Special Chapter

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Hi :3

This is a special Chapter about what it would be like if Kira would develop a romantic relationship with.... *Drum roll* Soo-Won! XD It's also irrelevant to the development of the plot so far, so be ready :3 i.e. this absolutely has nothing to do with the actual story.

Kind of like this is what would've happened in an alternate universe.

PS This special takes place after the events of "Chapter 27 : Proposal Part II", so basically right after Kira kissing Soo-Won to get rid of General Geun-Tae.

Reminder: Kira is 15 and Soo-Won is 16 years old in this flashback.


'Since when did I start liking Kira? Even I can't tell... Ever since we were younger, I've always loved her. How strong and cool she is. She had those eyes that knew nothing about words such as suspect and doubt..

And when she looks straight at me and smiles... That's when I think she's the cutest.

To me, you're more precious than anyone else.'

Soo-Won shifted in his sleep, gradually regaining consciousness. It had been 3 days after the Geun-Tae incident. The dark blond male had a fever that recently subsided, the said male fluttered his eyes open.

"Ah! You woke up." A feminine voice said in relief as Soo-Won got up into a seating position. He was in the room that he would always stay in while visiting Hiryū castle.

"Ki..ra.." Soo-Won hesitantly muttered as he gazed at the girl who was kneeling next to his futon. She looked anxious and absolutely worried for the male. The moment of his and Kira's lips meeting flashed in his mind. And then he realized. They had kissed...

"Soo-Won, are you okay now? You've had a fever for a long time." Kira asked, slightly clenching her fists. Her and Yona stayed by his side for the past three days. She was feeling guilty about what she had done. The black haired female was now even more worried for Soo-Won now that his became face crimson red and looked like he was in a daze.

Placing his hand over his mouth, Soo-Won looked away from the person who made his heart beat so quickly. "Ah.. I'm fine..!" He mumbled, his palm muffling his quivering voice.

"But your face is beet red." The younger female argued, she attempted to to place her palm on Soo-Won's forehead, to check his temperature. His eyes widened when he saw Kira leaning forward and closing the distance between them. He was so shocked that out of reflex, he backed away from her.

Kira flinched when she saw his reaction. "Oh, sorry. I just wanted to check your temperature." She said, looking down.

"Ahaha, I see." Soo-Won nervously chuckled, still fidgeting.

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