Chapter 8: Pressured

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This chapter is dedicated to @CrystalArclight
Thank you so much for the continuous votes and comments! (///▽///)
Sorry I haven't done this sooner... ( ¯ ▽ ¯;)



The following day, Kira had awoken early and decided to check up on Yona, who was still in deep slumber.

After that, she started walking around the hometown she hadn't visited in 3 years. She stopped in her tracks when she heard someone call her. "Kira-sama!" When she turned around, she found an older lady she knew, standing in the doorway of her house. "Good morning." She greeted as she walked up to the older lady.

"Good morning, Kira-sama. You're up early, aren't you?" The older lady questioned. "Yes, I wanted to take a walk around. It's been a while, after all." Kira replied. The black haired female's nose caught a 'heavenly' smell emitting from the house. Her stomach started to growl as she started to drool. The older lady didn't leave this unnoticed, so she walked inside her home and returned almost immediately, carrying loafs of bread. "Please, help yourself." Kira nodded as her eyes sparkled, she started to eat the bread in an enormous amount of spead, leaving the older lady amazed at her inhuman appetite.
The younger female burped loudly after finishing her meal. "Thank you for the food!" She bowed before running off.

Kira stopped wandering after a while, and laid against a tree, starting to drift in her thoughts.

'Soo-Won had probably called a meeting of the five tribes to get all of the tribes' approval to be crowned as the new King of Kouka... But he'd need Jii-chan's approval as well.' She thought and she gritted her teeth. 'We can't stay here for long. If we do-' Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard two familiar voices.

"We're here. We wash clothes in the river." Hak said as he placed the clothes on the table near the river. 'Is Yona-chan really going to do the laundry?' Kira was quite taken a back. "The river is the wind tribe's life, so be careful with-" "Hak, I can't." Yona interrupted. 'I thought so.. well, I'm in no position to judge.' Kira sweat dropped.

"You haven't done anything." Hak commented as he walked up to her. "But..." Yona started, staring at the now dried up river. Hak's eyes widened at the sight. "The river's dried up..."

Kira quickly stood up and ran to their side, she clenched her fist with anger filling her eyes. "Just as I expected..." She mumbled.

Shortly after, people started gathering around the river.

"There's no water in the river." They started freaking out.

"Calm down!" Hak ordered. "We're sending Han-Dae to check the conditions upriver."

"Young lord, this isn't the time to be so leisurely!" One of the wind tribe members commented.

"Making a fuss won't fix anything." Hak replied.

"Besides, for now we can buy water from the merchants." Kira added. Hak nodded, "They should have enough reserves to see us through the current situation."

"Elder Mundok has returned!" Someone yelled. Kira turned around and saw her grandfather hugging Yona, standing next to Hak. She ran up to them before yelling. "Jii-chan!" She hugged him. "Kira-tan!" He hugged her back, they let go and he patted her head. "You've done well, protecting Hime-sama."

Kira smiled while nodding, "It's my pleasure!" Mundok returned the smile.

"Nii-chan! Nee-chan!" Tae-Yeon called. "Han-Dae is back." Tae-Woo announced.

The hidden Dragon: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the dawn) fan fiction [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now