Chapter 16: What lies ahead

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This chapter is dedicated to @MidnightCrier
Thank you so much for votes and comments! ♡_♡



"I've been waiting for your medicine." A merchant spoke as he received a bag of herbs from Yoon who nodded. "Sir, do you have any rice?" Yoon asked the older man. "Sure." He answered.

"But it's rare to see you traveling with someone." He glanced behind Yoon and his eyes were curiously focused on Hak, who was standing beside me. "Who's the big guy?" He inquired, not noticing me one bit. I've always had a weak presence.

"I'm a fellow merchant." Hak answered in Yoon's stead as he slightly raised the farmer's hat he's wearing with one hand, and another one holding Yona-chan down on his shoulder. We had agreed that it'd be safer for her to hide in a bag whenever someone passes by or when we enter a village. Although she didn't seem to be fond of the idea.. "We have business near the border." My older brother continued. The man then went on his wagon and rode away, saying his farewells.

After our encounter with the merchant, Yona-chan was visibly upset with us, but mainly Hak. 'Serves him right.' I smiled as I watched him annoy her even further.

"Princess..." He called for her as she marches ahead of us, not speaking.

"Princess!" She still kept on ignoring him. "What are you so upset about? Because I stuffed you in a bag and carried you? Because Kira lied to you and said there was clothes in the bag?" 'Well I'll admit, that was a low move of me to use Yona-chan's weakness.' I sighed as I remembered how easy it was to trick her.

"Because I took advantage of you being in a bag to put my hands all over you?" He asked as he scratched the back of his head. She clutched her fists.

"All of it!" Yona-chan looked really angered with him and started to punch his chest. "How should I punish you for that?!" She yelled as Hak jumped on a tree branch to get away from her. "Yona-chan, here. Take this." I said as I handed her my Katana. She gladly accepted it and began to unsheath it. "Idiot Kira! Don't give her that!" I started whistling, ignoring Hak's pleads for help.

"I was afraid we'd be discovered. My heart was pounding." I heard Yoon say as a bead of sweat formed on his cheek. "Listen up, you three!" He yelled, grabbing our attention.

"A red haired princess." He pointed at Yona-chan using his index finger. He looked at Hak and pointed at him. "A former general and beast." "It's Thunder Beast." Hak corrected. "A handsome genius." He pointed at himself then he shifted his gaze onto me. "And a ..." he started. "Well, most of us stand out, so don't draw attention." I pouted. He looked back and scolded the other two. "Plus, we're near Fire Tribe territory and it's capital city. You understand it'll be bad news if they find us, right?" He continued as we walk off. "Yes, sir." Both Yona-chan and Hak chorused.

"Still, the priest and the four dragons sure live in obnoxious places." I commented, Hak nodded in agreement. If I remember correctly the priest had said,"The warriors who inherited the dragon's blood now live and move separately. So pining their location is difficult. But one of them..." "A clan atop a mountain shrouded in mist." I mumbled to myself.

"It isn't just the capital. It's near the Kai Empire, too." Hak commented.

"I finally get to go outside, so I'm really excited to see this mysterious village." Yoon started while his bright blue eyes sparkled in excitement and his cheeks turned to a rosy color. "Once I travel across the kingdom, I'll record my personal experience!"

The hidden Dragon: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the dawn) fan fiction [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now