" He asked while smiling at his nephew. "I've been well." He returned the smile.

"Well, I'll go look for Yona-chan." Kira bowed to the King before walking off. "See you later, Soo-Won ~" she chirped while smiling. The slightly older boy just smiled back at her.

That was the first chapter! I really got excited after the prologue so here it is! (///▽///)

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