Chapter 39: I wouldn't Know

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"Good morning!" Kira chirped energetically as she got out of the tent alongside Yona. The redhead smiled and greeted Yoon who had his chin cupped by his forefinger and thumb. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"It's a little chilly this morning." Yona commented, sitting beside the handsome genius to warm herself by the fire. Kira sat beside her. Looking around, she spotted the Seiryū trembling as he hugged his knees to his chest. "Are you cold, too, Shin-Ah?" The black haired girl asked. Almost out of nowhere, Zeno pushed Shin-Ah forcefully, making The Blue Dragon face plant on the floor. "So Seiryù is sensitive to the cold?" He asked, grinning widely. "You need to push against others when you're cold!" He stated in a matter of fact. Just when the Blue Dragon got up, Zeno ran to him and pushed him again, yelling "If you cry you lose!" Getting into it, Shin-Ah dashed towards Zeno visibly intending to play along. "AAHHH!" Zeno yelled enthusiastically as the two tumbled on the ground.

"The young ones sure are energetic." Jae-ha gleefully commented. "It looks like fun! I'm joining them!" Kira excitedly declared, but before she could run off, the Ryokuryū placed his hands on her shoulders, stilling her in place. "How about I show you how adults haggle around to become warmer? Especially at night.." He seductively offered, a perverted smirk on his lips. Not minding his innuendo,(not actually comprehending it)Kira mindlessly shook her head. "No thanks, the tent we sleep in is really warm!" She smiled in her usual childishness way.

"Besides, Yoon sleeps with us and for some reason his body is really toasty!" Poor Yoon chocked on his own spit and became a blushing, coughing mess. (If only she knew why he's always flushed while sleeping next to her) The two females ran to the strawberry blond's aid, offering him some water.

The Green Dragon would have teased Yoon, but instead he playfully clicked his tongue. "Hak-" Jae-ha started, catching the Raijū's attention. "How come Yoon-kun gets to sleep in the tent with Kira-chan and Yona-chan?!" He yelled out tears pouring out of his eyes. "Gah! I'm jealous!"

Yoon has had enough with the annoying group. "Be quiet, you animals!" He shouted. His demanding tone made all of them freeze.

"What a scary boy." The Ouryū whispered to Hak.

"The self-proclaimed pretty boy has more right to speak than the rest of us." Hak stated, reminding them of the fact that if they wanted good food, they'd have to do as he says. "That's right." Kira nodded vigorously.

"Our first goal has been reached. We've gathered the Four Dragons." With Yoon's statement, the group began clapping and cheering. "Now...There's still one thing that's been on my mind." Yoon interrupted their clapping session. They all turned to him, waiting for him to explain.

"It's Ik-Soo's prophecy." Yoon continued. Kira giggled, covering her mouth as she cooed. "Do you miss him that much?"

"It's not that!" Yoon irritably said, a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks.

Time skip >>>

"So this priest of yours lives here? Yoon-kun, did you once live here?" Jae-ha asked, as the group walked through a valley on their way to Ik-Soo's home.

"Yeah." Yoon nodded, his eyes sparkling a bit from excitement. "It hasn't been that long, but it feels like I've been gone for years." He added, smiling.

Kira grinned widely, closing her eyes. "To me, it feels like it was only yesterday when I jumped off that cliff." She sighed dreamily as she reminisced about following Hak and Yona when they fell from that steep cliff. Most of her comrades sweat dropped.

"Ik-Soo, we're back!" Yoon declared, opening the door to the priest's house. The strawberry blond's eyes widened when he saw that the interior of the home he grew up in, was in shambles. "What is this?" He muttered. Both Kira and Yona gasped at the sight. When he looked in closely, he saw Ik-Soo's body sprawled on the wooden floor, his face covered in blood. Without a second thought, Yoon ran to his aid. "Ik-Soo! Why?" Yoon asked, lightly placing his hand on the semi-conscious blond.

The hidden Dragon: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the dawn) fan fiction [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now