Chapter 18: The white dragon's village

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Walking for a while, The Phantom Samurai and the handsome genius reached a part of the forest that was shrouded with mist. "It's gotten hard to see." Kira commented as she squinted her eyes, trying to see what was in front of her. "How far do you think those two are behind?" Yoon inquired, Kira simply replied by a shrug of her shoulders, not realizing that Yoon couldn't have seen it from the fog.

"A mysterious village, shrouded in mist. It should be around here somewhere, but where is the village?" He asked while looking around, but miserably failing to see anything.

"We're getting close..." Yoon heard Kira mumble under her breath. "How could you tell?" He asked her, a bit curious. "Eh?! Uh... Just a feeling?" She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, smiling in a sheepish manner.

'What was that about?' Kira thought, frowning.

"Do you smell that?" Kira suddenly asked Yoon as she started sniffing around. "Smell what?" He inquired, staring at the female curiously. "It smells like steamed buns!" She beamed. "Huh?!"

She ignored Yoon's facepalm and started sniffing around once more, confirming the distinct odor. "Mhm! Steamed buns filled with meat! It's coming from this way!" She excitedly ran in the direction of the heavenly smell of meat buns. "H-hey! Be careful!" Yoon ran after her, trying to find her but failing due to the intense fog surrounding him.

Kira was smiling, waiting to find the delicious buns and devour it. But at that moment. Rumble. A rumbling sound came from below her feet, at the next moment, she was being pulled up by an incredible force. "What?!"

"Yoon, there's trouble!" Yoon heard Kira yell as he was desperately trying to find her. "I can't see anything! Where are you?!" He panicked.
"Here! Come quickly!" Following her voice, he ran and found the female suspended in the air. A large net had caught her, and was hanging her between the trees. She was trying to come up with a way to escape. However, not only was the space narrow, but because it was very unstable when hanging in the air, she was unable to move. "I never expected for there to be a trap set up here..." Yoon said aloud in surprise.

".... I had a bad feeling." Kira sighed. Yoon glared at her. "Then you shouldn't have run off like an idiot just because you smelt food!" He scolded, irritated by the female's actions. "Tehe, sorry about that..." She stuck her tongue out and tilted her head to the side, slightly tapping it with her fist.

Before Yoon could free Kira from the constriction of the net, a group of voices were heard repeating.

"Leave! Leave!" Yoon and Kira looked up, trying to identify the source of these voices.

"Leave this land immediately!"

"Who's there?!" Yoon frantically looked around as Kira quietly remained in the net.

The fog suddenly started to clear up, revealing several men who had silverish white hair. They were positioned on top of trees and behind bushes as they aimed their arrows at both Yoon and the confined Phantom Samurai.

"Who are you? Are you from the White Dragon's village?" The younger boy asked, trying to be as calm ss possible.

"You're familiar with our clan. All the more reason we cannot let you leave alive." An elder man who seemed to be their leader spoke. "W-wait a minute!" Yoon was about to protest, but as he began, Kira had somehow held up her Katana and removed the blade from it's sheath. The female brought the sharp cold metal and with one quick movement, sliced through the net that held her up, attempting to free herself. A smile found it's way to Yoon's lips as he watched his companion free herself, in hope that she'll get them out of this situation. But his grin faded and a look of disappointment was placed on his face as she fell to the ground with a loud thump, hitting her head on a rock and losing consciousness.

The hidden Dragon: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the dawn) fan fiction [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now